Thinking and reflecting on obeying God's commands.


Did Jesus Christ obey the law of God for everyone without exception? Yes or no? I say NO, what say you?
Jesus observed and taught the Law. He also obeyed God even to the point of death on a cross. His death was so that you can be forgiven of your sins. Not everyone will be forgiven of their sins. I know this because some will end up in the lake of fire.


Well-known member
Jesus observed and taught the Law. He also obeyed God even to the point of death on a cross. His death was so that you can be forgiven of your sins. Not everyone will be forgiven of their sins. I know this because some will end up in the lake of fire.
Look, did Jesus Christ obey the law of God for everyone without exception? Yes or no. If you cannot answer that question with yes or no, this communication between you and I is over.

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Look, did Jesus Christ obey the law of God for everyone without exception? Yes or no. If you cannot answer that question with yes or no, this communication between you and I is over.
You are asking a loaded question. No matter which way I answer you will have something else to say. It has to do with two things in your question. One, did Jesus Christ obey the law? Yes. Did He obey it for everyone (without exception)? I am not making any exceptions. It doesn't have to do with what I have done. It has to do with what He has done. Are you asking if He obeyed the law for everyone or if He died for everyone? Either question can be answered with a yes or a no. When you say without exception you reveal your question is already a weak question. You feel you have to or need to add without exception because you feel that otherwise someone might be tempted to say yes. So the answer to your question is no.

Totton Linnet

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Silver Subscriber
It is not impossible to obey God. Read what scripture says about this.

You are lying with a brazen face for you do not love the Lord thy God as the scripture says you must nor do love your neighbour as the scripture says you must.

Not only are you lying but you are preaching a lying gospel.


You are lying with a brazen face for you do not love the Lord thy God as the scripture says you must nor do love your neighbour as the scripture says you must.

Not only are you lying but you are preaching a lying gospel.
You are incorrect. Please read the Bible. Arguing with me will not help you.

Totton Linnet

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Silver Subscriber
You do not love the Lord thy God as the bible says you must....the bible says no-one is righteous, no not one

You are teaching a lying gospel


Well-known member
You are asking a loaded question. No matter which way I answer you will have something else to say. It has to do with two things in your question. One, did Jesus Christ obey the law? Yes. Did He obey it for everyone (without exception)? I am not making any exceptions. It doesn't have to do with what I have done. It has to do with what He has done. Are you asking if He obeyed the law for everyone or if He died for everyone? Either question can be answered with a yes or a no. When you say without exception you reveal your question is already a weak question. You feel you have to or need to add without exception because you feel that otherwise someone might be tempted to say yes. So the answer to your question is no.
This is the last time I am going to ask you, do you believe that Jesus Christ obeyed the law of God perfectly for all without exception? Yes or no.

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Totton Linnet

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Silver Subscriber
To love the Lord thy God with all the heart and soul and mind is the first command and no-one can or does.

If you break that command you are under a need to be saved.


You do not love the Lord thy God as the bible says you must....the bible says no-one is righteous, no not one

You are teaching a lying gospel
You are misinterpreting the scriptures. I am not saying self-righteousness will do anything for anyone. Jesus was righteous. We should be righteous. If you are not righteous something is wrong. Do you remember the content of Romans 6:1-23 NASB? Remember Ephesians 2:8-9 NASB. Without exception all people should obey God.


They break the first and most important commandment and you are no exception. You do not love God as the bible commands
You say no one does. I say some do. Do you?

No one is an exception to God's standard found in the Law.

Jesus obeyed the Law. You are saved in Him. Do you believe saved people obey God? I do.