Thread for tracking Michae Cadry's 11/9/2017 prophecy

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Eclectic Theosophist
You speak against the truth; therefore, you will never have it, until you repent.

Have you researched on Paul outside of your own private reading of the NT? It might help broaden your horizons :)

I'll repent as the need arises, for such is a form of 'renewing the mind', 'changing one's perspective', 'having another view' 're-assessing' things. Have you looked into repenting as well? :) - its good to always be repenting as needed.

God's Truth

New member
Have you researched on Paul outside of your own private reading of the NT? It might help broaden your horizons :)

I'll repent as the need arises, for such is a form of 'renewing the mind', 'changing one's perspective', 'having another view' 're-assessing' things. Have you looked into repenting as well? :) - its good to always be repenting as needed.

I have Paul's writings in the Holy Bible.

You are just tossed around without the truth.


:) - I cant 'trail off any deep end'....but into the INFINITE itself :) - There is nowhere I could go to get beyond 'God', as there is nothing outside of 'God'.

My former obervations, just words representing certain perspectives, still holds. Consciousness itself is the only reality-context,...all else are but ideas, images, appearances and beliefs...arising in Consciousness. - this truth is both 'essential' and 'apparent' ;)

I honor all aspects of 'God' and this includes the 'feminine' aspects of 'God' as well, since to honor 'God' fully, MUST include honoring that SOURCE that Man derives from, being made FROM that same 'image' and 'likeness', the full totality of BOTH genders is sourced from DEITY. - this makes 'God' of a bi-une constitution, at least that aspect FROM which MAN was fashioned. - and this truth, within its own context, most definitely holds. - remember that commandment to honor your 'father' AND 'mother'? - consider the source. Man is derived from 'God', and Man is a composite whole of 2 gender qualities and form. - basic metaphysics.

Femine aspects of 'God' as divine 'Mother' are represented by the Holy Spirit, Sophia (divine wisdom) and the 'Shekinah'. See my blog post portal 'Deity and Gender' here (important if intersted to read linked posts as well) - since I do respect Deity, I cannot help but recognize and RELATE to 'God' in both personal and transpersonal ways, as our divine Parent...and MORE.

I do not hold to 'biblical inerrancy' or its necessity, as explained elsewhere. The Bible ca be appreciated for being inspired more or less, but every book is different and may have different degrees of correctness and error in them. Only Deity is to be worshiped as THE SOURCE of all, not a book or collection of letters. "the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life" (see....I quote Paul where such applies).

Aumen :)

The Father certainly knows all that are His...being the Father of all.

I am No-thing and every-thing :) - these are but words, only...where they point the mind is what matters, and the Spirit, you are FREE. - I've chimed in here just for the FUN of it, somewhat in the defense of opposition to your prophetic mantle, but I address different points on the subject at hand, for one's consideration. So be it.

O, freelight,

You speak eloquent words that are just that: words. Baseless, pointless, impertinent phrases that go nowhere. It is of no use to try to tell you anything, for you will just try to counter it with derogatory ramblings about the true writings within the Bible, which ought not be tampered with or harshly spoken against, for what you don't realize is that they are very HOLY and should not be irreverently trifled with. Freelight, in other words, you don't know what you are talking about concerning true writings that Jesus and the prophets, and disciples/apostles left us to guide us. You seem to think that they are just words and that there is no POWER in them, and yet there is. The words are for those who have FAITH, and those who TRUST in them. I don't know what else to tell you. You always find some way to weasel out of what I am trying to tell you in the first place, like this is some kind of contest or something. I only care about your soul, not whether one of us wins a war of words.

I formally give up trying to tell you anything. You know that I care deeply about your welfare and your friendship, and I don't know what else to do. This isn't a contest of words, it is a spiritual war for your soul. Please try to understand. I've known you since I FIRST came to TOL!

Because I Care, In Christ's Example,

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You know what I already think of you, musterion, and I certainly don't care what you think of me in the slightest. God will judge me, not YOU! Freelight will think just fine about me. I'm sure it will be better than you ever have. I have peace in knowing that, even if my prediction is a little late, it will still HAPPEN soon thereafter. I will grin widely after you've laughed because it didn't happen on your special day. Ha!! You are the one who started this rivalry with me in the first place. I had no ill feelings against you.

God Help You, Instead,

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Well-known member
You know what I already think of you, musterion, and I certainly don't care what you think of me in the slightest. God will judge me, not YOU! Freelight will think just fine about me. I'm sure it will be better than you ever have. I have peace in knowing that, even if my prediction is a little late, it will still HAPPEN soon thereafter. I will grin widely after you've laughed because it didn't happen on your special day. Ha!! You are the one who started this rivalry with me in the first place. I had no ill feelings against you.

God Help You, Instead,


You said God said November 9. There is no room for "a little after." if a 9.0 does not wipe out L.A. on the 9th, you are of the Devil, father of lies.


