What do you make of this verse?
Hebrews 9:27 NASB - And inasmuch as it is appointed for men to die once and after this comes judgment,
Regarding being judged
in this life while we live- rather than "judgement" I think of it as the God-given
trials of this life that prove our love for God, hone our mettle as Christians, and provide God with the proof of why his children will receive rewards when we die. It just clarifies my thinking if I express troubles/adversities as God-given
1. trials/testing; partial removal of
the beam that is in our own eye - as an example of our present sanctification process
2. death
3. personal judgement before Jesus (private or semi private, that is only the persons we have known/dealt with in our life)
removal of wood/hay/stubble- immediate rewards/purification
5. enter the
Tabernacle not made with hands and sit with Jesus on His/our Throne
6. with Jesus and the angles and saints intercede for humanity until the end of time
7. Resurrection of all bodies which will instantly be united to the souls that are said to be:
in heaven on earth and under the earth and in the sea.
8. General or White Throne Judgement of
all humanity
note here: since every soul that has dies is either in heaven or hell since their death, the general judgement for these souls will be so that
all humanity can know the final outcome of every person's choices, every king, nation, country, etc. throughout all time. The ripple in the pond, so to speak.
Matt 25:31 and 32 The King on His throne.
This is described by Jesus thusly:
The Queen of the South will rise and condemn you for she traveled to see Solomon, and a greater than Solomon is here.
The people of Nineveh will rise to the judgement and condemn you for they repented at the preaching of Jonah, and a greater than Jonah is here.
Perhaps all aborted babies and such, will rise and have their say at this time.
Thus, Jesus shows that the final outcome of humanity of all ages will be made known to ALL. When the curtain of time finally goes down, there will be NO secrets.
Everyone will completely understand why they are where they are and why they have received good or bad for all eternity.
Then: Inherit the kingdom prepared for you... or not
Well, this is my understanding "today" from scripture. I am always open to learning more, and adjusting my viewpoint.