The Slaying of Reformed Theology (Calvinism)

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Brother Ducky

New member
I fully understand the quote...


The only thing that a man contributes to his salvation is the sin that caused his need for it.


Can man choose to believe of his own "freewill" if he is reprobate?

If you are distinguishing between reprobate and elect here, no.

With the exception of a couple of very vocal opponents of freewill, Calvinists believe in freewill. There is a chapter in the WCF on freewill. We do hold that there are limits on what freewill will allow one to do. I you have absolute freewill, I challenge you to become Reformed for a week. I assume you do not hold as some very vocal folk that all Calvinists are by definition damned. And another challenge, produce a biblical anthropology of freewill that includes the freewill ability to choose to be saved. If asked for the opposite, I will steal one of AMRs lists regarding the state of man without Christ.He is a lot smarter than I, and he has already done the work. I am too dumb and too lazy.


If you are distinguishing between reprobate and elect here, no.

Your answer was to this question.

Can man choose to believe of his own "freewill" if he is reprobate?

I want to assert a Segway here. This belief is taken out of Romans and asserted into Christ's verbiage, though Paul is talking about a much larger matter. Obviously the key word is "reprobate". The full context is "reprobate minds". Paul follows this assertion within a page or two with a warning... about claiming "election" over another. He does not use the word election, but He refers to the believers looking down on or judging the "reprobate".

Note... I am not scripturally lazy and this all from memory... but now I add.

You have just read a doctrine of man. I have interpreted scripture towards you. I express that this is my "conjecture". However, I could post the scripture and exegete it in real time, then ask [MENTION=17195]daqq[/MENTION] to add lingual extrapolation per the Greek and check my scripture for error. But again... [MENTION=17195]daqq[/MENTION] and I have added to scripture before your very eyes in a scholarly manner. Neither myself, nor [MENTION=17195]daqq[/MENTION] would assert that you should take our HTML as God's word. We would both recommend you obtain manuscript specific scripture and utilize an interlinear tool to further your understanding... but above all... pray for the Holy Spirit's guidance as you did so.

I have what I was looking for from you in your yes or no structure and you are now within the 6 OP swords...

But... you are humble and defer to scripture per your previous words. I am not desiring to mock you or your beliefs.

I am struggling right now... but... you are willing so I will make a second post that is direct to our discussion and line of logic.

With the exception of a couple of very vocal opponents of freewill, Calvinists believe in freewill. There is a chapter in the WCF on freewill. We do hold that there are limits on what freewill will allow one to do. I you have absolute freewill, I challenge you to become Reformed for a week. I assume you do not hold as some very vocal folk that all Calvinists are by definition damned. And another challenge, produce a biblical anthropology of freewill that includes the freewill ability to choose to be saved. If asked for the opposite, I will steal one of AMRs lists regarding the state of man without Christ.He is a lot smarter than I, and he has already done the work. I am too dumb and too lazy.

This is a great answer. However, I highly suggest you note that I am counting [MENTION=7209]Ask Mr. Religion[/MENTION]s links as doctrines of man. You are allowing yourself to express his assertions. This is the first time I've seen you waver. I will ignore it and proceed.

I'm pressing forward... Now, If AMR would like to join you in debate and assist you with his live presence, I count that discussion, because it is not intangibley addressable to the one who wrote it. He would be debating at your side and questions could be posed to him.

Before we move on... does 1 John 2:27 suggest that the "anointing" God has given you can teach you?
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Well-known member
From Saint Augustine to John Calvin :wave2:

The early Christians were Calvinistic, they didn't believe in your flimsy idea of what constitutes a sovereign god. The Catholic Church began true enough, and then quickly dissented into mad theology the same as yourselves. The truth whispered from the 4th century to the 16th and then sprang to life again, and yet you all just can't help but continue on with you're Pelagian nonsense.

The Shadow Of the Third Century by Alvin Boyd Kuhn pulls the rug out from under that ridiculous assertion.

Brother Ducky

New member
Your answer was to this question.

I want to assert a Segway here. This belief is taken out of Romans and asserted into Christ's verbiage, though Paul is talking about a much larger matter. Obviously the key word is "reprobate". The full context is "reprobate minds". Paul follows this assertion within a page or two with a warning... about claiming "election" over another. He does not use the word election, but He refers to the believers looking down on or judging the "reprobate".

