How would that relate to drinking alcohol and its sinfulness?
It's an interesting tangential issue, in my opinion. And I think dry drunks are more likely to return to a level of use that puts them out of control. It think it is because as a dry drunk they are already in a very precarious position in regard to being in control of their behavior. It's another red flag, in my opinion.
I have been to enough meetings to see the direct correlation between those people who are so caught up in their own imagined torment, that it is quite obvious they are teetering on that line. One small stumble and they are right back at that same point they left.
Another relevant tangential issue is al anon meetings. The two most important things that such meetings offer are:
1.) Many people around alcoholics have suffered much harm from the alcoholics behavior.
2.) And if they continue in that same mentality that they should blame others for their situation, they become very likely to become alcoholics themselves.