The Trinity

The Trinity

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New member
It has been answered by me, honestly.

I will answer it a third time for you though.

He believed.

That belief was causal to the words that came out of the thiefs' mouth, rebuking the other.

Believe is causal to action.

In this case the action brought about by faith in Christ was the words the thief spoke towards the other.

As simple as it gets and truthful.

What else do you want?

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I believe today is November 19, 2017 approximately 11:00am how much doing is that?


New member
I believe today is November 19, 2017 approximately 11:00am how much doing is that?
I'm sorry; I don't understand.

Could you please rephrase the question friend?

Some references beyond quoting this post may be needed or useful as well; if you care for an accurate response anyway.

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New member
You are not speaking the truth.

That's what you do when you do not agree with God's Truth.

Jesus says to humble yourself.

EVERY SINGLE BELIEVER is going to humble before the Lord every single minute of their lives.

You said you humbled yourself.


Have you ever realized that you are going to hell in a hand basked made by yourself and you have no idea what to do about it and then someone comes along side you and tells you and show you Jesus Christ and His vicarious/completed/finished/perfect work on the Cross of Calvary and there is nothing you can do to add anything to what is already finished and because HIS WORK is completed and finished HE CAN SAVE YOU?

You, gt, are a TWISTER of God's Truth.

YOUR DOCTRINE, gt, makes me want to throw up.

Whether or not you knew Jesus said to do still did it and more importantly, Jesus teaches it.

Why DON'T YOU, gt, DO what Jesus said for you to do?
You don't even know what He told you to do.
That He said for you to do you REFUSE to do and then you, gt, boast that YOU, gt, OBEY ALL Jesus said EXACTLY as He said.

I am here to speak about God's Truth and not about things taught from demons. Satan is the prince of the air and puts thoughts into the minds of humans. You have to check your doctrine and your life carefully. You have not done that.

YOU, gt, are a TWISTER of God's Truth.

YOU, gt, are the WORST kind of a preacher of God's Truth.

You are the kind CONSTANTLY working on separating a BELIEVER from Jesus Christ and His vicarious/finished/completed/perfect on the Cross of Calvary always TWISTING God's Truth.

YOU, gt, are like the ones Jesus said this to:
But woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye shut up the kingdom of heaven against men: for ye neither go in yourselves, neither suffer ye them that are entering to go in. (Matthew 23:13).

And keep your, gt, 'you are going against me' nonsense to yourself for I will mock it to the end.


New member
Why are you so worried about what she does?

I do not worry about what GT DOES, I worry ABOUT WHAT GT SAYS for she is CONDEMNING many to hell in a hand basket with her TWISTING of God's Word.

Are we told to remove the blinders from our eyes that we might guide others after, or does it say judge all but self whom is safe regardless of action and word?

It would be nice if you, popsthebuilder, would take your blinders respecting what gt, says.
She is like the Sadducees and Pharisees of Jesus' time for gt is a TWISTER of God's Truth.

And then when the one who hears the Gospel of salvation says, 'oh, the Lord saved me', she comes back with 'oh, no He did not, for YOU did not OBEY Jesus at all, like I, gt, do' and then when someone asks her if she OBEYED this commandment of Jesus EXACTLY as she, gt, says she does, she answers, honestly, 'oh, no, I, gt, do not follow that commandment of Jesus at all'. TRANSLATION: Because when I, gt, look at all of Jesus' commandments I, gt, conclude that there is no way that those commandments of Jesus were for me, HOWEVER, I, gt, DEMAND that you, whomever you are, OBEY EXACTLY Jesus' words; otherwise I, gt, cannot profess you saved.

And please, popsthebuilder, do not come back with 'oh, no, that's not what she says', because that is exactly what she says and I do not believe she would like for me to show all her saying on the issue because then you would have to come and try to help her and only get yourself entangled on her and what she says instead of Jesus Christ and His vicarious/finished/completed/perfect work on the Cross of Calvary.

Now, if you want to defend, gt, please go ahead.


New member
I'm sorry; I don't understand.

Could you please rephrase the question friend?

Some references beyond quoting this post may be needed or useful as well; if you care for an accurate response anyway.

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You, as gt, say that BELIEVING is DOING something.

So I say now:
I believe today is November 19, 2017 approximately 11:50am how much doing is that?

I believe you present yourself here as popsthebuilder, how much doing is that?

Care to give an accurate response anyway.

God's Truth

New member
That's what you do when you do not agree with God's Truth.

Is that being wise in the Lord?