Note... I am not scripturally lazy and this all from memory... but now I add.

You have just read a doctrine of man. I have interpreted scripture towards you. I express that this is my "conjecture". However, I could post the scripture and exegete it in real time, then ask [MENTION=17195]daqq[/MENTION] to add lingual extrapolation per the Greek and check my scripture for error. But again... [MENTION=17195]daqq[/MENTION] and I have added to scripture before your very eyes in a scholarly manner. Neither myself, nor [MENTION=17195]daqq[/MENTION] would assert that you should take our HTML as God's word. We would both recommend you obtain manuscript specific scripture and utilize an interlinear tool to further your understanding... but above all... pray for the Holy Spirit's guidance as you did so.

I have what I was looking for from you in your yes or no structure and you are now within the 6 OP swords...

But... you are humble and defer to scripture per your previous words. I am not desiring to mock you or your beliefs.

I am struggling right now... but... you are willing so I will make a second post that is direct to our discussion and line of logic.

This is a great answer. However, I highly suggest you note that I am counting [MENTION=7209]Ask Mr. Religion[/MENTION]s links as doctrines of man. You are allowing yourself to express his assertions. This is the first time I've seen you waver. I will ignore it and proceed.

I'm pressing forward... Now, If AMR would like to join you in debate and assist you with his live presence, I count that discussion, because it is not intangibley addressable to the one who wrote it. He would be debating at your side and questions could be posed to him.

Before we move on... does 1 John 2:27 suggest that the "anointing" God has given you can teach you?

Again, no problem with 1 John 2:27. The Spirit is indeed our teacher. But that does not preclude the use of human teachers. Your OP is an attempt to teach. No problem with that. Shouldn't knock all human teachers. They might be right. And maybe save lots of time trying to systematize scripture by your lonesome.

Calvinists, with some very vocal exceptions, do not feel that non-Calvinists are unsaved, just wrong.


Again, no problem with 1 John 2:27. The Spirit is indeed our teacher. But that does not preclude the use of human teachers. Your OP is an attempt to teach. No problem with that. Shouldn't knock all human teachers. They might be right. And maybe save lots of time trying to systematize scripture by your lonesome.

Calvinists, with some very vocal exceptions, do not feel that non-Calvinists are unsaved, just wrong.

Now you see what you just did there....

You added the.... just wrong part. Simple human quibble is acceptable.

Go in peace [MENTION=10685]Brother Ducky[/MENTION].

I merely assert... I am no teacher. I am simply a fallible voice. If ANYONE claims to teach infallible doctrine of human assertion, challenge them... CHALLENGE EVERTHING!

Jacob wrestled with God and look how that turned out! Beautifully!

I will tally it as this... The OP stands, but... [MENTION=10685]Brother Ducky[/MENTION] Carries the recognition of asserting scripture over doctrine and refusing to hide his beliefs or understandings.

You are not as "dumb and lazy" as you claimed. It's been a pleasure discussing this with you.

Brother Ducky

New member
Now you see what you just did there....

You added the.... just wrong part. Simple human quibble is acceptable.

Go in peace [MENTION=10685]Brother Ducky[/MENTION].

I merely assert... I am no teacher. I am simply a fallible voice. If ANYONE claims to teach infallible doctrine of human assertion, challenge them... CHALLENGE EVERTHING!

Jacob wrestled with God and look how that turned out! Beautifully!

I will tally it as this... The OP stands, but... [MENTION=10685]Brother Ducky[/MENTION] Carries the recognition of asserting scripture over doctrine and refusing to hide his beliefs or understandings.

You are not as "dumb and lazy" as you claimed. It's been a pleasure discussing this with you.

I see nothing pejorative in the "just wrong." You obviously think I am wrong. No big deal. We hold to things that are mutually exclusive. At least one of us is wrong. Maybe both.

I can't say that I think you have really made a case for Calvinism promoting sin, though. Exactly how do you think that happens?


I see nothing pejorative in the "just wrong." You obviously think I am wrong. No big deal. We hold to things that are mutually exclusive. At least one of us is wrong. Maybe both.

I can't say that I think you have really made a case for Calvinism promoting sin, though. Exactly how do you think that happens?

