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1) is keeping the law "our righteousness" as Deut 6 shows?
No. That is the old covenant (contract) that was abrogated (Deut 31:26, Col 2:14).
Please understand that "the book of the law" and the "tablets of stone" were kept separate; one was kept outside the Ark, the other was kept inside the Ark. Moses wrote the book of the law on a medium that could be "blotted out," but God wrote the Decalogue with his finger in stone so that it could never be blotted out. The Decalogue stands in testimony against law breakers, and it always will. It shows people who can't live by the golden rule what they are doing wrong (1Ti 1:9-10; Ro 7:7).
Any violation of the ten commandments violates the golden rule (Mt 7:12). Paul taught the golden rule (Ro 13:9). Christians live by the golden rule (Luke 10:28). Living by the golden is a light burden (Mt 11:30).
If you believe the seventh-day is still sanctified, then treat the fourth commandment like you do the command against murder. Don't force people to work for you on the day that God gave them a day of rest? Is that really a hard thing to do? I think not.
2) did Paul say he didn't want to be found in his personal righteousness?
Yes. His point was that righteous through the law--trying to earn salvation through law keeping--is no righteousness at all.
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