You do realize that this statement contradicts other statements that you have posted?
I never contradict myself. It's people like you who doesn't understand the whole story. With the whole story known to you, then you can write millions of stories that all have something to do with the whole story. At one time, the prophets and saints wrote these kinds of stories but the Jews and Romans decided they didn't like those stories so they changed them and added their own ideas.
The whole story I have in me lets me know what lies were added and since I have the whole story, I don't need the Bible to preach with. God guided me to a few scriptures to use against Christians who say they are born of God but keep on sinning. I have scriptures to use against their idea they're under the law and they don't have to obey God. No saint will ever sin again.
They don't realize to be born of God, they have to be made sinless by him and receive the whole story like I have. Otherwise they're liars of their father, Satan, who is actually the power that comes from the genetic sins of the sinner's flesh.