The teachings of Jesus-few know them.


Your teachers don't listen to Jesus's actual teachers and actual teachings.
Jesus simply tells me I'm to treat one of them "as an heathen man and a publican" is all.

I shared 8 teachings in my OP- proves who listens to Jesus.


Hey chief, check your encyclopedia. The United States doesn't have any king. Our Constitution is about justice. God loves justice. Or, haven't you heard?

What "kingdom?" Our nation is a republic.


You should thank God for the justice that you enjoy because of our government.

Mans justice is corrupt to the core. Power corrupts in mortal men. All are kingdoms in bible terms. Its what they were referred to back then. A president is a leader of a country(kingdom) like a king is. They were all kingdoms back in bible days. It just means a country with a ruler that has armies and supporters-Rev 19 is the outcome of Rev 16 proving my points.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
I shared 8 teachings in my OP- proves who listens to Jesus.
Jesus just commands us to listen to the Church. He didn't make it difficult either His Apostles established a teaching office (1st Timothy 3:1). Those, like your teachers, who don't listen to the Church, Jesus tells me you all are "as an heathen man and a publican" to me.

You see what I mean? "as an heathen man and a publican" That's your teachers and you. To me.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
Mans justice is corrupt to the core.
Nope. There's just one justice. And God loves justice.

Do you?
Power corrupts in mortal men. All are kingdoms in bible terms.
Why don't you show that ... in the Bible.
Its what they were referred to back then.
"They," meaning, the United States? "Back then?"

Tell me what drugs you frequently use.
A president is a leader of a country(kingdom) like a king is.
Nope, you made that up.
They were all kingdoms back in bible days. It just means a country with a ruler that has armies and supporters-Rev 19 is the outcome of Rev 16 proving my points.
"Proving" lol. Your words are proving something, but it isn't what you want or think lol.


Jesus just commands us to listen to the Church. He didn't make it difficult either His Apostles established a teaching office (1st Timothy 3:1). Those, like your teachers, who don't listen to the Church, Jesus tells me you all are "as an heathen man and a publican" to me.

You see what I mean? "as an heathen man and a publican" That's your teachers and you. To me.

Jesus said to listen to his teachers, not a building. In revelation Jesus spoke to 7 congregations, not to 7 Churches-Its a mistranslated Greek to English word found in your translations. Buildings cannot hear, Congregations can.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
Jesus said to listen to his teachers, not a building. In revelation Jesus spoke to 7 congregations, not to 7 Churches-Its a mistranslated Greek to English word found in your translations. Buildings cannot hear, Congregations can.
What are your favorite recreational drugs?


Nope. There's just one justice. And God loves justice.

Do you?

Why don't you show that ... in the Bible.

"They," meaning, the United States? "Back then?"

Tell me what drugs you frequently use.

Nope, you made that up.

"Proving" lol. Your words are proving something, but it isn't what you want or think lol.

John called every govt, armies and supporters-kingdoms in Rev 16--its all he knew of countries. Rev 19 shows-the kings of the earth(world leaders) armies, rich men, poor men will be annhilated at Armageddon-It says Every kingdom on earth.
Rev 16 is about the end of these last days. My words are accurate. I dont make anything up. Kings are a countries leader here in these last days. John had no clue what a president was, he referred to them as kings of their kingdom. And rev 16 assures--with 3 inspired expressions from satans side-Every kingdom on earth will stand in opposition to Gods king Jesus at Armageddon. 3 inspired expressions hitting mortals in their hearts like 3- 9/11,s at once--99% raising up in patriotism all over the earth.
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Maybe you should try drugs.

Only fools do. Paul warned all who do drugs at Gal 5:19-21 they will not enter Gods kingdom--The word spiritism= the Greek word Pharmacia-- drug addiction is included in the reference to that word.( spiritism)

Right Divider

Body part
Trinity translations, filled with errors by the translating done from the religion that came out of Rome who did not know truth, thus held many councils to determine what was truth, sometimes headed by a pagan false god worshipping king such as Constantine was. Guess who had the final say? Many untruths came out of those councils, and was translated in, in small various ways to fit those false teachings. No other NT translating existed when the protestants translated.
There is no such thing as "Trinity translations". That's just your bias for falsehoods speaking.


The Father is God.
The Son is God.
The Holy Spirit is God.

That's just a fact.
Then why doesnt holy spirit have a personal name? Every being does. Why he is never seen on a throne as the Father and son are? Why the Father only shares things with the son and not the holy spirit? Why in important passages in NT only the Father and son are mentioned? Like at John 17:3 one must know Father and son to get eternal life but not the holy spirit-Why? Why is only theFather and son have a kingship and the holy spirit doesnt?
There is no such thing as "Trinity translations". That's just your bias for falsehood


There is no such thing as "Trinity translations". That's just your bias for falsehoods speaking.

Its all that remained when the protestants translated was Catholicism NT translating. Kept in lating until the 1100,s, then allowed to be translated to Greek then to English. No originals existed at that point of the NT.

Right Divider

Body part
Then why doesnt holy spirit have a personal name? Every being does.
False dilemma. God does not need to follow your rules.
Why he is never seen on a throne as the Father and son are? Why the Father only shares things with the son and not the holy spirit? Why in important passages in NT only the Father and son are mentioned?
More false dilemmas.
Like at John 17:3 one must know Father and son to get eternal life but not the holy spirit-Why? Why is only theFather and son have a kingship and the holy spirit doesnt?
Continued false dilemmas.

The Holy Spirit is God. That is CLEAR from scripture. Like this:

Acts 5:3-4 (AKJV/PCE)
(5:3) But Peter said, Ananias, why hath Satan filled thine heart to lie to the Holy Ghost, and to keep back [part] of the price of the land? (5:4) Whiles it remained, was it not thine own? and after it was sold, was it not in thine own power? why hast thou conceived this thing in thine heart? thou hast not lied unto men, but unto God.

Lying to the Holy Ghost is lying to God... in other words, the Holy Ghost is God.

Case closed. QED

Right Divider

Body part
Its all that remained when the protestants translated was Catholicism NT translating. Kept in lating until the 1100,s, then allowed to be translated to Greek then to English. No originals existed at that point of the NT.
There are plenty of Greek and Hebrew manuscripts that are copies of the originals.
Your story is a fairy tale.

Right Divider

Body part
@kjw47 Paul says that there is ONE LORD...

Eph 4:4-6 (AKJV/PCE)
(4:4) [There is] one body, and one Spirit, even as ye are called in one hope of your calling; (4:5) One Lord, one faith, one baptism, (4:6) One God and Father of all, who [is] above all, and through all, and in you all.

Is that the LORD GOD or the LORD JESUS CHRIST?


False dilemma. God does not need to follow your rules.

More false dilemmas.

Continued false dilemmas.

The Holy Spirit is God. That is CLEAR from scripture. Like this:

Acts 5:3-4 (AKJV/PCE)
(5:3) But Peter said, Ananias, why hath Satan filled thine heart to lie to the Holy Ghost, and to keep back [part] of the price of the land? (5:4) Whiles it remained, was it not thine own? and after it was sold, was it not in thine own power? why hast thou conceived this thing in thine heart? thou hast not lied unto men, but unto God.

Lying to the Holy Ghost is lying to God... in other words, the Holy Ghost is God.

Case closed. QED

I agree its your false dilemmas that prevent you from seeing reality. Because some man with a white collar told you the opposite.


There are plenty of Greek and Hebrew manuscripts that are copies of the originals.
Your story is a fairy tale.

Catholicism translated to latin in the 300,s ce. If Hebrews translated the NT there would be a god in the last line at John 1:1--They never served a trinity.