Many people are saved today without ever hearing anything from Paul's epistles.
Jesus saves, not Paul.
For those not familiar with Jewish culture Paul's teachings have caused confusion and misunderstanding of what Jesus was all about.
Many people are saved today without ever hearing anything from Paul's epistles.
Jesus saves, not Paul.
That's correct.
For those not familiar with Jewish culture Paul's teachings have caused confusion and misunderstanding of what Jesus was all about.
Dispensationalism/MAD, is not a salvational issue.
Not to us, it isn't. But Tettles made it a salvation issue.
Did he ever get around to explaining what this false gospel is that Darby preached? Or was that just another lie?
You assert that one can believe that the Lord Jesus Christ's work "was not good enough," and never disavow that belief, and be saved.Yes.
Darby's false gospel sends Jews to hell.
Most Evangelical Christians/Dispensationalists/Zionist Christians don't preach the gospel of Christ to Jews because Darby taught them that God still recognizes Jews according to the flesh, and that God still has a separate plan for them.
Jerry Shugart and Right Divider claim there are three resurrections. One just for Jews.
However, you should probably stay on topic, or heir will report my post to the woodshed.
If you want to discuss Darby's false gospel, go over to the thread "MADists don't follow Paul", I'm not going to do it here.
Darby's false gospel sends Jews to hell.
The people who do not share the Gospel of grace with Jews are those who believe they've personally replaced Israel in the plans of God (we have those on TOL but they're not MAD), or "Messianic" legalists who believe some aspect of lawkeeping can save anyone today (we have those on TOL too), or those like Hagee who believe God's still dealing with Jews as Jews. OR it's those who do not witness for Christ to anyone at all (they're here as well). But it is NOT any MAD or most evangelicals who believe or do as you claim.Most Evangelical Christians/Dispensationalists/Zionist Christians don't preach the gospel of Christ to Jews because Darby taught them that God still recognizes Jews according to the flesh, and that God still has a separate plan for them.
Are you not familiar with the biblical definition of sin as the transgression of the law?
You still haven't said what this false gospel is. All you've said is what it isn't.
Darby taught exactly what God revealed through Paul: during this dispensation of grace, both Jews and Gentiles are equally lost. Neither has precedence before God. Both are in need of the Gospel of grace. What part of that is false?
The people who do not share the Gospel of grace with Jews are those who believe they've personally replaced Israel in the plans of God (we have those on TOL but they're not MAD), or "Messianic" legalists who believe some aspect of lawkeeping can save anyone today (we have those on TOL too), or those like Hagee who believe God's still dealing with Jews as Jews. OR it's those who do not witness for Christ to anyone at all (they're here as well). But is is NOT any MAD or most evangelicals who believe or do as you claim.
Tell you what: find us any professing dispensationalist ANYWHERE who says Jews today do not need to believe the Gospel of grace. I'll bet Heir won't mind if you do that for us.
Gee! I wonder if Adam considered the law before he transgressed?
I'll bet Heir won't mind if you do that for us.
Gee! I wonder if Adam considered the law before he transgressed?
Wake up!
Only two people have reported more posts to the woodshed for the month of December than heir has, and she's only two reporting's behind the person in second place.
So, I'm not going to take a chance.
God gave Adam a command not to eat the fruit of a certain tree. It's written that Adam sinned.
Only two people have reported more posts to the woodshed for the month of December than heir has, and she's only two reporting's behind the person in second place.
So, I'm not going to take a chance.
If she says it's okay, I'll bet you still won't do it. Prove me wrong.