The teachings of Jesus-few know them.


I'm denying your teachers are teachers. Teachers are called bishops, teachers hold that office, which was established by Jesus's Apostles, back in the first century. The office is permanent, until Kingdom Come anyway. None of your teachers hold the office.

Your teachers are fakes.

I seriously doubt bishops are in any other translations besides your own. If my teachers are fakes, then how is it the teachings of Jesus back them? As all can see in my OP. And if the teachings of Jesus back my teachers where does that leave your teachers=2Cor 11:12-15


So you're a non-Trin and an enemy of our Constitution.

Any more feathers in your cap that you'd like to brag about?

I have one king, his name is Jesus. How many do you have since the bible teaches--One cannot serve 2 masters?


Jesus taught many things, even before and after His time on earth.
And there is a saying by Jesus--One cannot come to the Father except through me---That means the Father is the destination like this-John 4:22-24--Notice Jesus did not teach--Father, son and holy spirit.


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Jesus teachings and the facts of true God worship history back my teachers all the way.


There is 0 doubt in all creation about that.

There's 0 doubt that you're full of yourself.

Did you read the OP? Are you denying Jesus taught those things?

Jesus didn't teach that He wasn't God.

Every true follower of Jesus knows he teaches the Father is his God John 20:17, Rev 3:12-- showed that in my OP.

No Christian denies this. So what's your point?

Name calling is for 10 year olds, and those who have no answer to Jesus' truth.

Jesus called people names. Was Jesus a 10 year old?

Many people of God called people names. Were they also 10 year olds?

I showed already. Its not that way in the Greek lexicons--

Saying it doesn't make it so.

The true God is called HoTheos in the 2nd line at John 1:1=

"ho Theos" means "the God."

That's it. There's no other significance than that.

And what I said above stands, regarding the Granville Sharp rule as it relates to John 1:1.

The Greek doesn't support your beliefs.

The God, plain Theos to the Logos in the last line.


Clearly showing he was not called The God, but a god is correct in that scenario.


Repeating your position doesn't make it come true.

Only 1 other spot in the NT has the same-2 Cor 4:4--satan called the Theos of this system of things= god small g, the true God called Ho Theos to show the difference of what one was being called. It must be the same translating rule at both spots.

Repeating yourself won't make your position come true.

In 1822 a Greek Scholar( A. Kneeland) translated the NT -He compared Greek and English side by side in his translation to prove to the world a god was correct. 19 other translations had it correct, 3 had was divine.--All rejected by trinity clergys because the truth exposes them as false religion.

Sounds like a bunch of nonsense.

As well does a single teaching from Godsword= a house divided will not stand.

Says the one who has built his house upon sand.

If you are Catholic tell me, i will show you from Gods word they cant even understand simple bible milk. From your own translation.

I'm not Catholic. I'm non-denominational.

If my teachers are fakes, then how is it the teachings of Jesus back them? As all can see in my OP. And if the teachings of Jesus back my teachers where does that leave your teachers=2Cor 11:12-15

Just because someone says something similar to what Jesus says, and then makes a conclusion based on that, doesn't mean that Jesus' teachings back up that conclusion.


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And there is a saying by Jesus--One cannot come to the Father except through me---That means the Father is the destination like this-John 4:22-24--Notice Jesus did not teach--Father, son and holy spirit.


Right Divider

Body part
And there is a saying by Jesus--One cannot come to the Father except through me---That means the Father is the destination like this-John 4:22-24--Notice Jesus did not teach--Father, son and holy spirit.
Are you dishonest or just ignorant?

Matt 28:19 (AKJV/PCE)
(28:19) ¶ Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:

Notice that all three share a SINGLE name (i.e., authority).



There's 0 doubt that you're full of yourself.

Jesus didn't teach that He wasn't God.

No Christian denies this. So what's your point?

Jesus called people names. Was Jesus a 10 year old?

Many people of God called people names. Were they also 10 year olds?

Saying it doesn't make it so.

"ho Theos" means "the God."

That's it. There's no other significance than that.

And what I said above stands, regarding the Granville Sharp rule as it relates to John 1:1.

The Greek doesn't support your beliefs.



Repeating your position doesn't make it come true.

Repeating yourself won't make your position come true.

Sounds like a bunch of nonsense.

Says the one who has built his house upon sand.

I'm not Catholic. I'm non-denominational.

Just because someone says something similar to what Jesus says, and then makes a conclusion based on that, doesn't mean that Jesus' teachings back up that conclusion.

There's 0 doubt that you're full of yourself.

Jesus didn't teach that He wasn't God.

No Christian denies this. So what's your point?

Jesus called people names. Was Jesus a 10 year old?

Many people of God called people names. Were they also 10 year olds?

Saying it doesn't make it so.

"ho Theos" means "the God."

That's it. There's no other significance than that.

And what I said above stands, regarding the Granville Sharp rule as it relates to John 1:1.

The Greek doesn't support your beliefs.



Repeating your position doesn't make it come true.

Repeating yourself won't make your position come true.

Sounds like a bunch of nonsense.