EVERY SINGLE BELIEVER is going to humble before the Lord every single minute of their lives.
That is delusional.

If you humbled yourself before you were saved then you obeyed.

Have you ever realized that you are going to hell in a hand basked made by yourself and you have no idea what to do about it and then someone comes along side you and tells you and show you Jesus Christ and His vicarious/completed/finished/perfect work on the Cross of Calvary and there is nothing you can do to add anything to what is already finished and because HIS WORK is completed and finished HE CAN SAVE YOU?

You, gt, are a TWISTER of God's Truth.

YOUR DOCTRINE, gt, makes me want to throw up.
Sounds like you are Linda Blair.

Why DON'T YOU, gt, DO what Jesus said for you to do?
You don't even know what He told you to do.
That He said for you to do you REFUSE to do and then you, gt, boast that YOU, gt, OBEY ALL Jesus said EXACTLY as He said.
Just get Jesus’ teachings and obey them, then you will be given knowledge.

YOU, gt, are a TWISTER of God's Truth.
YOU, gt, are the WORST kind of a preacher of God's Truth.

You are the kind CONSTANTLY working on separating a BELIEVER from Jesus Christ and His vicarious/finished/completed/perfect on the Cross of Calvary always TWISTING God's Truth.

YOU, gt, are like the ones Jesus said this to:
But woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye shut up the kingdom of heaven against men: for ye neither go in yourselves, neither suffer ye them that are entering to go in. (Matthew 23:13).

And keep your, gt, 'you are going against me' nonsense to yourself for I will mock it to the end.
You are steeped in falseness so much so that you can’t see that Jesus says to do something we are to do it.

God's Truth

New member
I do not worry about what GT DOES, I worry ABOUT WHAT GT SAYS for she is CONDEMNING many to hell in a hand basket with her TWISTING of God's Word.

It would be nice if you, popsthebuilder, would take your blinders respecting what gt, says.
She is like the Sadducees and Pharisees of Jesus' time for gt is a TWISTER of God's Truth.

And then when the one who hears the Gospel of salvation says, 'oh, the Lord saved me', she comes back with 'oh, no He did not, for YOU did not OBEY Jesus at all, like I, gt, do'

You speaker of untruths. I keep telling YOU THAT YOU DID OBEY and you are the one who keeps saying you did not!


New member
Is that being wise in the Lord?

ABSOLUTELY! I am simply following Jesus' example.

"You snakes! You brood of vipers!"

"You do not enter the Kingdom and you impede others from entering."

That is delusional.

In YOUR doctrine, gt.

If you humbled yourself before you were saved then you obeyed.

NO, gt, I, lifeisgood, at that moment DID NOT OBEY anything for I was not told to obey anything.

I, lifeisgood, AT THAT MOMENT was BEING SAVED by Jesus Christ and what He did at the Cross of Calvary.

YOU, gt, are a TWISTER of God's Truth and a VERY DANGEROUS one at that.

Sounds like you are Linda Blair.

At least she was honest.

Just get Jesus’ teachings and obey them, then you will be given knowledge.

Which, you, gt, have NEVER done.

Show your famous list of ALL the commandments you, gt, have OBEYED EXACTLY as you so boastfully vociferously declare.

YOU, gt, are a TWISTER of God's Truth.

Ditto. You got it.

You are steeped in falseness so much so that you can’t see that Jesus says to do something we are to do it.

So, I'll repeat myself again, YOU, gt, are a TWISTER of God's Truth and a VERY DANGEROUS one at that.


New member
You speaker of untruths. I keep telling YOU THAT YOU DID OBEY and you are the one who keeps saying you did not!

NO, gt, I, lifeisgood, AT THAT MOMENT did NOT OBEY ANYTHING for there was nothing to OBEY.

I, lifeisgood, AT THAT MOMENT was BEING SAVED by Jesus Christ and what He did at the Cross of Calvary.

You, gt, are a TWISTER of God's Truth and a very dangerous one at that.

YOUR DOCTRINE, gt, makes me want to throw up.

God's Truth

New member
ABSOLUTELY! I am simply following Jesus' example.

"You snakes! You brood of vipers!"

"You do not enter the Kingdom and you impede others from entering."

In YOUR doctrine, gt.

NO, gt, I, lifeisgood, at that moment DID NOT OBEY anything for I was not told to obey anything.

I, lifeisgood, AT THAT MOMENT was BEING SAVED by Jesus Christ and what He did at the Cross of Calvary.

YOU, gt, are a TWISTER of God's Truth and a VERY DANGEROUS one at that.