You are really too much! God didn't say Nov. 9th. You have it all wrong. You are the one who is of the Devil. You are a bad Christian who seeketh a sign. No sign will be given to you except 3 and 1/2 days. You'll get your surprise, don't worry! Perhaps it will be by Nov. 9th. Who knows?!

patrick jane

You are really too much! God didn't say Nov. 9th. You have it all wrong. You are the one who is of the Devil. You are a bad Christian who seeketh a sign. No sign will be given to you except 3 and 1/2 days. You'll get your surprise, don't worry! Perhaps it will be by Nov. 9th. Who knows?!


Well-known member
You are really too much! God didn't say Nov. 9th. You have it all wrong. You are the one who is of the Devil. You are a bad Christian who seeketh a sign. No sign will be given to you except 3 and 1/2 days. You'll get your surprise, don't worry! Perhaps it will be by Nov. 9th. Who knows?!

Every idle word...


Eclectic Theosophist
Freeing 'God' from binding dogmas........

Freeing 'God' from binding dogmas........

O, freelight,

You speak eloquent words that are just that: words. Baseless, pointless, impertinent phrases that go nowhere. It is of no use to try to tell you anything, for you will just try to counter it with derogatory ramblings about the true writings within the Bible, which ought not be tampered with or harshly spoken against, for what you don't realize is that they are very HOLY and should not be irreverently trifled with. Freelight, in other words, you don't know what you are talking about concerning true writings that Jesus and the prophets, and disciples/apostles left us to guide us. You seem to think that they are just words and that there is no POWER in them, and yet there is. The words are for those who have FAITH, and those who TRUST in them. I don't know what else to tell you. You always find some way to weasel out of what I am trying to tell you in the first place, like this is some kind of contest or something. I only care about your soul, not whether one of us wins a war of words.

I formally give up trying to tell you anything. You know that I care deeply about your welfare and your friendship, and I don't know what else to do. This isn't a contest of words, it is a spiritual war for your soul. Please try to understand. I've known you since I FIRST came to TOL!

Because I Care, In Christ's Example,


Infinite love and gratitude always returned :)

What is shared always stands, unless there is a particular point, view or perspective you would like discuss, debate or EXPAND upon.

If anyone who knows me, I dont WAR with 'words',...but do enjoy 'creative dialogue' using words to explore, exposit and expound upon various points, - its a joy and an ART ;)

One of the main problems is some are just working with a narrow sliver or piece of the cosmic pie, being unaware of a greater world and cosmos (the whole pie). Some are content or satisfied with the little piece. However,...REALITY, being universal, eternal and so much MORE.

Our 'friendship' if based on the true meaning and value of LOVE should ever hold, no matter what ideas, beliefs or points of view are shared, and as far as I'm concerned....I've shared none that are harmful, cruel or demeaning....ever. (except in perhap criticizing certain beliefs, opinions or assumptions which limit and distort one's view on 'reality' or 'God', since I do not support any system or mentality that binds the mind instead of frees it).

"He who the Son sets free, is free indeed" - but note, this is concerning one who has been born from above, of the Spirit, and has entered into his own divine sonship with God. The 'freedom' is in the very Spirit of truth itself, the true key of gnosis. - it is these keys of knowledge that some religious professors (some sribes and Pharisees) withhold from their students, that Jesus came to give us freely. The Cosmic Christ has come to give those keys.


Eclectic Theosophist
I have Paul's writings in the Holy Bible.

You are just tossed around without the truth.

Well, about 7 of the epistles are considered to be genuinely his, the rest more or less pseudographical. Also you cant really know who Paul even was, since little historical evidence exists for him outside of his own genuine letters, and the somewhat embellished narratives done by the writer of Acts.

I dont discount the teachings of Paul that have universal and logical truths in them, figuratively speaking, but 'God' is certainly NOT limited to just some writings ascribed to Paul, let alone any other religious person or figure. I think one can learn from all, and not just from one religious cult or tradition. Humanity comprises so much more, as one ocean has many rivers.


Dear All,

My desire is to somehow impart some truths to each of you. Only God and time will show if this does happen for you. I am tired of butting heads here over and over. It is tiring and ridiculous. I only wanted to share some experiences with you. None of you have had any visions, yet you try to judge the ones I've had. Let's see what happens as a short amount of time passes. I am only trying to prepare you and build you up to be strong enough during the days of confoundment, which shall come upon you. I'm sorry for trying?

Much Love, In Christ Jesus,

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Infinite love and gratitude always returned :)

What is shared always stands, unless there is a particular point, view or perspective you would like discuss, debate or EXPAND upon.

If anyone who knows me, I dont WAR with 'words',...but do enjoy 'creative dialogue' using words to explore, exposit and expound upon various points, - its a joy and an ART ;)

One of the main problems is some are just working with a narrow sliver or piece of the cosmic pie, being unaware of a greater world and cosmos (the whole pie). Some are content or satisfied with the little piece. However,...REALITY, being universal, eternal and so much MORE.

Our 'friendship' if based on the true meaning and value of LOVE should ever hold, no matter what ideas, beliefs or points of view are shared, and as far as I'm concerned....I've shared none that are harmful, cruel or demeaning....ever. (except in perhap criticizing certain beliefs, opinions or assumptions which limit and distort one's view on 'reality' or 'God', since I do not support any system or mentality that binds the mind instead of frees it).

