toldailytopic: Are public school teachers paid well enough?

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Hall of Fame
I think it might be a very interesting study to see how TIMSS data sorts out according to states where union membership is high, and where it is not.

Since that test is standardized across all states, and 40 other nations, it should be a good measurement too.

I don't know what the results will be, but I have a suspicion. Would you like me to take a look, Chrys? If it shows a good correlation between results and unions, would that change your opinion at all?

I am out to destroy the democratic party and the unions that go along with it

what do you think?


Well-known member
People have a right to protest ... but what about going to homes of legislators? I'm disgusted with what is going on in Wisconsin!

To think that an organization with which our own President has an affiliation (DNC Organizing America) is encouraging teachers to lie to their employees to attend these demonstrations is appalling to me.

The liberal Democrat legislators are so quick to call Republicans obstructionists ... well what would I call these cowards who have fled the state? OBSTRUCTIONISTS!

None of my tax dollars had better go to one moment of their hotel hideout!

I have even less respect for this president and the unions than ever!
Pray that elected Republicans will be safe and will have strong support from the people who elected them.

The Tea Party has had peaceful, respectful, permitted demonstrations ... with speakers and well expressed concerns ... This hostile union crowd are showing what thugs they are... and their elected legislators, their political party, and the DNC Organizing America is behind them!!


Well-known member
without Fox we may not know this

I know.

When I compare this Wisconsin protest with the planned, scheduled, peaceful Tea Party and pro-life events I become totally disgusted.

At the Tea Party and Silent March for Life events people calmly express their feelings... Citizens go individually to the offices of their legislators to express their opinions calmly and encourage their representatives ... but these people are invading the legislative buildings in mass terrorizing legislators that don't agree with them, and I'm sure they do not have a permit to enter their capitol building to demonstrate in throngs.

To think of how liberals have been so harsh on good calm conservative people, who peacefully expressed their views in mass, then I just hope that there will be a huge out cry from citizens regarding the behavior of these people.

What a poor example the teachers of Wisconsin are setting for their students ... and what a poor example our President is setting for his followers.
Let's add an anarchist to a list of adjectives to describe some people.

I'd like to hear some suggestions from TOL-ers of how peaceful people can show their support for the elected leaders, who are trying to bring about the true CHANGES THAT ARE REQUIRED to save our county - things that would not created hostility, but be effective.

Enough for here and now ... my passion level is too high at the moment!

The Barbarian

(Barbarian asks Chrys if evidence showing good results coincide with high union membership would affect his opinion)

I am out to destroy the democratic party and the unions that go along with it

what do you think?

Just checking for the record. Some people adjust to reality, others adjust the reality.


Well-known member
Do you wonder whether all this was orchestrated and perfectly timed between the legislators that walked out and the union leaders? If so, that's really disgusting!

If so, I hope the evidence will come out for the public to see.
Brave leaders and statesmen are needed at this time when our government has become so ineffective. May peace and truth prevail over anarchy.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Do you wonder whether all this was orchestrated and perfectly timed between the legislators that walked out and the union leaders? If so, that's really disgusting!

If so, I hope the evidence will come out for the public to see.
Brave leaders and statesmen are needed at this time when our government has become so ineffective. May peace and truth prevail over anarchy.

I was disgusted long before this happened
I am just glad we have Fox reporting on this
you can't trust the other ones

The Barbarian

People have a right to protest ... but what about going to homes of legislators?

The home of one person targeted by the Tea Party had a gas line cut by vandals. Other people in a Tea Party in D.C. shouted racial slurs and spit at a black Congressman.

When people get worked up, sometimes the worst of them act like animals.

The liberal Democrat legislators are so quick to call Republicans obstructionists ... well what would I call these cowards who have fled the state? OBSTRUCTIONISTS!

Sounds like the Texas Killer Bees. Years ago, when the legislature looked about to do something foolish, a group of legislators just went absent to deny a quorum. The Speaker called them "killer bees", (this was back in the day of being terrified of "Mexican Killer Bees"). So the press started calling the ones who remained, the "worker bees."

The Speaker, who had made a deal to promote the political fortunes of another politician, went ballistic and got the DPS to agree to see and arrest the AWOL legislators and bring them back. They didn't get any real legislators, but they did arrest the brother of one, who did kinda resemble his brother. So the press then dubbed the DPS as the "Bumble Bees."

The Tea Party has had peaceful, respectful, permitted demonstrations ...

Except for the widespread problem of racist posters as well as the spitting and verbal slurs. That wasn't so good.


Well-known member
Hello Barbarian,
You wrote:
The home of one person targeted by the Tea Party had a gas line cut by vandals. Other people in a Tea Party in D.C. shouted racial slurs and spit at a black Congressman.

That whine is knocked down by the fact that conservative black Americans both attend and are key note speakers at many of the Tea Party and Pro-life events. They were never able to prove that the accusation of spitting was true - no evidence, but the liberal press did not mind sharing it as truth.

