Thread for tracking Michae Cadry's 11/9/2017 prophecy

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Eclectic Theosophist
Maybe you are just wrong.

I could be about anything, which is why I'm continually questioning and researching my own beliefs or assumptions. I didn't make a definitive statement, opinion or conclusion on the inquiry of Jesus prophecies....but let the inquiry about the truthfulness of the prophecies stand. The question holds.


Dear All,

I never thought I'd be posting here again, but I just wanted to mention a few things that perhaps I never did. Musterion, if you didn't know it, I prophesied about the California/Hollywood fires back in 1999 when my book was first published. It is also in my book's Seventh Edition, which was published in 2014. Either way, it was long before anything I said here.

And I want to make it clear that a Great Earthquake shall happen to California after these fires, and that earthquake, or the earthquake that happens in Phoenix, shall be the greatest since man has been on Earth. You would think that would be enough for you, but no, you have to have it all happen by Nov. 9th. Well, maybe it will and maybe it won't. I can't say, I'm not God. All I can do is give you a time frame that I come up with according to all that I know. Suffice it to say that I have relayed to you all what happened in my vision long ago. My vision didn't have ALL of the DETAILS that you want. Lo siento.

After the Great Earthquake, there shall be a Great Flood there. I believe that Hollywood/L.A. at least, and most likely even more of Southern California, shall fall into the ocean. The vision I had used the word 'sea,' but it was the Pacific Ocean. It could possibly be just some great tsunamis come over L.A., but I frankly do doubt it.

So there you have it. I have now hopefully left nothing out, and have not left anything to chance, concerning my vision. I did hear a voice say, "Come out of her, My people, that you do not receive of her plagues, which shall come in one day: death, mourning, and famine." I also saw that there were many extremely great brush fires burning before the Earthquake.

Hey, Freelight, it is good to have people like you here. You are possibly going to blossom into a Christian indeed, if you keep your heart open and willing to learn. A real, close-knit relationship with Jesus and God is of utmost importance. You will find out that, not only is God Omnipotent, but also Unfathomable. You cannot IMAGINE how very GREAT He IS!! Trust me, none of you even know the half of it yet, and I already know what you know about God, and about Jesus, even you preachers and the Pope himself. I know Him better than even they, for I have worked so extremely closely with Him for an exceedingly long time now, and it's personal between Him and me. None of you will know until later, so don't start ranting and instead, hold your peace for a change.

Well, I will go while you all probably hate what I have said here. See Rev. 11:10KJV, for it speaks volumes. Tremble in your shoes, for the Great Day of God Almighty is SO CLOSE! Some of you who put yourselves erroneously in the shoes of the 'Elect' are in for a big, rude awakening! You think you know everything, don't you? Some of you here are like vipers! Some of you here are innocent, and some are very devout and loving!! I could tell you more about what is going on in the world, that I know for a fact already, but I must keep some secrets between God and myself. So sometimes,I keep silent about certain things.

Tons Of Love, In Christ's Example,

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Well-known member
Gotta love these long goodbyes. :rotfl:

Would you like to be banned, too, Michael? It seems to be the flavour of the week.


You are presuming, presupposing my motive or agenda behind my question, while failing to attend to the question. Some believe that the words of Jesus clealy say that the end times and his second coming were to be in that very generation in which he spoke, and it does seem that what he said did not come to pass. If any prophet proclaims something, and gives the time-period of a 'generation' ( lets assume that means at least 100 years or less), and those things do not happen, what conclusion can we arrive at about the authenticity of the prophecy?

It could be that maybe the passages can be 'translated' or 'interpreted' in a way that would resolve the apparent failure of the prophecy, with a reasonable explanation ....granted that a proper exegesis can be done to the passages. Or maybe they could be concluded to be 'unfulfilled prophecies'.

I dont have a vested interest, presuppositional or 'faith-vested' stake in any passage having to be PERFECT, since I do NOT hold to a belief in biblical inerrancy, etc, to me its fine and even often probable that many passages have errors, inconsistencies, being redactions/interpolations, fictional narratives in some cases, etc. - although some passages in various books of the Bible do have inspired parts having true religious value, in accord with universal principles, having spiritual meaning, ethical import, relevance, etc. (but not total perfection or a finality of revelation, since I believe in 'progressive revelation'). I've never denied inspiration or usefulness within religious writings (enjoying studies in many different religious traditions and texts), - yet I refuse dogmatic assumptions of some doctrines like 'inerrancy', since I dont see a NEED for a religious book to be 'inerrant' to contain truth. All light that comes thru darkened glasses are 'distorted' to some degree.

