The passivity of regeneration ("born again") is an instantaneous event. God, by His omnipotent acting produces in the man (that is, in the will) new qualities. Then God excites those faculties to action.
God effects regeneration by the heart-turning power of his Spirit without any cooperation from man. Here fallen man's renewal is only passive and subjective inasmuch as he is a mere subject receiving the action of God.
In other words, a sinner cannot believe, repent, accept the gospel and come to Christ unless God first sovereignly and graciously gives that sinner new life by the power of his Word and Spirit (as in Eze. 36:26). After that regenerative event, the person will not not want to believe and, given his own will to believe, will know he has been born anew.
The regenerative instantaneous event is much like that initial electrical spark that brings the engine to life. Likewise, the regenerative event quickens the spiritually dead to life.