It's the promotions of doctrines of men that I disagree with. Extra biblical assertions. But... I don't think we disagree in core principles. I know them. You cited Love from the get go. This is in your favor.

I will proceed with the sin aspect. I will continue this tomorrow.


The Shadow Of the Third Century by Alvin Boyd Kuhn pulls the rug out from under that ridiculous assertion.

You bringing up a person who refers to it as Christianity as 'myth' shows all that needs to be shown of you- you're a walking, talking ridiculous assertion- the same as your non-Christian heretic daqq and your duped non-theologian Evil Eye :wave2:


Well-known member
You bringing up a person who refers to it as Christianity as 'myth' shows all that needs to be shown of you- you're a walking, talking ridiculous assertion- the same as your non-Christian heretic daqq and your duped non-theologian Evil Eye :wave2:

Yes, of course, anyone who actually believes the scripture is in your opinion a heretic.


You bringing up a person who refers to it as Christianity as 'myth' shows all that needs to be shown of you- you're a walking, talking ridiculous assertion- the same as your non-Christian heretic daqq and your duped non-theologian Evil Eye :wave2:

What [MENTION=17195]daqq[/MENTION] said


Link here


Well-known member
Your answer was to this question.

I want to assert a Segway here. This belief is taken out of Romans and asserted into Christ's verbiage, though Paul is talking about a much larger matter. Obviously the key word is "reprobate". The full context is "reprobate minds". Paul follows this assertion within a page or two with a warning... about claiming "election" over another. He does not use the word election, but He refers to the believers looking down on or judging the "reprobate".

Note... I am not scripturally lazy and this all from memory... but now I add.

You have just read a doctrine of man. I have interpreted scripture towards you. I express that this is my "conjecture". However, I could post the scripture and exegete it in real time, then ask @daqq to add lingual extrapolation per the Greek and check my scripture for error. But again... @daqq and I have added to scripture before your very eyes in a scholarly manner. Neither myself, nor @daqq would assert that you should take our HTML as God's word. We would both recommend you obtain manuscript specific scripture and utilize an interlinear tool to further your understanding... but above all... pray for the Holy Spirit's guidance as you did so.

That has also been touched upon though not gone over in depth:

What Calvinism and Reform prefer to call "reprobate" is the same word αδοκιμος which may also be rendered as "castaway", (for the kingdom of Elohim is like unto a net). Paul likewise uses this in a very critical context, that is, immediately after expounding one of his revelations where he was caught up into Paradise:

2 Corinthians 12:1-5
1 I must needs glory, though it is not expedient, but I come to visions and revelations of the Master.
2 I know an anthropon
[manfaced-countenance] prior to fourteen years in Messiah: whether in the body, I know not, or whether out of the body, I know not, (Elohim knows), such a certain one was caught up unto the third heaven:
3 ALSO I know such a certain one, an anthropon-manfaced: whether in the body, or apart from the body, I know not, (Elohim knows),
4 how that he was caught up into the Paradise and heard unspeakable words which it is not lawful for a man to utter.
5 On behalf of such a certain one will I glory: but on mine own behalf I will not glory, except in my weaknesses.

Which "such a certain one" is Paul and which "such a certain one" is the anthropon-manfaced speaking words which it is unlawful for a man to utter? The first anthropon-manfaced is Saulos, the old man, the natural man, that is, Esau man, (as has been shown so many times over). The new man is Paulos, "the little", (he is little), the new man in Messiah. Therefore have I said all those things in this thread which likewise pertain to this revelation: for as I said, the old man is destroyed when the new man is born, for the Most High says, "I KILL AND I MAKE ALIVE, and He does this at the same time. Saulos is therefore the αδοκιμος, the reprobate, the castaway, the old man sin nature, and Paul speaks of this later in the same context because it is still the same passage though it is now separated by having been divided into verse numbering and chapters:

2 Corinthians 13:2-5
2 I told you before, and foretell you, as if I were present, the second time; and being absent now I write to them which heretofore have sinned, and to all other, that, if I come again, I will not spare:
3 since you seek a proof of Messiah speaking in me, which to you-ward is not weak, but is mighty in you.
4 For though he was crucified through weakness, yet he lives by the power of Elohim: for we also are weak in him, but we shall live with him by the power of Elohim toward you.
5 Examine yourselves, whether you be in the faith; prove your own selves: know you not your own selves how that Messiah Yeshua is in you,
unless you are αδοκιμοι-reprobate-castaways?
6 But I trust that you shall know that we are not

1 Corinthians 9:27 KJV
27 But I keep under my body, and bring it into subjection: lest that by any means, when I have preached to others, I myself should be a
castaway [G0096 αδοκιμος].