"He who the Son sets free, is free indeed" - but note, this is concerning one who has been born from above, of the Spirit, and has entered into his own divine sonship with God. The 'freedom' is in the very Spirit of truth itself, the true key of gnosis. - it is these keys of knowledge that some religious professors (some sribes and Pharisees) withhold from their students, that Jesus came to give us freely. The Cosmic Christ has come to give those keys.

Dear freelight,

My intent was not to hurt your feelings, but instead to be sure that you have an ongoing and close relationship with Jesus and God. That is about all that I care about, for I know that, if so, I will see you in Heaven. I am hopeful. But it is up to you. I cannot do it for you. Try to imagine that Jesus is really there and then, connect with Him as a Savior and Brother, Teacher, and King. All of the words that He left behind are intricately important for us so as to learn our way to God and to understanding & loving Him.

I am trusting that our good friendship can weather the words we speak to each other. I think it can and I know that we both try to explain our feelings and learning to each other expressly. The very best to you on your stairway and path to Heaven. I wish this to everyone here on TOL, but foremost, to you, for I have known you for so long, and feel that you deserve to be with Him and God forever and ever. Some here at TOL already have a very close relationship with Jesus and God. I wish it for you, too!

Sincerely, In Christ,


God's Truth

New member
Well, about 7 of the epistles are considered to be genuinely his, the rest more or less pseudographical. Also you cant really know who Paul even was, since little historical evidence exists for him outside of his own genuine letters, and the somewhat embellished narratives done by the writer of Acts.

I dont discount the teachings of Paul that have universal and logical truths in them, figuratively speaking, but 'God' is certainly NOT limited to just some writings ascribed to Paul, let alone any other religious person or figure. I think one can learn from all, and not just from one religious cult or tradition. Humanity comprises so much more, as one ocean has many rivers.

You are tossed back and forth by the waves.

Ephesians 4:14 Then we will no longer be infants, tossed back and forth by the waves, and blown here and there by every wind of teaching and by the cunning and craftiness of people in their deceitful scheming.

Read what Luke says.

He says he himself have carefully investigated everything from the beginning and wrote an orderly account of everything. He was with Jesus from the beginning.

Luke 1:1-4 Many have undertaken to draw up an account of the things that have been fulfilled among us, just as they were handed down to us by those who from the first were eyewitnesses and servants of the word. Therefore, since I myself have carefully investigated everything from the beginning, it seemed good also to me to write an orderly account for you, most excellent Theophilus, so that you may know the certainty of the things you have been taught.

Read what John says.

He says there are things not recorded in the book he wrote, but what is written is so that one may believe.

John 20:30 Jesus performed many other signs in the presence of his disciples, which are not recorded in this book. 31 But these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name.

Read what Peter says.

He says that Old Testament writings were revealed to as what they meant.

As 2 Peter 1:20-21 says. Above all, you must understand that no prophecy of Scripture came about by the prophet’s own interpretation. For prophecy never had its origin in the will of man, but men spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit.

Paul explains the same thing.

Romans 16:25-27 Now to him who is able to establish you by my gospel and the proclamation of Jesus Christ, according to the revelation of the mystery hidden for long ages past, but now revealed and made known through the prophetic writings by the command of the eternal God, so that all nations might believe and obey him–to the only wise God be glory forever through Jesus Christ! Amen.

2 Timothy 3:14 But as for you, continue in what you have learned and have become convinced of, because you know those from whom you learned, and how from infancy you have known the holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus. All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.

Scripture is the ultimate authority. Psalms 138:2 …for you have exalted above all things your name and your word.

We are warned not to do what you do.

You go to other sources about God.

You pick and choose what you want to believe and throw out the rest.

You have a different God and Jesus.

You are as the thief who didn't go through the gate.

Isaiah 8:20 To the law and to the testimony! If they do not speak according to the word, they have no light of dawn.

You just do not speak according to the word all the time.

The apostles from the New Testament received all the truth we need to guide us to eternal life. All we need to guide us to eternal life is written down in the Scriptures: John 16:13; 2 Peter 1:3; Acts 20:20, 27; Matthew 28:20; I Corinthians 14:37; 2 Timothy 3:16, 17.

God the Almighty knew exactly what would be in the Holy Bible. He is the Almighty and knows how to preserve His Word.


Dear musterion,

Guess who? I am starting to think that perhaps Nov. 9, 2017 might be too early for the Great Earthquake and Great Flood there in California. So there you have it. Does that mean I am a false prophet if it happens later in November, or December, or even as late as January?? Won't you soil your pants anyway when it does happen extremely soon?? Will it make so very much of a difference to you? Will it make me a liar and a Devil Worshiper?!! I am not worried about it at all. God will do what He will do. I am only the messenger. I can't wait to see what happens. It is just like waiting for Christmas!! Yippee!

Being The Best Trumpet Blower That I Can Possibly Be!

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