To teach that people are born in sin is to teach against what Jesus taught


Well-known member
So you want the army to work for the king they aren't connected to? Too bad.

But back to my question, glorydaz:

Why would Christ NOT be the source of all power when He was given all power in heaven and in earth?

He was given all AUTHORITY, and as the ultimate Authority, He decreed the Gospel would be the very POWER OF GOD UNTO SALVATION.

Now, your question has been asked and answered at least twenty times. If you can't understand by now, you're calling Paul a liar. He is the one who tells us the Gospel is the Power of God unto Salvation.

Stop calling Paul a liar so you can add the word ONLY to a verse, while outright denying another. :nono:


Well-known member
Poor Samie has to beat this horse to death. We are all born sinners Samie and we don't get connected to Christ until we come to genuine repentance and are converted. The Holy Spirit convicts all men of sin so we are not left adrift like you suppose. Some men hear the Spirit and surrender to Christ but the majority resist and rebel and go down the broad path to destruction.

Are they forced to surrender, or do they choose to surrender?

LOL. Choice is an illusion of the weak in faith. God pulls your strings puppet girl!

Well, let's see, shall we?

It certainly looks to me like you said, "Some men hear the Spirit and surrender to Christ but the majority resist and rebel."

Surrender and resist are not choices? :dizzy:
Is that really what you're attempting to shove down this puppet girl's throat? :angel:

And, when you say further, "Choice is an illusion of the weak in faith", you're telling us what?

That you preach an illusion, and are weak in the faith?

:mock: Epoisses