G96 ἀδόκιμος adokimos (a-d̮o'-kiy-mos) adj.
1. unacceptable, i.e. rejected.
2. (by implication) worthless.
{literally or morally}
[from G1 (as a negative particle) and G1384]
KJV: castaway, rejected, reprobate
Root(s): G1, G1384

Saulos is the old man αδοκιμος-reprobate-castaway because Paulos the little, the new man in Messiah, has just expounded it by revelation in the previous chapter quoted herein above, (which is yet the continuance of very same passage). It is exactly as has been said repeatedly throughout this thread. And those who neither know nor believe what we speak likewise know not the fear and terror of the Master in that great Bema Day, (and because of it we persuade men), so they ridicule what they cannot understand because they speak and see all things according to the natural and carnal minded old man Esau nature who cannot please Elohim. That too is just as both Yohanan and Paulos have said; they walk being already under the judgment of Elohim because they walk according to the belly of the flesh, just as the serpent was cursed to do from the beginning, in Paradise.


That has also been touched upon though not gone over in depth:

What Calvinism and Reform prefer to call "reprobate" is the same word αδοκιμος which may also be rendered as "castaway", (for the kingdom of Elohim is like unto a net). Paul likewise uses this in a very critical context, that is, immediately after expounding one of his revelations where he was caught up into Paradise:

2 Corinthians 12:1-5
1 I must needs glory, though it is not expedient, but I come to visions and revelations of the Master.
2 I know an anthropon
[manfaced-countenance] prior to fourteen years in Messiah: whether in the body, I know not, or whether out of the body, I know not, (Elohim knows), such a certain one was caught up unto the third heaven:
3 ALSO I know such a certain one, an anthropon-manfaced: whether in the body, or apart from the body, I know not, (Elohim knows),
4 how that he was caught up into the Paradise and heard unspeakable words which it is not lawful for a man to utter.
5 On behalf of such a certain one will I glory: but on mine own behalf I will not glory, except in my weaknesses.

Which "such a certain one" is Paul and which "such a certain one" is the anthropon-manfaced speaking words which it is unlawful for a man to utter? The first anthropon-manfaced is Saulos, the old man, the natural man, that is, Esau man, (as has been shown so many times over). The new man is Paulos, "the little", (he is little), the new man in Messiah. Therefore have I said all those things in this thread which likewise pertain to this revelation: for as I said, the old man is destroyed when the new man is born, for the Most High says, "I KILL AND I MAKE ALIVE, and He does this at the same time. Saulos is therefore the αδοκιμος, the reprobate, the castaway, the old man sin nature, and Paul speaks of this later in the same context because it is still the same passage though it is now separated by having been divided into verse numbering and chapters:

2 Corinthians 13:2-5
2 I told you before, and foretell you, as if I were present, the second time; and being absent now I write to them which heretofore have sinned, and to all other, that, if I come again, I will not spare:
3 since you seek a proof of Messiah speaking in me, which to you-ward is not weak, but is mighty in you.
4 For though he was crucified through weakness, yet he lives by the power of Elohim: for we also are weak in him, but we shall live with him by the power of Elohim toward you.
5 Examine yourselves, whether you be in the faith; prove your own selves: know you not your own selves how that Messiah Yeshua is in you,
unless you are αδοκιμοι-reprobate-castaways?
6 But I trust that you shall know that we are not

1 Corinthians 9:27 KJV
27 But I keep under my body, and bring it into subjection: lest that by any means, when I have preached to others, I myself should be a
castaway [G0096 αδοκιμος].

