Thread for tracking Michae Cadry's 11/9/2017 prophecy

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God's Truth

New member
Many men who hear a word from Jesus, still often misrepresent what He says to some degree, but each person is judged as to how they hear after they seek the Lord for the truth of it for themselves.

So it is unlikely that the Lord will judge you for any mistakes in your prophecy, more than the hearers who hear nothing and want to shut down any who say anything they are certain of, even if mistaken.

The critics hear nothing, being full of their own self and not the Lords Spirit--

Rev 3:16 So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth.
Rev 3:17 Because thou sayest, I am rich, and increased with goods, and have need of nothing; and knowest not that thou art wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked:
Rev 3:18 I counsel thee to buy of me gold tried in the fire, that thou mayest be rich; and white raiment, that thou mayest be clothed, and that the shame of thy nakedness do not appear; and anoint thine eyes with eyesalve, that thou mayest see.
Rev 3:19 As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten: be zealous therefore, and repent.


You just went against the Word.

God's Truth

New member
I could be about anything, which is why I'm continually questioning and researching my own beliefs or assumptions. I didn't make a definitive statement, opinion or conclusion on the inquiry of Jesus prophecies....but let the inquiry about the truthfulness of the prophecies stand. The question holds.

You question Jesus, so you are not in a good position.


Dear All,

We will see if I'm not a real prophet, now won't we all? I already positively know who I am, but talk your talk. God will bear witness of me, so I don't need to do it for myself. You see all of the apocalyptic disasters and signs around you, and you still call me the liar? What is it that you have two ears but do not hear and eyes, but you don't see? And a brain? I'm talking to a thick wall here and I don't want to talk with some of you for a while. It is fruitless, it seems. The only one here that has posted correctly and with wisdom, good spirit, and heart is Lazy Afternoon. Thank you very much for your insight and knowledge of the Spirit, LA. I'm being serious here. No one else seems to truly know the Lord God OR the Lord Jesus! A few of you here are instead like the Pharisees, who go around acting holy, and don't know the word of God from a lark in the woods. You think you do God service, but you don't know what you do. You'll find out in the End, for the time is much nearer than you think. If you only knew.

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Eclectic Theosophist
Test all things.................

Test all things.................

You question Jesus, so you are not in a good position.

I question everything :) - every seeker of truth (reality) keeps a healthy amount of skepticism, researching every idea, ideal, concept, belief, doctrine, scriptural passage, etc. Since some religious writings contain a good amount of fictional narrative, literary devices, parabolic language and metaphors, we also must consider if the words being ascribed to any given prophet are those prophets actual words or just assumed by tradition, heresay or what scribes have just put into their mouths so to speak.

Concerning the words of Jesus, as I shared....IF you have an explanation or resolve as to why he did NOT return or 'appear' to some of those living in his generation, in THAT generation, or some other way to translate/interpret such,...thats cool, but the question about the words of Jesus recorded are peculiar, since it APPEARS that he would return in his kingdom during that generation, or the generation where those things were taking place. This is just an observation.

I understand some people hold to 'biblical inerrancy', assuming the book is infallible, perfect....and even having the FINALITY of revelation. (I dont believe that since there is 'progressive revelation'). You can respect and use any religious book (letters) as an inspired text, as having some meaning and value, but when its assumed to be 'perfect' or worshipped like Deity, that belief could become an 'idol' (false god), since only the Spirit is LIFE. - see Paul on that matter ;)

Otherwise, there is so much more you can learn outside of a limited religious cult or tradition,...our planet is very rich in many religious traditions and schools of wisdom, but all if integrous draw from One Infinite SOURCE :) - hence the benefit of universal philosophy, comparitive religions, and the perennial wisdom that is woven like a golden thread in many different cultures.

'God' is One, and so LIFE is one. The Spirit Life.

God's Truth

New member
I question everything :) - every seeker of truth (reality) keeps a healthy amount of skepticism, researching every idea, ideal, concept, belief, doctrine, scriptural passage, etc. Since some religious writings contain a good amount of fictional narrative, literary devices, parabolic language and metaphors, we also must consider if the words being ascribed to any given prophet are those prophets actual words or just assumed by tradition, heresay or what scribes have just put into their mouths so to speak.