At least she was honest.

Which, you, gt, have NEVER done.

Show your famous list of ALL the commandments you, gt, have OBEYED EXACTLY as you so boastfully vociferously declare.

Ditto. You got it.

So, I'll repeat myself again, YOU, gt, are a TWISTER of God's Truth and a VERY DANGEROUS one at that.

The only thing that you did get right is say that I am dangerous.

I am dangerous to Satan and his many false doctrines.

God's Truth

New member
NO, gt, I, lifeisgood, AT THAT MOMENT did NOT OBEY ANYTHING for there was nothing to OBEY.

I, lifeisgood, AT THAT MOMENT was BEING SAVED by Jesus Christ and what He did at the Cross of Calvary.

You, gt, are a TWISTER of God's Truth and a very dangerous one at that.

YOUR DOCTRINE, gt, makes me want to throw up.

You want to throw up because you are sick, right?

I am speaking of God's Truth and you are going against Jesus' words.

Jesus says he saves those who humble themselves and repent of their sins.

You say no it is not obeying.

You are in trouble with your beliefs and I just want to help you.


New member
The only thing that you did get right is that I am dangerous.

Yes, you are dangerous, gt, because your doctrine separates people trying to enter into the Kingdom you impede their path with your false dangerous doctrine.

I am dangerous to Satan and his many false doctrines.

You are DELUSIONAL if you are doing anything to Satan's false doctrines. So DELUSIONAL that you do not even hear Jesus' "You do not enter the Kingdom and you impede others from entering."

Satan is so happy with you, gt, you have no idea, for you SEPARATE people from Jesus Christ and His vicarious/finished/completed/perfect work on the Cross of Calvary, by saying that Jesus Christ and His work was NOT SUFFICIENT because you, gt, say that you have to ADD YOUR OBEDIENCE so that God CAN SAVE YOU, just like millions through the ages have done.

So, I'll repeat myself again, YOU, gt, are a TWISTER of God's Truth and a VERY DANGEROUS one at that.


New member
You want to throw up because you are sick, right?

No, I'm sick, literally because of your false doctrine, gt.

I am speaking of God's Truth and you are going against Jesus' words.

You are TWISTING God's Truth.

Jesus says he saves those who humble themselves and repent of their sins.


You say no it is not obeying.


I believe you present yourself here as God's Truth, how much OBEYING is that?

You are in trouble with your beliefs and I just want to help you.

God forbid and protect me from your, false doctrine gt.

It will only separate me from Jesus Christ and His vicarious/finished/completed/perfect work on the Cross of Calvary and that is EXACTLY what Satan wants you to do --- separate me, lifeisgood, from Jesus Christ and His vicarious/finished/completed/perfect work on the Cross of Calvary.

I can even 'hear' the slithering from your words.

God's Truth

New member
Yes, you are dangerous, gt, because your doctrine separates people trying to enter into the Kingdom you impede their path with your false dangerous doctrine.

You are DELUSIONAL if you are doing anything to Satan's false doctrines. So DELUSIONAL that you do not even hear Jesus' "You do not enter the Kingdom and you impede others from entering."

Satan is so happy with you, gt, you have no idea, for you SEPARATE people from Jesus Christ and His vicarious/finished/completed/perfect work on the Cross of Calvary, by saying that Jesus Christ and His work was NOT SUFFICIENT because you, gt, say that you have to ADD YOUR OBEDIENCE so that God CAN SAVE YOU, just like millions through the ages have done.

So, I'll repeat myself again, YOU, gt, are a TWISTER of God's Truth and a VERY DANGEROUS one at that.

Just listen to yourself. You are the twisted one. I preach obey Jesus, and you go against me for that.

You do not even reasonably understand any circumstances. You are not reasonable when you tell anyone to disobey any one who is good and in charge. Jesus is Lord and we must obey him. That is what Jesus says.

Jesus says you will not be blessed as a disciple, as a family member and as a friend if you do not do what he says.

John 8:35 To the Jews who had believed him, Jesus said, "If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples.

Luke 11:28 He replied, "Blessed rather are those who hear the word of God and obey it."

John 13:17 Now that you know these things, you will be blessed if you do them.

Matthew 12:50 For whoever does the will of my Father in heaven is my brother and sister and mother."

John 15:14 You are my friends if you do what I command.


New member
I do not worry about what GT DOES, I worry ABOUT WHAT GT SAYS for she is CONDEMNING many to hell in a hand basket with her TWISTING of God's Word.