You wrote:
When people get worked up, sometimes the worst of them act like animals.

My point above was that it was a FEW among many.

You wrote:
I like legislators that stay and vote for what they believe in... not run and hide.

You wrote:
Except for the widespread problem of racist posters as well as the spitting and verbal slurs. That wasn't so good.

That was a liberal lie pushed by the liberal media.

I had personal friends to to Washington. It was they who were spit upon for simply walking down the side walk toward the rally calmly chatting. They chose to be peaceful and move on. I heard many first hand witnesses tell of what the event was really like. They were very proud that the huge crowd was well behaved and even neat and clean with their trash. I know the truth from honorable people... so you won't fool me.

I, myself have attended a number of the Tea Party events... I can attest that they are peaceful, respectful events and that people correct those within the crowd if they are offensive. The numbers at these events are larger than this Wisconsin protest ... and there are always a few nuts within large crowds. I proudly say that there have only been A VERY FEW at any event I've attended... maybe a sign or two over the edge.

Your singling out THE FEW in order to slander the many - is ridiculous.


Well-known member
The silent majority was silent too long ... maybe the radicals will be shocked with the way things have CHANGED. I hope we'll see people stand up and call them out with their lies.

I tell anyone here ... that my friends and I are first hand witnesses that the majority of the Tea Party participants are extremely peaceful ... just concerned law abiding people protesting in mass with respectful lawful events.


Well-known member
Union leaders are all about power ... and their governmental hand outs prop them up in their power. I do believe that they would destroy our government of the people and by the people in order to retain their power.

Their members are easily duped by union leaders ... due to the fact that unions have caused them become dependent upon both the union and the government for their livelihood; therefore, they are afraid of their future and duped into thinking they must lie and demonstrate.

I think that union leaders are enemies of our everyday citizens and our Democratic Republic form of government ... hopefully they will convince me other wise by their future law abiding peaceful behaviors.

The Barbarian

Barbarian observes:
The home of one person targeted by the Tea Party had a gas line cut by vandals. Other people in a Tea Party in D.C. shouted racial slurs and spit at a black Congressman.

That whine is knocked down by the fact that conservative black Americans both attend and are key note speakers at many of the Tea Party and Pro-life events.

There are police reports, documenting the vandalism targeting opponents of the tea party, and a man was taken into custody for spitting at a black congressman (who declined to press charges).

So even if some of your best friends are black, it doesn't mean that racists aren't a problem in the movement.

They were never able to prove that the accusation of spitting was true - no evidence,

The man spit on was a veteran of the Civil rights movement, and hardly one to lie. The police were convinced.

Barbarian observes:
When people get worked up, sometimes the worst of them act like animals.

My point above was that it was a FEW among many.

As I said. Don't you hate it when someone tries to paint an entire group of people for the behavior of some of them?

Barbarian observes:
Except for the widespread problem of racist posters as well as the spitting and verbal slurs. That wasn't so good.

That was a liberal lie pushed by the liberal media.

If so, Delmar is a liberal. He expressed skepticism when I originally pointed it out, investigated for himself, and acknowledged that it was the truth.

Your singling out THE FEW in order to slander the many - is ridiculous.

More precisely, it's your fabrication. As you inadverently admitted, I specifically said those things were done by the worst of the group. But truth doesn't seem to be much of a value for you.


Well-known member
Conservative Black American are cheer by Tea Party members ... I've seen it and I've done it. One of my favorite Tea Party speakers is Herman Cain ... you may be hearing more about him this year and 2012.

You are speaking of a FEW in order to slander the multitude. Your argument is WEAK to say the least.

This group of union leaders are after one thing - retaining power over their members ... and after the government money that buys them that power.

The followers are afraid ... and I heard one of them interviewed among the crowd and she admitted that she was there out of fear.

Her motive to be there has nothing to do with what is right or wrong ... or what is necessary to save the state of Wisconsin - that is so in debt that its broke ... she's afraid.
I wonder who encourage her to feel that way.

The governor has said that it is cuts ... or lay-offs ... the state is broke AND IN DEBT... and that he did not want to lay any government workers or teachers off. Years of poor leadership has gotten Wisconsin into this mess... and some people want to ignore the situation... or perhaps they just want to cause trouble for conservative leaders and are really playing politics for 2012.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Public schools are not equal. It would be better if everyone received a tax credit to choose their child's education. Private education, teachers held accountable by parents.


Well-known member
Public schools are not equal. It would be better if everyone received a tax credit to choose their child's education. Private education, teachers held accountable by parents.

I'm for that ... anything that increases individual freedom.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Did anypone read the articles I linked to? If so what did you think of it? :idunno:

No, sorry, I should. my time feels limited and I tire so easy. This is not a subject I know much about, I have an opinion, not anything more.


Well-known member
I hesitate selecting links that I'm unsure about. Don't know enough about computer safety to feel sure that my lap top is safe from viruses... and it is working so well lately.
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