Concerning the words of Jesus, as I shared....IF you have an explanation or resolve as to why he did NOT return or 'appear' to some of those living in his generation, in THAT generation, or some other way to translate/interpret such,...thats cool, but the question about the words of Jesus recorded are peculiar, since it APPEARS that he would return in his kingdom during that generation, or the generation where those things were taking place. This is just an observation.

I understand some people hold to 'biblical inerrancy', assuming the book is infallible, perfect....and even having the FINALITY of revelation. (I dont believe that since there is 'progressive revelation'). You can respect and use any religious book (letters) as an inspired text, as having some meaning and value, but when its assumed to be 'perfect' or worshipped like Deity, that belief could become an 'idol' (false god), since only the Spirit is LIFE. - see Paul on that matter ;)

Otherwise, there is so much more you can learn outside of a limited religious cult or tradition,...our planet is very rich in many religious traditions and schools of wisdom, but all if integrous draw from One Infinite SOURCE :) - hence the benefit of universal philosophy, comparitive religions, and the perennial wisdom that is woven like a golden thread in many different cultures.

'God' is One, and so LIFE is one. The Spirit Life.

You question Jesus, and that is not good.

You also question the Holy Bible.

How about your other books you believe in? Do you question them the same way?

Your god is little and can't preserve his words.

My God is the Almighty and preserves His Word.


Eclectic Theosophist
You question Jesus, and that is not good.

Questioning anyone or anything is a healthy approach, that is...using intellectual honesty and tests for surveying the 'evidence' or 'proof' of anything.

You also question the Holy Bible.

Millions do. And my view on 'biblical inerrancy' has sufficiently been shared, with support for its logics ;)

How about your other books you believe in? Do you question them the same way?

Definitely,....see first statement.

Your god is little and can't preserve his words.

I dont assume a 'god' or a preservation of his words necessarily, since all humanity and religious traditions draw from One Universal SOURCE.

One may assume 'God' or 'gods', but such a gesture doesnt necessarily affect, modify or change reality, only one's experience of it.

My God is the Almighty and preserves His Word.

Thats a wonderful belief if you so choose to hold it, but all points of view are subject to change.

God's Truth

New member
Questioning anyone or anything is a healthy approach, that is...using intellectual honesty and tests for surveying the 'evidence' or 'proof' of anything.

Millions do. And my view on 'biblical inerrancy' has sufficiently been shared, with support for its logics ;)

Definitely,....see first statement.

I dont assume a 'god' or a preservation of his words necessarily, since all humanity and religious traditions draw from One Universal SOURCE.

One may assume 'God' or 'gods', but such a gesture doesnt necessarily affect, modify or change reality, only one's experience of it.

Thats a wonderful belief if you so choose to hold it, but all points of view are subject to change.

I have the truth and it is not like your shifting shadows. This scripture rebukes you.

Ephesians 4:14 Then we will no longer be infants, tossed back and forth by the waves, and blown here and there by every wind of teaching and by the cunning and craftiness of people in their deceitful scheming.


Eclectic Theosophist
Millions also do heroin.

Only near 1/3 of our planet's population is 'christian', with a small sliver being 'Jewish', so that still indicates more than half of the world does not hold to a belief in 'biblical inerrancy' ;)

Your 'heroin' comment is a 'red herring' :cool:


Eclectic Theosophist
I have the truth and it is not like your shifting shadows. This scripture rebukes you.

Ephesians 4:14 Then we will no longer be infants, tossed back and forth by the waves, and blown here and there by every wind of teaching and by the cunning and craftiness of people in their deceitful scheming.

I recognize a universal wisdom, which is not limited to one religious tradition, and because I do, no 'scripture' in reality rebukes me :) - now if you subscribe to a limited rigid dogmatic view of 'God', you may be quicker to pontificate and charge my view as blasphemy :)

If you're going to quote Paul, he was pretty liberal assuming his very own gospel, one based mostly on his own personal revelations, visions and allegorical interpretation of scripture. I can quote Paul as well in support of various allegorical observations and insights of 'gnosis' :)

patrick jane

Only near 1/3 of our planet's population is 'christian', with a small sliver being 'Jewish', so that still indicates more than half of the world does not hold to a belief in 'biblical inerrancy' ;)

Your 'heroin' comment is a 'red herring' :cool:
Nope, but good one


Eclectic Theosophist
Be God's holy and now.......