At best, understanding better where I'm coming from, you can at least look at the prophecies of Jesus, and see if you can explain or resolve any paradox that might exist, with his failure to return or be SEEN by some within the generation he spoke of. Can the passages be explained? Who cares? I was just presenting the QUESTION, to inspire some research.

Passages concerned - Matthew 16: 27-28, Matthew 24: 25-34, Matthew 26: 63-64, Mark 13:26-30, Luke 21:27-32,

Dear Freelight,

It is good for you to wonder about things and seek the answers, and it is even better to Seek God, for joyful is the man or woman who does exactly that! I must tell you one simple thing about your post, amigo. The Bible's words are not in error. It is only someone interpreting them wrong that causes doubt in the words' meanings. I must admit that it does seem that, at times, some in the Bible have thought that Jesus would return sooner than He actually does or will. He has NOT Returned yet! You will definitely KNOW it when He does. Every knee shall bow and every tongue confess, that Jesus Christ is Lord! And the whole Earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the Lord God and they shall serve Him well, and bow to Him also.

I also have difficulties with some of the things written in the Bible, but only because others misinterpret them concerning the way in which they are written. Some things in the Bible are mysterious, but they are true. I'll not go into it because the time draws extremely near that things will be clarified, and the mystery of God shall be finished, as He hath declared to His servants, the prophets. See Rev. 10:7KJV. That shall happen when the 7th angel sounds. You will see when it happens and you will be alarmed and sore afraid. All of you will be quite surprised at what happens on the Earth.

None of you know what I know for a fact, and that is that many of those persons have not tasted of 'Death' yet, because they were alive when Jesus was on Earth, and their souls are now alive on Earth in a different 'body' or 'vessel.' None of the wicked shall understand, but those of you who are wise shall understand. You don't realize that souls that were alive long ago are now in different bodies. Can you understand? That is how Elias comes before Jesus' 2nd Coming, just as he did before Jesus first came on Earth and began His Life here.

So, in other words, what you might want to call 'reincarnation' is actually very true. Why else do you think that it is written in Rev. 20:5KJV, "And the rest {remainder} of the Dead did not live AGAIN until the thousand years were finished." That means that those who were alive on the Earth now will come back to life in another body in the future to live in Gog and Magog. Again, their souls have to continue living again so that they can learn what they did not learn in their lifetimes on Earth so far. We are here to learn the difference between good and evil now, and to learn to choose the Good. Just like Adam and Eve, so is the lesson that is upon this Earth right now. Can you understand? I know so many other things that I'd like to share with others here on TOL, so maybe I will stick around and share my testimony. But it seems that every time I share, I have to kick against the pricks here. In other words, it's rough to try to post here to some people, but not to others. Some understand and some don't.

Hey, you keep pondering. You're on your way, as we all are learning at our own pace's. Accept Jesus as your Savior and Older Brother, and the Son of God!!!

God's Best For You And Yours,

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Gotta love these long goodbyes. :rotfl:

Would you like to be banned, too, Michael? It seems to be the flavour of the week.

Dear glorydaz,

Yes, they are long goodbyes. I often remember things that I should share with you all, after I have left here. So I come back. What is it to you? Who died and made you God or even one of the moderators. I love Sherman and Knight extremely much and think very highly of them, but you, I can do without. You make yourself unfriendly and undesirable. Some people are kind and loving, and others are mean and argumentative. I would love to be good friends with you, but you would not.





Dear musterion,

Maybe, maybe not. God knows! What would you do with yourself if it were 30 days, or 40? I was just giving you my best estimate, because you pried me for one so very extremely much. Perhaps 20 days will be enough. We'll see. I guess you have nothing better to do than count days. What a life! God judge between me and you. Who is spending their time more wisely? Again, we'll see. Have YOU done much for God lately? I have much, indeed!

