The Sound of Freedom


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Oh dear, are you back to your "no answer" bores again?
You fail to answer questions you are asked, and lie about your stonewalling against them far more often than I call you out on it.
He was answered.
Oh, I see that now:
If something is not sanctioned by the mainstream media, do you automatically assume it's not worth anything?
OK. Why do you automatically reject whatever does not agree with what the MSM have programmed you to think?

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Why? Or else what, exactly?
Things become credible when there's verifiable support for them. It's really (or shouldn't be at least) not that hard to understand.

For example, I can say with assurity that Biden is and has been president for over three years just as I could be so assured to say that Trump served four years in office from 2016-2020 until he was thankfully booted out. The evidence for both is irrefutable.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
You still don't know right from wrong. Take care.
She knows enough to kick you into touch for pathetic accusations that you could never substantiate and call you out on it. You always have been a pathetically childish little man on this forum Nick.
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