Be God's holy and now.......

Dear All,

We will see if I'm not a real prophet, now won't we all? I already positively know who I am, but talk your talk. God will bear witness of me, so I don't need to do it for myself. You see all of the apocalyptic disasters and signs around you, and you still call me the liar? What is it that you have two ears but do not hear and eyes, but you don't see? And a brain? I'm talking to a thick wall here and I don't want to talk with some of you for a while. It is fruitless, it seems. The only one here that has posted correctly and with wisdom, good spirit, and heart is Lazy Afternoon. Thank you very much for your insight and knowledge of the Spirit, LA. I'm being serious here. No one else seems to truly know the Lord God OR the Lord Jesus! A few of you here are instead like the Pharisees, who go around acting holy, and don't know the word of God from a lark in the woods. You think you do God service, but you don't know what you do. You'll find out in the End, for the time is much nearer than you think. If you only knew.


In the end, all that matters is our own integrity, state of conscience, inner peace, and how we treat others (for the law of karma is universal ; we are the choosers of our own retardation or progress)....learning, growing and aspiring to do God's will, this life and in all lives.

Space and time are but relative markers or relational points we experience within the eternal.

Shekinah Blessings :)

God's Truth

New member
I recognize a universal wisdom, which is not limited to one religious tradition, and because I do, no 'scripture' in reality rebukes me :) - now if you subscribe to a limited rigid dogmatic view of 'God', you may be quicker to pontificate and charge my view as blasphemy :)

If you're going to quote Paul, he was pretty liberal assuming his very own gospel, one based mostly on his own personal revelations, visions and allegorical interpretation of scripture. I can quote Paul as well in support of various allegorical observations and insights of 'gnosis' :)

What you say about Paul is not true.


In the end, all that matters is our own integrity, state of conscience, inner peace, and how we treat others (for the law of karma is universal ; we are the choosers of our own retardation or progress)....learning, growing and aspiring to do God's will, this life and in all lives.

Space and time are but relative markers or relational points we experience within the eternal.

Shekinah Blessings :)

Dear freelight,

You're starting to trail off the deep end again, good friend. The only thing that matters is what God Thinks, Wants, and His Will for Himself and His Son, and those in Heaven, and those of us on Earth. Not our integrity or any of that is near as important. A strong relationship with Christ Jesus and, of course, God the Father, is necessary for an eternal life to see fruition, freelight. I keep asking you to incorporate that into your life because it would be very nice if you'd go to Heaven this time around. It's all up to God, Jesus, and you. That is ALL whom it is up to. Don't fool yourself into anything else, especially any Shekinah Blessings.

The Bible does not err. It is the truth, through and throughout. Don't kid yourself. We can rely on that book as God's Words to us. It is just Misinterpreted too often, that is ALL. You can trust it and what is written in it, freelight. You know that I have your best interests at heart.

Much Love, As In Our Father's Feelings Towards Us,

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Eclectic Theosophist
Paul,....sifting thru the records......

Paul,....sifting thru the records......

What you say about Paul is not true.

It holds, and Im open to reform my view of Paul with continued research as with any other subject, but so far I see him as an innovator of the Jesus-story based mostly on his own vision of Jesus (who he experienced as a 'voice' and a great 'light') and his esoteric interpretation of various OT scriptures. - In his letters only a few passages even refer to a historic Jesus of flesh & blood, while most of his gospel is based on more of a Celestial Jesus...who for us becomes a life giving spirit. Paul makes no mention of many of the facts of Jesus earthly life recorded in the gospels, no virgin birth, no sayings of Jesus, etc.... except the Eucharist meal, which might actually be an original revelation of his...then imported INTO the gospels which were compiled later.

There is little if any historical evidence for the apostle Paul outside of the NT writings themselves, and it could be that the person called 'Paul' could have been another personality or 'figure' that got turned into 'Paul' in the narratives and 'interpolated' into the texts. Apollonius of Tyana...could be one of these personalities ;) - but this requires further research outside the rose coloured glassed of a traditional orthodox mindset.

