The Slaying of Reformed Theology (Calvinism)

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That's a nifty assertion about [MENTION=17195]daqq[/MENTION].

I can see it now. [MENTION=17677]Crucible[/MENTION] is sitting in front of his laptop with wads of crinkled up paper surrounding him. He has been struggling for hours to exegete scripture on his own, but he keeps reaching for commentaries. He knows his extrabiblical terms will be ridiculed by [MENTION=18375]Evil.Eye.<(I)>[/MENTION] and [MENTION=17195]daqq[/MENTION], so his frustration mounts.

He reaches into his pocket and pulls out the "secret" dice of Calvinist debate and puts the TULIP die back into his pocket. He relies solely on the debate zinger die to bring him his epic win.

It bounces around his scheming hand and upon release it strikes his empty Kentucky Fried Chicken bucket, bounces off his Bette Midler DVD box set and teeters around on edge until it clicks to a rest.

The side facing up says in Calvin's reproduced handwriting; "Slander their belief".

Yahtzee cried Crucible! Yahtzee it is!

With a sinister coyote grin, [MENTION=17677]Crucible[/MENTION] types away @-E-V... no... I don't read my bible without reformed training wheels and I darn sure ain't going to spell out that long booty name.

And so it was done... @-D-a-q-q... space... i..

And that's the story behind this quoted post.

Honest Indian

You don't know that non-trins are not Christians according to trinity believers?

It is trinity thingy. It is well known fact. Crucible is only stating what trin churches believe.


Well-known member
That's a nifty assertion about @daqq.

I can see it now. @Crucible is sitting in front of his laptop with wads of crinkled up paper surrounding him. He has been struggling for hours to exegete scripture on his own, but he keeps reaching for commentaries. He knows his extrabiblical terms will be ridiculed by @Evil.Eye.<(I)> and @daqq, so his frustration mounts.

He reaches into his pocket and pulls out the "secret" dice of Calvinist debate and puts the TULIP die back into his pocket. He relies solely on the debate zinger die to bring him his epic win.

It bounces around his scheming hand and upon release it strikes his empty Kentucky Fried Chicken bucket, bounces off his Bette Midler DVD box set and teeters around on edge until it clicks to a rest.

The side facing up says in Calvin's reproduced handwriting; "Slander their belief".

Yahtzee cried Crucible! Yahtzee it is!

With a sinister coyote grin, @Crucible types away @-E-V... no... I don't read my bible without reformed training wheels and I darn sure ain't going to spell out that long booty name.

And so it was done... @-D-a-q-q... space... i..

And that's the story behind this quoted post.

Honest Indian


Or it could just be yet another case of — Plastic Tulips in the Mind[COLOR=#Black]




Or it could just be yet another case of — Plastic Tulips in the Mind[COLOR=#Black]


[MENTION=17677]Crucible[/MENTION] goes below the Spiritual belt and receives scathing sarcasm and wit in return. I knew he'd open up another gargantuan opportunity sooner or later. So glad we waited for this one.


That is the same thing AMR said the first time we met, and the same which both he and you and your kind have said to many, many, many others who clearly love the Father and His Son, His Word, and it is exactly why your divisive unscriptural dogma of man needs to be exterminated; it is for your own good, and clearly from the results of this thread and all of the holy scripture which has refuted your dogma: it is the will of Elohim. :Nineveh:


You didn't refute anything :chuckle:

Quite frankly, this entire thread of you and EE who for some reason double quote every damn person who posts on here, is just plain rubbish.

Only in you're own warped brains have you two accomplished anything other than feed on each others tripe. You think that simply posting more scripture than another person somehow makes you right- anybody can post scripture, it doesn't mean anything if you don't have a proper theology to harmonize them.

What have you actually perpetuated on here other than a mass of arbitrary, feel-good opinions to cherry picked verses? Can you quote from Genesis to Revelation? Calvinism is in every book of the Bible.


!!!!!Evening Tally Time!!!!!

[MENTION=10685]Brother Ducky[/MENTION] is currently the last Calvinist up to bat thus far that hasn't struck out by asserting extra biblical material. He is also asserting that Love is the core principle of God. He is honestly communicating reformed doctrine and he is asserting that he is comfortable seeing the dialogue through to the end. He is patiently awaiting my next response to his post.

