I do not worry about what GT DOES, I worry ABOUT WHAT GT SAYS for she is CONDEMNING many to hell in a hand basket with her TWISTING of God's Word.
It would be nice if you, popsthebuilder, would take your blinders respecting what gt, says.
She is like the Sadducees and Pharisees of Jesus' time for gt is a TWISTER of God's Truth.
And then when the one who hears the Gospel of salvation says, 'oh, the Lord saved me', she comes back with 'oh, no He did not, for YOU did not OBEY Jesus at all, like I, gt, do' and then when someone asks her if she OBEYED this commandment of Jesus EXACTLY as she, gt, says she does, she answers, honestly, 'oh, no, I, gt, do not follow that commandment of Jesus at all'. TRANSLATION: Because when I, gt, look at all of Jesus' commandments I, gt, conclude that there is no way that those commandments of Jesus were for me, HOWEVER, I, gt, DEMAND that you, whomever you are, OBEY EXACTLY Jesus' words; otherwise I, gt, cannot profess you saved.
And please, popsthebuilder, do not come back with 'oh, no, that's not what she says', because that is exactly what she says and I do not believe she would like for me to show all her saying on the issue because then you would have to come and try to help her and only get yourself entangled on her and what she says instead of Jesus Christ and His vicarious/finished/completed/perfect work on the Cross of Calvary.
Now, if you want to defend, gt, please go ahead.