The Sabbath is a What?


New member
Carry on...:carryon:

There is no point. Anyone who believes they can tell Yeshua that He is wrong and that it's okay to disobey God is beyond the pale at worst and Scripturally ignorant at best.
Matthew 5:19 -- " 'Whoever therefore breaks one of the least of these commandments, and teaches men so, shall be called least in the kingdom of heaven; but whoever does and teaches them, he shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.' "

To teach that any one of Aseret ha-Dibrot is only for Jews points a finger of arrogance and disdain, indeed hatred and division, at those Brothers and Sisters who uphold it to know what God considers right and wrong. That is, Lutherans, Catholics, Methodists, Baptists, Orthodox, Presbyterians, Messianic Jews, etc. While we are no longer under the Law for salvation, God intends for us still to be obedient and refrain from sinning. We know what sin is by Aseret ha-Dibrot and to dismiss any portion of it saying this one or that one is for these people or that people creates division in the Body and encourages sin. Whether one celebrates the Sabbath beginning Friday evening or celebrates the Sabbath of a Sunday morning, the Sabbath is most definitely not just for the Jews.
Revelation 22:14 -- " 'Blessed are they that do his commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city.' "
Revelation 14:12 -- "Here is the patience of the saints; here are those who keep the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus." Nowhere in Scripture will we find permission to pass off any of God's commands. Clearly, we can twist Scripture to make it imply that though, can't we?...and we only please ourselves when we do such. God's not smiling.
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New member
There is no point. Anyone who believes they can tell Yeshua that He is wrong and that it's okay to disobey God is beyond the pale at worst and Scripturally ignorant at best.
Matthew 5:19 -- " 'Whoever therefore breaks one of the least of these commandments, and teaches men so, shall be called least in the kingdom of heaven; but whoever does and teaches them, he shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.' "

The kingdom of heaven is a direct reference to the millennial kingdom of Christ, wherein the law will be back in effect. But the church is not under any portion of the law, just see Acts 15.

To teach that any one of Aseret ha-Dibrot is only for Jews points a finger of arrogance and disdain, indeed hatred and division, at those Brothers and Sisters who uphold it to know what God considers right and wrong.

But that makes a liar out of God, as Nehemiah 9:14 shows that sabbath observance was not even known until moses. In other words, the sabbath is between God and the Jew, as it was a sign between them and God (Ex 31:13,17). In order to show that sabbath observance is a moral command, you would have to show its existence and observance prior to moses. You cannot, as it did not exist prior to moses.

That is, Lutherans, Catholics, Methodists, Baptists, Orthodox, Presbyterians, Messianic Jews, etc. While we are no longer under the Law for salvation, God intends for us still to be obedient and refrain from sinning.

Sabbath observance was for the jew only. Abraham knew the other 9 and as Christians those 9 come naturally, but sabbath observance was and is for the jew, as a sign between God and Israel, according to the bible.

We know what sin is by Aseret ha-Dibrot and to dismiss any portion of it saying this one or that one is for these people or that people creates division in the Body and encourages sin. Whether one celebrates the Sabbath beginning Friday evening or celebrates the Sabbath of a Sunday morning, the Sabbath is most definitely not just for the Jews.

If you do not keep the sabbath according to Moses, then you do not keep the sabbath.

Revelation 22:14 -- " 'Blessed are they that do his commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city.' "
Revelation 14:12 -- "Here is the patience of the saints; here are those who keep the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus." Nowhere in Scripture will we find permission to pass off any of God's commands. Clearly, we can twist Scripture to make it imply that though, can't we?...and we only please ourselves when we do such. God's not smiling.

I don't have to twist scripture to see that I am not under any obligation to observe the sabbath. You have to twist it to tell me that I have to observe it. Paul said I don't have to observe it, the jerusalem council in Acts 15 said I didn't, and nowhere in the new testament written to the church am I told I have to observe it. In fact, in many places I am told I don't have to observe it and that if I try to I am responsible for the whole law.


New member
The kingdom of heaven is a direct reference to the millennial kingdom of Christ, wherein the law will be back in effect. But the church is not under any portion of the law, just see Acts 15.

But that makes a liar out of God, as Nehemiah 9:14 shows that sabbath observance was not even known until moses. In other words, the sabbath is between God and the Jew, as it was a sign between them and God (Ex 31:13,17). In order to show that sabbath observance is a moral command, you would have to show its existence and observance prior to moses. You cannot, as it did not exist prior to moses.

Sabbath observance was for the jew only. Abraham knew the other 9 and as Christians those 9 come naturally, but sabbath observance was and is for the jew, as a sign between God and Israel, according to the bible.

If you do not keep the sabbath according to Moses, then you do not keep the sabbath.

I don't have to twist scripture to see that I am not under any obligation to observe the sabbath. You have to twist it to tell me that I have to observe it. Paul said I don't have to observe it, the jerusalem council in Acts 15 said I didn't, and nowhere in the new testament written to the church am I told I have to observe it. In fact, in many places I am told I don't have to observe it and that if I try to I am responsible for the whole law.