[MENTION=17195]daqq[/MENTION] remains the scripture warrior.

[MENTION=17677]Crucible[/MENTION] was caught saying this to himself moments ago:

[MENTION=17195]daqq[/MENTION] and [MENTION=18375]Evil.Eye.<(I)>[/MENTION] responded to [MENTION=17677]Crucible[/MENTION]'s kind post of recent with this:


Well-known member
You didn't refute anything :chuckle:

Quite frankly, this entire thread of you and EE who for some reason double quote every damn person who posts on here, is just plain rubbish.

Only in you're own warped brains have you two accomplished anything other than feed on each others tripe. You think that simply posting more scripture than another person somehow makes you right- anybody can post scripture, it doesn't mean anything if you don't have a proper theology to harmonize them.

What have you actually perpetuated on here other than a mass of arbitrary, feel-good opinions to cherry picked verses? Can you quote from Genesis to Revelation? Calvinism is in every book of the Bible.

You were not even willing to comment on LOVE when pointedly asked about it, knowing by the scripture that GOD IS LOVE, just as it was posted from the scripture. One can only assume, after all that was said to you in that post about LOVE, that what was put forth in that post must be true: there is no LOVE to be found anywhere in Calvinism and Reform doctrine. It completely ignores the fact that the scripture says GOD IS LOVE. Therefore your only option, when confronted with truth that is actually found in the scripture, is to justify yourselves by condemning those who do not agree with your own dogma and consign them to hell for not agreeing with your elitist cult of the elect, (which is also based in a complete misunderstanding of the term "elect").


You were not even willing to comment on LOVE when pointedly asked about it, knowing by the scripture that GOD IS LOVE, just as it was posted from the scripture. One can only assume, after all that was said to you in that post about LOVE, that what was put forth in that post must be true: there is no LOVE to be found anywhere in Calvinism and Reform doctrine. It completely ignores the fact that the scripture says GOD IS LOVE. Therefore your only option, when confronted with truth that is actually found in the scripture, is to justify yourselves by condemning those who do not agree with your own dogma and consign them to hell for not agreeing with your elitist cult of the elect, (which is also based in a complete misunderstanding of the term "elect").

In reference to [MENTION=17677]Crucible[/MENTION]

How could he? He's on record as justifying Heresy Murder.

Don't think for a second that I haven't marked that gem if he tries some slick stuff in the future.

Heresy was illegal because it caused civil unrest and violence. You may as well say that society is wrong for punishing crime- stop trying to use the Bible to support nonsense.



He chose those whom he would save. The others are already objects of wrath.
Can man choose to believe of his own "freewill" if he is reprobate?
If you are distinguishing between reprobate and elect here, no.

Are there people that are incapable of being saved because God deemed them reprobate and made them "objects of wrath" before they were ever born?

[MENTION=10685]Brother Ducky[/MENTION]

Note.... You said this early on.
Almost all will approach scripture with some form of lens or system. In and of itself, that is a good thing; no need to reinvent. Of course there should be the provision and desire to allow for changes as needed. It seems to me that Reformed folk have our lenses front and center with presuppositions and biases well known and both loved and hated.

I can't think of any Calvinist who would argue against your points 5 and 6. We, of course, believe that God is Love.

How is that checkmate?

You made a comment about extrabiblical commentaries earlier in reference to Puritan books...

However, because of your earlier assertion that God is Love...

I cite 1 Peter 4:8 and thus... you are fully moving forward and contending justly.
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Well-known member
You don't know that non-trins are not Christians according to trinity believers?

It is trinity thingy. It is well known fact. Crucible is only stating what trin churches believe.

It is no secret that I hold the Adoptionist view, which indeed Crucible's mother church anathematized at the second council of Constantinople when they also anathematized Origen, "the father of exegesis", who held the same view long before Crucible and his mother's legions came along. However none of that has any relevance to anything which has been posted in this thread or the thread topic. "You're not a Christian!" is nothing more than a hail Mary smoke bomb that his genos will toss into a crowded square, when the heat is on, so that they may escape under cover of the thick black smoke that comes forth from the mouth of the abyss when they speak such things in anger. Skin for skin; the natural man will do anything to save his own skin rather than change his way, alter his path, or admit that he might have been wrong about what the scripture truly says. :)


In reference to [MENTION=17677]Crucible[/MENTION]

How could he? He's on record as justifying Heresy Murder.