G96 ἀδόκιμος adokimos (a-d̮o'-kiy-mos) adj.
1. unacceptable, i.e. rejected.
2. (by implication) worthless.
{literally or morally}
[from G1 (as a negative particle) and G1384]
KJV: castaway, rejected, reprobate
Root(s): G1, G1384

Saulos is the old man αδοκιμος-reprobate-castaway because Paulos the little, the new man in Messiah, has just expounded it by revelation in the previous chapter quoted herein above, (which is yet the continuance of very same passage). It is exactly as has been said repeatedly throughout this thread. And those who neither know nor believe what we speak likewise know not the fear and terror of the Master in that great Bema Day, (and because of it we persuade men), so they ridicule what they cannot understand because they speak and see all things according to the natural and carnal minded old man Esau nature who cannot please Elohim. That too is just as both Yohanan and Paulos have said; they walk being already under the judgment of Elohim because they walk according to the belly of the flesh, just as the serpent was cursed to do from the beginning, in Paradise.

Obviously I try to keep my words few when expressing my gratitude for your time on this thread and on how much I enjoy your literal exegesis and lingual identification of core word intent from Greek to English...

But Man! That is both beautiful and powerful. No man could ever have packed so many Spiritually congruent messages into so few words! When it says... All scripture is God Breathed... well... it is so clear that it is!

Gratitude for this and...



That has also been touched upon though not gone over in depth:

What Calvinism and Reform prefer to call "reprobate" is the same word αδοκιμος which may also be rendered as "castaway", (for the kingdom of Elohim is like unto a net). Paul likewise uses this in a very critical context, that is, immediately after expounding one of his revelations where he was caught up into Paradise:

2 Corinthians 12:1-5
1 I must needs glory, though it is not expedient, but I come to visions and revelations of the Master.
2 I know an anthropon
[manfaced-countenance] prior to fourteen years in Messiah: whether in the body, I know not, or whether out of the body, I know not, (Elohim knows), such a certain one was caught up unto the third heaven:
3 ALSO I know such a certain one, an anthropon-manfaced: whether in the body, or apart from the body, I know not, (Elohim knows),
4 how that he was caught up into the Paradise and heard unspeakable words which it is not lawful for a man to utter.
5 On behalf of such a certain one will I glory: but on mine own behalf I will not glory, except in my weaknesses.

Which "such a certain one" is Paul and which "such a certain one" is the anthropon-manfaced speaking words which it is unlawful for a man to utter? The first anthropon-manfaced is Saulos, the old man, the natural man, that is, Esau man, (as has been shown so many times over). The new man is Paulos, "the little", (he is little), the new man in Messiah. Therefore have I said all those things in this thread which likewise pertain to this revelation: for as I said, the old man is destroyed when the new man is born, for the Most High says, "I KILL AND I MAKE ALIVE, and He does this at the same time. Saulos is therefore the αδοκιμος, the reprobate, the castaway, the old man sin nature, and Paul speaks of this later in the same context because it is still the same passage though it is now separated by having been divided into verse numbering and chapters:

2 Corinthians 13:2-5
2 I told you before, and foretell you, as if I were present, the second time; and being absent now I write to them which heretofore have sinned, and to all other, that, if I come again, I will not spare:
3 since you seek a proof of Messiah speaking in me, which to you-ward is not weak, but is mighty in you.
4 For though he was crucified through weakness, yet he lives by the power of Elohim: for we also are weak in him, but we shall live with him by the power of Elohim toward you.
5 Examine yourselves, whether you be in the faith; prove your own selves: know you not your own selves how that Messiah Yeshua is in you,
unless you are αδοκιμοι-reprobate-castaways?
6 But I trust that you shall know that we are not

1 Corinthians 9:27 KJV
27 But I keep under my body, and bring it into subjection: lest that by any means, when I have preached to others, I myself should be a
castaway [G0096 αδοκιμος].

G96 ἀδόκιμος adokimos (a-d̮o'-kiy-mos) adj.
1. unacceptable, i.e. rejected.
2. (by implication) worthless.
{literally or morally}
[from G1 (as a negative particle) and G1384]
KJV: castaway, rejected, reprobate
Root(s): G1, G1384

Saulos is the old man αδοκιμος-reprobate-castaway because Paulos the little, the new man in Messiah, has just expounded it by revelation in the previous chapter quoted herein above, (which is yet the continuance of very same passage). It is exactly as has been said repeatedly throughout this thread. And those who neither know nor believe what we speak likewise know not the fear and terror of the Master in that great Bema Day, (and because of it we persuade men), so they ridicule what they cannot understand because they speak and see all things according to the natural and carnal minded old man Esau nature who cannot please Elohim. That too is just as both Yohanan and Paulos have said; they walk being already under the judgment of Elohim because they walk according to the belly of the flesh, just as the serpent was cursed to do from the beginning, in Paradise.