Paul was there...Act 18:4 And he was reasoning in the congregation every Sabbath, and won over both Yehuḏim and Greeks.

YOU make a liar out of "God"...who says that ALL the Sabbaths mentioned in the Bible ARE HIS SABBATHS! Not the "Jews"!!! He gave the WORD of them to the Israeli's, and they were to be a light unto the world, teaching them to you. And Paul said that YOU were not given too much too handle at first were to be taught the rest when "Moses is preached in the synogogues every Sabbath".

Nothing but a foolish whore with a really big LYING MOUTH this Choleric is! And I'm tired of walking eggshells...that statement is true, and I don't care if you or anyone else don't like the way I said it! Even the Greeks are better than the Great Whore Choleric! They DID what Paul said to do.


New member
The gloves are off! :maxi:

Knight gave me an infraction for "Name calling without a cause"! So Mark, yes, my gloves are off, but Choleric has to be protected by the ruling government of this site. Both Choleric and the ruling government are the same. "Name calling without a cause"!!! Like, give me a break. I can't think of anyone more deserving of being called a whore according to SCRIPTURES, than Choleric...and now the WUSSY KNIGHT. What a piece of DUNG they both are. The SWORD of Yahu'Shua will be coming for them both for their lying and faking belief where they have no Scriptural backing. And both of those words apply aptly to them...Scripturally. Darkness can't stand the light, and will use any false tactic to extinguish it. Too bad they don't have the cojone's to let it play out. Par for this course maybe, but their course is about to end forever. Big wussies both, they can hide now, but soon they will call on the rocks to hide them, and they won't. I won't sweat being permanently banned from this site, after all, there is "no falsehood in the truth" and plenty of falsehoods are owned by the establishment here. And the saints may be overcome, but the gates of hell are reserved for the unrepentant, and both Knight and Choleric will not find repentance. Their heads are way too big, and their hearts are way in the wrong place. They do lie, and will continue to do nothing but propogate their own lies, and those of others. They like the "unclean meats in their pots" way too much. They stand to defend their "bellies" and call good bad, and bad good. Propogating people to perish "for lack of knowledge", and therefore, the blood of those people will be on their hands. And many others who "revel with them". Repentance is a jewel that they spit on. Truth is foreign to them. I don't care about being banned anymore, I do care way more about being unequally yoked with their unbelief, and them trying to make me ashamed of My Father in Heaven, WHICH I NEVER WILL BE. And they can go to hell for trying to make people ashamed of the truth and living it out. And for attempting by coersion to cause others to disobey Yahuweh, as they do themselves. Either they repent, or THEY get punished by the very One they have lied to everyone claiming to be serving. My email is for anyone who wants to talk and live the truth of the Scriptures to contact me. I WILL walk the walk, and talk the talk. No matter who or what tries to stop me. I've had enough eggshells, and Knights little two pointer ain't nuthin'. Neither will be his banning of me. It ain't me he is banning...Knight, for the most part, bans TRUTHS. Fire is reserved for those who hate truth. Knight will consume dishonor for what he does without repentance. Just like all the rest of us who "refuse discipline" OF SCRIPTURES.

Peace to you Mark, and...
Shalom to the House of Yah! HalleluYah! Honor and respect to the Name Yahu'Shua Mashiach. May your names be written in the Lambs Book of Life. Forever. Amein


New member

If we agreed on anything, I would worry. I appreciate you recognizing our differences.

Paul was there...Act 18:4 And he was reasoning in the congregation every Sabbath, and won over both Yehuḏim and Greeks.

What point are you clumsily attempting to make? Paul went fishing and he went where the fish are. I often go to the streets and witness. Does that mean I observe the streets? Silly heretic.

YOU make a liar out of "God"...who says that ALL the Sabbaths mentioned in the Bible ARE HIS SABBATHS! Not the "Jews"!!! He gave the WORD of them to the Israeli's,

Wrong, He gave observance of them to the Jew as a sign between God and that nation forever.

and they were to be a light unto the world, teaching them to you. And Paul said that YOU were not given too much too handle at first were to be taught the rest when "Moses is preached in the synogogues every Sabbath".

You can preach Moses, and no doubt you will. I will preach Jesus Christ and Him crucified.

Nothing but a foolish whore with a really big LYING MOUTH this Choleric is! And I'm tired of walking eggshells...that statement is true, and I don't care if you or anyone else don't like the way I said it! Even the Greeks are better than the Great Whore Choleric!

I really appreciate you dealing with the Scripture used in my post. Your tirade almost sounded childish before you dropped all that exegesis on me. ;)

They DID what Paul said to do.

Which is what I am doing, not esteeming one day above another and not observing sabbaths. You seem to think Paul was in error. I do what He said, including marking heretics.
