It's not a matter of the parents knowing the will of God for their child/ren better than the child/ren. It's a matter of the parents knowing their child/ren. My mother didn't arrange my marriage to my late husband. But, she introduced us, knowing that he was the kind of man I wanted to be married to. Although we were only married six years when he passed away, we never fought and were already planning our "golden years." I was only thirty and he was thirty-nine. I'm doing the same thing with my daughter. I've had a long talk with her boyfriend and know that he would treat her well. He and I don't agree theologically. But, my daughter and I don't agree theologically either. If they decided to marry, I would love it. And, my daughter would have one hurdle out of her way because I like him. She would never hear me complaining about how she married the wrong man. And, he wants to take care of his wife and future children, which is more than a lot of young men can say today.