Says the one who has built his house upon sand.

I'm not Catholic. I'm non-denominational.

Just because someone says something similar to what Jesus says, and then makes a conclusion based on that, doesn't mean that Jesus' teachings back up that conclusion.

You throw alot of words around but they have no meaning. You will find out the hard way that no trinity exists. It takes believing Jesus, i havent met a trinitarian yet that will. They believe errors over him that contradict him. Can you explain why at the first council of Nicea in 325 ce no trinity was taught or served? And Why it was added at the council of Constantinople in 381 ce? Can you explain to all Why the Israelites who served the true God way before trinity religions popped up, never served a trinity, yet served the true God?


Are you dishonest or just ignorant?

Matt 28:19 (AKJV/PCE)
(28:19) ¶ Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:

Notice that all three share a SINGLE name (i.e., authority).

That doesnt mean they have a single name. It means all are one in purpose under Gods name=YHWH(Jehovah)


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You throw alot

This is an alot.


The word you're looking for is actually two words, "a lot."

In other words, no, I don't throw alots. That's cruel.

of words around but they have no meaning.

I mean exactly what I say.

You will find out the hard way that no trinity exists.

Saying it doesn't make it so.

It takes believing Jesus,

The Jesus you believe in doesn't exist.

The Jesus of the Bible is the one that exists. He is God, the Son of God, the Creator.

I haven't met a trinitarian yet that will.

Translation: "I haven't met a trinitarian yet that will [give up his trinitarian beliefs and believe what I want him to believe]."

They believe errors over him that contradict him.

Saying it doesn't make it so.

Can you explain why at the first council of Nicea in 325 ce no trinity was taught or served?

I honestly don't care.

Again, I don't care what councils of men think.

I care what the Bible says. And the Bible doesn't say that Jesus is not God.

And Why it was added at the council of Constantinople in 381 ce?


Can you explain to all Why the Israelites who served the true God way before trinity religions popped up, never served a trinity, yet served the true God?

This is called begging the question. It's a logical fallacy.

Don't use logical fallacies to support your arguments.

That doesnt mean they have a single name. It means all are one in purpose under Gods name=YHWH(Jehovah)

It means that they all have the same authority, that being the authority of God. No one else has that authority, nor has the right to it.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
I seriously doubt bishops are in any other translations besides your own. If my teachers are fakes, then how is it the teachings of Jesus back them? As all can see in my OP. And if the teachings of Jesus back my teachers where does that leave your teachers=2Cor 11:12-15
There's an office. The office is real, objective, verifiable. Whatever your translation calls it in 1st Timothy 3:1, you can call it that if you don't like bishop.

None of your teachers hold that office. They are fakes.


The Bible teaches it, so your point is pointless.

Trinity translations, filled with errors by the translating done from the religion that came out of Rome who did not know truth, thus held many councils to determine what was truth, sometimes headed by a pagan false god worshipping king such as Constantine was. Guess who had the final say? Many untruths came out of those councils, and was translated in, in small various ways to fit those false teachings. No other NT translating existed when the protestants translated.


There's an office. The office is real, objective, verifiable. Whatever your translation calls it in 1st Timothy 3:1, you can call it that if you don't like bishop.

None of your teachers hold that office. They are fakes.

Jesus appointed my teachers. If you read John 15:20-21 it shows you why you believe as you do against the teachers Jesus appointed-- It says--Some will do or say things against the true followers on account of Jesus name( thinking they are standing for it) Why??? Because they do not know the one who sent him=Father-YHWH(Jehovah)


Me too.

See above.
Yet you represent the usa in your picture-proving you serve more than one king. Why do you think Jesus will crush that kingdom out of existence? Answer--because they stand in opposition. So why would one who serves Jesus as king, represent in their picture those in opposition to him? These are the end of the last days-This is coming-Rev 16--It says EVERY kingdom( govt, armies, supporters) will be mislead to stand in opposition to Jesus, they are now as well. They lose their positions when he comes, they dont want that.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
Jesus appointed my teachers. If you read John 15:20-21 it shows you why you believe as you do against the teachers Jesus appointed-- It says--Some will do or say things against the true followers on account of Jesus name( thinking they are standing for it) Why??? Because they do not know the one who sent him=Father-YHWH(Jehovah)
Your teachers don't listen to Jesus's actual teachers and actual teachings.
Jesus simply tells me I'm to treat one of them "as an heathen man and a publican" is all.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
Yet you represent the usa in your picture-proving you serve more than one king.
Hey chief, check your encyclopedia. The United States doesn't have any king. Our Constitution is about justice. God loves justice. Or, haven't you heard?
Why do you think Jesus will crush that kingdom out of existence?
What "kingdom?" Our nation is a republic.
Answer--because they stand in opposition. So why would one who serves Jesus as king, represent in their picture those in opposition to him? These are the end of the last days-This is coming-Rev 16--It says EVERY kingdom( govt, armies, supporters) will be mislead to stand in opposition to Jesus, they are now as well. They lose their positions when he comes, they dont want that.

You should thank God for the justice that you enjoy because of our government.