Well-known member
Obviously I try to keep my words few when expressing my gratitude for your time on this thread and on how much I enjoy your literal exegesis and lingual identification of core word intent from Greek to English...

But Man! That is both beautiful and powerful. No man could ever have packed so many Spiritually congruent messages into so few words! When it says... All scripture is God Breathed... well... it is so clear that it is!

Gratitude for this and...


Exodus 33:4-6
4 And when the people heard these bad tidings, they mourned: and no one did put his headgear upon himself.
5 For YHWH had said to Moshe, Say unto bnei Yisrael, You are a stiff-necked people: I will come up into your midst in the twinkle of an eye and consume you! Now therefore put off your headgear from yourselves; for I know what I will do with you!
6 And bnei Yisrael snatched away their headgear from mount Horeb.

Now therefore remove your headgear from your mount Horeb, O Yisrael, and the Most High will show you what He is about to do with you, yea, in the twinkle of an eye, (for our Elohim is a consuming fire), and so shall you ever be with the Master! :chuckle:


Exodus 33:4-6
4 And when the people heard these bad tidings, they mourned: and no one did put his headgear upon himself.
5 For YHWH had said to Moshe, Say unto bnei Yisrael, You are a stiff-necked people: I will come up into your midst in the twinkle of an eye and consume you! Now therefore put off your headgear from yourselves; for I know what I will do with you!
6 And bnei Yisrael snatched away their headgear from mount Horeb.

Now therefore remove your headgear from your mount Horeb, O Yisrael, and the Most High will show you what He is about to do with you, yea, in the twinkle of an eye, (for our Elohim is a consuming fire), and so shall you ever be with the Master! :chuckle:

: )
I Love This


Well-known member
Daqq isn't a Christian, so you go on ahead and play the fool on your own thread :wave2:

That is the same thing AMR said the first time we met, and the same which both he and you and your kind have said to many, many, many others who clearly love the Father and His Son, His Word, and it is exactly why your divisive unscriptural dogma of man needs to be exterminated; it is for your own good, and clearly from the results of this thread and all of the holy scripture which has refuted your dogma: it is the will of Elohim. :Nineveh:



That is the same thing AMR said the first time we met, and the same which both he and you and your kind have said to many, many, many others who clearly love the Father and His Son, His Word, and it is exactly why your divisive unscriptural dogma of man needs to be exterminated; it is for your own good, and clearly from the results of this thread and all of the holy scripture which has refuted your dogma: it is the will of Elohim. :Nineveh:


Like leader, Calvin, like follower. Remember what Calvin did to his enemy Christian?


Daqq isn't a Christian, so you go on ahead and play the fool on your own thread :wave2:

That's a nifty assertion about [MENTION=17195]daqq[/MENTION].

I can see it now. [MENTION=17677]Crucible[/MENTION] is sitting in front of his laptop with wads of crinkled up paper surrounding him. He has been struggling for hours to exegete scripture on his own, but he keeps reaching for commentaries. He knows his extrabiblical terms will be ridiculed by [MENTION=18375]Evil.Eye.<(I)>[/MENTION] and [MENTION=17195]daqq[/MENTION], so his frustration mounts.

He reaches into his pocket and pulls out the "secret" dice of Calvinist debate and puts the TULIP die back into his pocket. He relies solely on the debate zinger die to bring him his epic win.

It bounces around his scheming hand and upon release it strikes his empty Kentucky Fried Chicken bucket, bounces off his Bette Midler DVD box set and teeters around on edge until it clicks to a rest.

The side facing up says in Calvin's reproduced handwriting; "Slander their belief".

Yahtzee cried Crucible! Yahtzee it is!

With a sinister coyote grin, [MENTION=17677]Crucible[/MENTION] types away @-E-V... no... I don't read my bible without reformed training wheels and I darn sure ain't going to spell out that long booty name.

And so it was done... @-D-a-q-q... space... i..

And that's the story behind this quoted post.

Honest Indian
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