Why are you so lost, and a jellyfish, with no spine, and such an effeminate?
So there. See how those bafflers work, blind one?
"God was patient with me, he is patient with you as well"-oatmush
Yes! He's very patient with lost people, such as yourself, but the clock is ticking, for your appointment in front of him, and His jettison of you to hell.
Rough words? Yes. The bible is a rough book, creme puff.
"Is there anyone on this website that you have not called a Christ rejector?"-oatmush
Yes-members of the body of Christ, which excludes you, Christ rejector.
Is there anyone on this website that you have not attempted to devour, wolfie, to satisfy your ravenous appetite?
"A tongue that speaks bitterly? can it also speak sweetness?What does God want to come out of our mouths? Eh?Cursing and bitterness or words of comfort and edification?"-oatmush
I treat wolves, vipers, Christ rejectors, such as yourself, as the Lord Jesus Christ, Paul....treated them. Not by holding hands, and negotiating with them.
The Master:Ye... serpents/hypocrites/vipers..

erverters/whited wall/liars...
Yes, that "bitterly" Saviour, Paul...
Clueless, not understanding when, and to whom, you speak harshly.
But thanks for checking in, creme puff.
And too bad you're lost, Christ rejector, oatmush. I've dismissed you. Take a seat.
John "House" W