God's Truth

New member
It holds, and Im open to reform my view of Paul with continued research as with any other subject, but so far I see him as an innovator of the Jesus-story based mostly on his own vision of Jesus (who he experienced as a 'voice' and a great 'light') and his esoteric interpretation of various OT scriptures. - In his letters only a few passages even refer to a historic Jesus of flesh & blood, while most of his gospel is based on more of a Celestial Jesus...who for us becomes a life giving spirit. Paul makes no mention of many of the facts of Jesus earthly life recorded in the gospels, no virgin birth, no sayings of Jesus, etc.... except the Eucharist meal, which might actually be an original revelation of his...then imported INTO the gospels which were compiled later.

There is little if any historical evidence for the apostle Paul outside of the NT writings themselves, and it could be that the person called 'Paul' could have been another personality or 'figure' that got turned into 'Paul' in the narratives and 'interpolated' into the texts. Apollonius of Tyana...could be one of these personalities ;) - but this requires further research outside the rose coloured glassed of a traditional orthodox mindset.

You speak against the truth; therefore, you will never have it, until you repent.


Eclectic Theosophist
omnipresent ONE.......

omnipresent ONE.......

Dear freelight,

You're starting to trail off the deep end again, good friend.

:) - I cant 'trail off any deep end'....but into the INFINITE itself :) - There is nowhere I could go to get beyond 'God', as there is nothing outside of 'God'.

The only thing that matters is what God Thinks, Wants, and His Will for Himself and His Son, and those in Heaven, and those of us on Earth. Not our integrity or any of that is near as important. A strong relationship with Christ Jesus and, of course, God the Father, is necessary for an eternal life to see fruition, freelight. I keep asking you to incorporate that into your life because it would be very nice if you'd go to Heaven this time around. It's all up to God, Jesus, and you. That is ALL whom it is up to.

My former obervations, just words representing certain perspectives, still holds. Consciousness itself is the only reality-context,...all else are but ideas, images, appearances and beliefs...arising in Consciousness. - this truth is both 'essential' and 'apparent' ;)

Don't fool yourself into anything else, especially any Shekinah Blessings.

I honor all aspects of 'God' and this includes the 'feminine' aspects of 'God' as well, since to honor 'God' fully, MUST include honoring that SOURCE that Man derives from, being made FROM that same 'image' and 'likeness', the full totality of BOTH genders is sourced from DEITY. - this makes 'God' of a bi-une constitution, at least that aspect FROM which MAN was fashioned. - and this truth, within its own context, most definitely holds. - remember that commandment to honor your 'father' AND 'mother'? - consider the source. Man is derived from 'God', and Man is a composite whole of 2 gender qualities and form. - basic metaphysics.

Femine aspects of 'God' as divine 'Mother' are represented by the Holy Spirit, Sophia (divine wisdom) and the 'Shekinah'. See my blog post portal 'Deity and Gender' here (important if intersted to read linked posts as well) - since I do respect Deity, I cannot help but recognize and RELATE to 'God' in both personal and transpersonal ways, as our divine Parent...and MORE.

The Bible does not err. It is the truth, through and throughout. Don't kid yourself. We can rely on that book as God's Words to us. It is just Misinterpreted too often, that is ALL. You can trust it and what is written in it, freelight. You know that I have your best interests at heart.

I do not hold to 'biblical inerrancy' or its necessity, as explained elsewhere. The Bible ca be appreciated for being inspired more or less, but every book is different and may have different degrees of correctness and error in them. Only Deity is to be worshiped as THE SOURCE of all, not a book or collection of letters. "the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life" (see....I quote Paul where such applies).

Much Love, As In Our Father's Feelings Towards Us,


Aumen :)

The Father certainly knows all that are His...being the Father of all.

I am No-thing and every-thing :) - these are but words, only...where they point the mind is what matters, and the Spirit, you are FREE. - I've chimed in here just for the FUN of it, somewhat in the defense of opposition to your prophetic mantle, but I address different points on the subject at hand, for one's consideration. So be it.
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