God put people to death for heresy.
People were put to death for it because it caused problems, it's as simple as that. You live in another age, is all- your holier than thou power play is laughable.



Which means that you are not a Christian. There's a reason it was branded heresy by, well, everybody :rotfl:

-meshak is probably the most thoroughly brainwashed heretic I have ever seen on a forum, ever

-EE is a kid

-Your a kid

Only teenagers exhibit what you two have on this thread- pretty much gave it away with the consistent double quoting.


God put people to death for heresy.
People were put to death for it because it caused problems, it's as simple as that. You live in another age, is all- your holier than thou power play is laughable.

The Pharisees had Him dead bang and blasphemed and spit on Him, and what did God do?
He turned the other cheek.

#Next false assertion?


Which means that you are not a Christian. There's a reason it was branded heresy by, well, everybody :rotfl:

-meshak is probably the most thoroughly brainwashed heretic I have ever seen on a forum, ever

-EE is a kid

-Your a kid

Only teenagers exhibit what you two have on this thread- pretty much gave it away with the consistent double quoting.

Oh no... Christ followers getting along in the name of Jesus, despite their various theological perceptions. No theological "Hitler" crafted by man's hands to define who lives and who dies?

Imagine that!

1 Cor. 1:13


Is Christ divided?
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Which means that you are not a Christian. There's a reason it was branded heresy by, well, everybody :rotfl:

-meshak is probably the most thoroughly brainwashed heretic I have ever seen on a forum, ever

-EE is a kid

-Your a kid

Only teenagers exhibit what you two have on this thread- pretty much gave it away with the consistent double quoting.

This "Kid's" Sword of scripture is sharp enough to leave you in the Spiritual ER. "Let no man despise you because of your age"

You're slipping [MENTION=17677]Crucible[/MENTION]

Pull up... Its Okay.


Well-known member
Which means that you are not a Christian. There's a reason it was branded heresy by, well, everybody :rotfl:

You are conveniently ignoring one critical little fact; which is that while your supposed mother church was anathematizing the Adoptionist view along with Origen, in the middle of the sixth century, your sect did not even yet exist and would not exist for another eight centuries, (which you yourself essentially already admitted by calling your belief system a twelve-century "whisper" that somehow died off with Augustine and rose from the dead thanks to the fathers of your sect). And when your sect did come into being it was by way of separation and refutation of your own so-called mother church whom you repudiated and rejected. Now therefore you wish to use the anathema's of your former mother whom you otherwise have repudiated: if that is not hypocritical I do not know what is. Moreover, as I said to you in the other thread where we have spoken recently, my understanding came several hundred years even before your wife-of-Constantine formerly repudiated mother came onto the scene, (lol). As stated also, Origen is to this day considered the father of exegesis, and taught in Alexandria, and knew both the Hebrew language and Koine Greek fluently; and his exegesis of the more primative and pristine text came to the opposite conclusion compared to what your legions and your mother's legions have exegeted: and he taught about a century before your former mother whom you have repudiated came along. He is the more accurate link back to the first century Apostles of Messiah whom you and yours reject by way of your creeds and dogmas.


!!!Additional Evening Tally!!!

!!!Beaking Development!!!

[MENTION=17677]Crucible[/MENTION] may get back on the debate train... if... He recognizes Brother [MENTION=17195]daqq[/MENTION] as his sibling in Jesus and... comes righteous to the battle field with Genuine, Personal. Prayer based, Interlinear assisted, Sola (Only) Scripture to answer [MENTION=17195]daqq[/MENTION]'s much unanswered exegesis towards him.

One single reference to extrabiblical material will get him disqualified for the duration of this debate.