Muy Bien,



Well-known member
Dear glorydaz,

Yes, they are long goodbyes. I often remember things that I should share with you all, after I have left here. So I come back. What is it to you? Who died and made you God or even one of the moderators. I love Sherman and Knight extremely much and think very highly of them, but you, I can do without. You make yourself unfriendly and undesirable. Some people are kind and loving, and others are mean and argumentative. I would love to be good friends with you, but you would not.



Yeah, you're a touchie feelie sort of fellow aren't ya? :popcorn:

Well, this is the real world, bub, and you'd best adjust to being scoffed at when you make the claims you do.

Personally, I have NO patience for false prophets. Nor will I pretend to.


True prophets don't estimate. They need only speak as God speaks. You are thoroughly false.

Dear musterion,

I did speak as the Lord God showed me in the vision that I had many years ago. I did not see all of the minute details in the vision. If you knew what it was like to have a vision, you would understand this. And, I only estimated the time-frame that you asked me to give you as to WHEN the Lord would accomplish the earthquake. I know it WILL be done, as I saw in my vision, which WAS from the Lord God Himself. You know quite well that you pressed upon me very hard for a time when the Great Earthquake would be accomplished. You will find out that I am being truthful that it will INDEED happen direly soon. Also, when God says 'utterly burned,' He can mean 'thoroughly burned.' He doesn't necessarily have to mean 'totally' or 'completely burned.' Just letting you know that this is in regard to the Great Wildfires burning in CA.

I'm saying there will be great brush fires, a stupendous Earthquake and a Great Flood. That is Three Things, one after the other. I do not know how much longer after the fires will be the Earthquake, and how much longer again after that, will be the Deluge. What more do you want of me, dude?! Let's see you do better. Did God give you a great vision like He did for me? Well, did HE? Hey, my pastor believes me, I have tons of friends who believe me, and a family that believes me. That does it for me. You go ahead and continue in your unbelief. May the Lord help your unbelief.



Yeah, you're a touchie feelie sort of fellow aren't ya? :popcorn:

Well, this is the real world, bub, and you'd best adjust to being scoffed at when you make the claims you do.

Personally, I have NO patience for false prophets. Nor will I pretend to.

Dear glorydaz,

I don't consider myself a touchy feelie guy at all. I guess it depends upon what you mean.

I want you to be assured that I have been scoffed at by the best of them and you don't faze me one iota.

We'll see if you have no patience for true prophets either. That is what I will be proven to be. Mark my words, and see what the awesomely-near future brings.

We can agree to disagree.


Well-known member
Dear glorydaz,

I don't consider myself a touchy feelie guy at all. I guess it depends upon what you mean.

I want you to be assured that I have been scoffed at by the best of them and you don't faze me one iota.

We'll see if you have no patience for true prophets either. That is what I will be proven to be. Mark my words, and see what the awesomely-near future brings.

We can agree to disagree.

No, I'll just ignore you and maybe you'll go away. :wave:


No, I'll just ignore you and maybe you'll go away. :wave:

Can you ignore a prophet and hope he will go away? I guess you can. I wonder how you would have ignored other prophets in the past and how that would have turned out for you?

Lazy afternoon


Others can say anything they like yet condemn you for the same.

All they do is condemn themselves.

They do not care about your heart or the heart of Jesus who they misrepresent to the world.


Lazy afternoon

Can you ignore a prophet and hope he will go away? I guess you can. I wonder how you would have ignored other prophets in the past and how that would have turned out for you?

Many men who hear a word from Jesus, still often misrepresent what He says to some degree, but each person is judged as to how they hear after they seek the Lord for the truth of it for themselves.

So it is unlikely that the Lord will judge you for any mistakes in your prophecy, more than the hearers who hear nothing and want to shut down any who say anything they are certain of, even if mistaken.

The critics hear nothing, being full of their own self and not the Lords Spirit--

Rev 3:16 So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth.
Rev 3:17 Because thou sayest, I am rich, and increased with goods, and have need of nothing; and knowest not that thou art wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked:
Rev 3:18 I counsel thee to buy of me gold tried in the fire, that thou mayest be rich; and white raiment, that thou mayest be clothed, and that the shame of thy nakedness do not appear; and anoint thine eyes with eyesalve, that thou mayest see.
Rev 3:19 As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten: be zealous therefore, and repent.

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