It would be nice if you, popsthebuilder, would take your blinders respecting what gt, says.
She is like the Sadducees and Pharisees of Jesus' time for gt is a TWISTER of God's Truth.

And then when the one who hears the Gospel of salvation says, 'oh, the Lord saved me', she comes back with 'oh, no He did not, for YOU did not OBEY Jesus at all, like I, gt, do' and then when someone asks her if she OBEYED this commandment of Jesus EXACTLY as she, gt, says she does, she answers, honestly, 'oh, no, I, gt, do not follow that commandment of Jesus at all'. TRANSLATION: Because when I, gt, look at all of Jesus' commandments I, gt, conclude that there is no way that those commandments of Jesus were for me, HOWEVER, I, gt, DEMAND that you, whomever you are, OBEY EXACTLY Jesus' words; otherwise I, gt, cannot profess you saved.

And please, popsthebuilder, do not come back with 'oh, no, that's not what she says', because that is exactly what she says and I do not believe she would like for me to show all her saying on the issue because then you would have to come and try to help her and only get yourself entangled on her and what she says instead of Jesus Christ and His vicarious/finished/completed/perfect work on the Cross of Calvary.

Now, if you want to defend, gt, please go ahead.
She just recently said you unwittingly obeyed GOD by humbling yourself....receiving the gift of salvation. That seems quite contrary to you insisting that she says you didn't obey to me.

I will defend who I will. If it were you getting unjustifiably harassed then I might defend you. But that isn't the case.

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New member
Just listen to yourself. You are the twisted one. I preach obey Jesus, and you go against me for that.

Satan is very happy with your TWISTING God's Truth.

You are not even reasonable understand any circumstances. You are not reasonable when you tell anyone to disobey any one who is good and in charge. Jesus is Lord and we must obey him. That is what Jesus says.

This is one of your libel statements (not slander) that I, lifeisgood, am saying you are not to obey Jesus.

Jesus says you will not be blessed as a disciple, as a family member and as a friend if you do not do what he says.


John 8:35 To the Jews who had believed him, Jesus said, "If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples.

Addressed to gt?

Luke 11:28 He replied, "Blessed rather are those who hear the word of God and obey it."

Why don't you OBEY Jesus, gt?
No, you, gt, do NOT obey Jesus. You have confessed so. I can go and get your confession if you want.

John 13:17 Now that you know these things, you will be blessed if you do them.

NOW THAT YOU KNOW THESE THINGS, NOT BEFORE as your false doctrine declare.

Matthew 12:50 For whoever does the will of my Father in heaven is my brother and sister and mother."


John 15:14 You are my friends if you do what I command.

Why don't you do it, gt?

YOU, gt, are a TWISTER of God's Truth and a VERY DANGEROUS one at that because you have a MIXTURE of God's Truth with your UNtruth.


New member
You, as gt, say that BELIEVING is DOING something.

So I say now:
I believe today is November 19, 2017 approximately 11:50am how much doing is that?

I believe you present yourself here as popsthebuilder, how much doing is that?

Care to give an accurate response anyway.
All I can do is hope that these things you know to be true will affect you accordingly as if you do grasp them as opposed to being a deaf dumb blind mute, which you evidently are not.

Without the belief of today being today you wouldn't keep any sort of schedule whatsoever.

Without believing my avatar or what have you is "popsthebuilder" you would most likely address me is some other manner.

I appreciate you explaining, and have answered simply and truthfully. Can we move on to more mature things of the faith now please?

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God's Truth

New member
She just recently said you unwittingly obeyed GOD by humbling yourself....receiving the gift of salvation. That seems quite contrary to you insisting that she says you didn't obey to me.

I will defend who I will. If it were you getting unjustifiably harassed then I might defend you. But that isn't the case.

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Amen to you, Popsthebuilder.


New member
Satan is very happy with your TWISTING God's Truth.

This is one of your libel statements (not slander) that I, lifeisgood, am saying you are not to obey Jesus.


Addressed to gt?

Why don't you OBEY Jesus, gt?
No, you, gt, do NOT obey Jesus. You have confessed so. I can go and get your confession if you want.

NOW THAT YOU KNOW THESE THINGS, NOT BEFORE as your false doctrine declare.


Why don't you do it, gt?

YOU, gt, are a TWISTER of God's Truth and a VERY DANGEROUS one at that because you have a MIXTURE of God's Truth with your UNtruth.
But you agreed with her points.....I don't get do you know what GOD holds her to? Is the law not written on the individual heart of the believer?

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