You are conveniently ignoring one critical little fact; which is that while your supposed mother church was anathematizing the Adoptionist view along with Origen, in the middle of the sixth century, your sect did not even yet exist and would not exist for another eight centuries, (which you yourself essentially already admitted by calling your belief system a twelve-century "whisper" that somehow died off with Augustine and rose from the dead thanks to the fathers of your sect). And when your sect did come into being it was by way of separation and refutation of your own so-called mother church whom you repudiated and rejected. Now therefore you wish to use the anathema's of your former mother whom you otherwise have repudiated: if that is not hypocritical I do not know what is. Moreover, as I said to you in the other thread where we have spoken recently, my understanding came several hundred years even before your wife-of-Constantine formerly repudiated mother came onto the scene, (lol). As stated also, Origen is to this day considered the father of exegesis, and taught in Alexandria, and knew both the Hebrew language and Koine Greek fluently; and his exegesis of the more primative and pristine text came to the opposite conclusion compared to what your legions and your mother's legions have exegeted: and he taught about a century before your former mother whom you have repudiated came along. He is the more accurate link back to the first century Apostles of Messiah whom you and yours reject by way of your creeds and dogmas.

Origen didn't have it all right, it's that simple- here you are hinging on one man's ideology and telling Calvinists they are wrong for referring to Augustine.

To be the 'father' of something doesn't mean they have the patent on it- Darwinism is the father of evolution but he was more wrong than right on what he proposed. Any scientist today could tell you that, and that is the case with Origen.

Augustine is one of the most important theologians in Christian history, and pretty much handed us the Reformation even a thousand years later. And it prevailed despite the Catholic Church's counter, unlike your theology, because it actually stands to scrutiny.

The Trinity is not a conspiracy, or whatever reason you think it exists universally in Christianity- it is simply an inevitability. That is why nobody, either layman or theological genius, wants to debate an anti-trinitarian.


Well-known member
You are conveniently ignoring one critical little fact; which is that while your supposed mother church was anathematizing the Adoptionist view along with Origen, in the middle of the sixth century, your sect did not even yet exist and would not exist for another eight centuries, (which you yourself essentially already admitted by calling your belief system a twelve-century "whisper" that somehow died off with Augustine and rose from the dead thanks to the fathers of your sect). And when your sect did come into being it was by way of separation and refutation of your own so-called mother church whom you repudiated and rejected. Now therefore you wish to use the anathema's of your former mother whom you otherwise have repudiated: if that is not hypocritical I do not know what is. Moreover, as I said to you in the other thread where we have spoken recently, my understanding came several hundred years even before your wife-of-Constantine formerly repudiated mother came onto the scene, (lol). As stated also, Origen is to this day considered the father of exegesis, and taught in Alexandria, and knew both the Hebrew language and Koine Greek fluently; and his exegesis of the more primative and pristine text came to the opposite conclusion compared to what your legions and your mother's legions have exegeted: and he taught about a century before your former mother whom you have repudiated came along. He is the more accurate link back to the first century Apostles of Messiah whom you and yours reject by way of your creeds and dogmas.

!!!Additional Evening Tally!!!

!!!Beaking Development!!!

@Crucible may get back on the debate train... if... He recognizes Brother @daqq as his sibling in Jesus and... comes righteous to the battle field with Genuine, Personal. Prayer based, Interlinear assisted, Sola (Only) Scripture to answer @daqq's much unanswered exegesis towards him.

One single reference to extrabiblical material will get him disqualified for the duration of this debate.

Lol, but who is the younger and who is the elder? Do you see where his position is so much younger? When his mother attempted to anathematize the Adoptionist view, and Origen along with it, she was attempting to anathematize what came before her in both cases; even before she ever came into existence. But as for him and his sect which have repudiated their own mother church; they came much later, in fact, twelve centuries after their mother was crowned the queen of the Romans. So what does that make him and his sect? Nothing more than an illegitimate son of the queen of Rome, (lol). This fact speaks loudly for my understanding because Adoptionism no doubt predates his double mystery religion; and therefore I spoke the truth to him in the other thread when I said:

Your religious affiliation reads: 'Other'
Tells me all I need to know.
There's nothing legitimate about anyone with that label :rotfl:

Your mother and father slew my mother and my brethren and burned many of their writings while reworking other portions to suit themselves because your mother and your father wanted to start a new religion. Hate is the only reason your mother and brethren have been antisemitic for the last seventeen hundred years: and that of course is all I need to know about you, your brethren, your mother, and your father. :Nineveh:

So the illegitimate son of the queen of Rome says, "You're illegitimate!", but of course the illegitimate son of the queen of Rome, who has repudiated his own mother, is no better off then a wanna-be emperor having no clothes; for in the machinations of his vain imagination his conscience is defiled, (your conscience is a garment so never deny the scripture and especially the Testimony of Yeshua). :)
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