The Public School SYSTEM

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New member
I'm a result of homeschooling gone bad. :eek:
Everyone is unique, and everyone needs to be treated in a unique way. Some people might be sucked into the bad side of public school, while others might be sucked into the bad side of home school.

There isn't a universal right and wrong on this subject.

Free-Agent Smith

New member
I got to go to five public schools. I learned how to lie cheat steal, beat-up, harrass, have sex, drug effects, drinking, how to make pipe bombs, evolution, birth control etc., ...

Free-Agent Smith

New member
Originally posted by jpbordeaux87

I'm a result of homeschooling gone bad. :eek:
Everyone is unique, and everyone needs to be treated in a unique way. Some people might be sucked into the bad side of public school, while others might be sucked into the bad side of home school.

There isn't a universal right and wrong on this subject.

Universal? Huh?

Bob Enyart

Staff member
jpbordeaux87: There isn't a universal right and wrong on this subject.

Dear Homeschooling Gone Bad, sorry to hear it. Knight asked about Freak, is he, "actually advocating the government school system that promotes evil-ution, atheism, abortion, homosexuality, relative morality and more????????????"

Let me add to that, and ask you, are you defending this godless education system? And the follow-up, would you have sent your kids to the Philistine's public school if you lived in ancient Israel?

Oh yeah, and Jefferson, if you don't mind, here's a gentle chide: the title of this thread has a typo :)



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Originally posted by Bob Enyart

And the follow-up, would you have sent your kids to the Philistine's public school if you lived in ancient Israel?
But Bob, who would have evangelized to the little Philistines? Wouldn't that have been our kids job had they lived back then?


New member
Originally posted by jpbordeaux87

I'm a result of homeschooling gone bad. :eek:
Everyone is unique, and everyone needs to be treated in a unique way. Some people might be sucked into the bad side of public school, while others might be sucked into the bad side of home school.

There isn't a universal right and wrong on this subject.

I'd be interested in knowing what was "bad":eek: with homeschooling. You and your mom didn't get along, your mom or dad didn't have the support group around them to make it work? I am just asking.

My experience in public school: My 11th grade social studies teacher was a lesbian who defended abortion. My 7th grade science teacher showed some of us boys dirty pictures from penthouse then made crude comments about his fellow science teacher, who just happened to be a attractive female. I got suspended for drinking during school, we got the beer from a guidance councilor!

I guess your right, everyone is unique, so lets send them to a place where they can develop thousands of others "unique" traits and habits!


Repent Leo, repent
Originally posted by billwald

"Do all parents have all the options open to them as American homeschooling parents, Jefferson?"

NO. Each state has its own school policy, as it should be.

Each state has differing policy yes,
but home-schooling is legal in all states (just don't call it home-schooling in California).

We ALL as parents have the right to home school our kids.

Is it an option to all? I think it can be done, but obviously it would be harder for some than for others. The single parent for instance. I do know a single mother who home schools though (and works full time btw).

Don't worry though,
the public schools still have me by the short hairs...
they take tax money from me.


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2nd Best Quote of the Show:

A child-abuser is a parent who let's their kids watch TV unsupervised and a parent who let's their kids watch prime-time network TV. That's a child-abuser. If you let your kids watch network TV, let's say sitcoms in the evening, you're a child-abuser because it's a very destructive influence on your kids. And you might think it's just funny, all the sexual inuendo and all the immorality. "Oh, but there's a cute little moral to the story at the end of it." And you chuckle and your little kid is growing up with a demented view of the world. And you think it's not all that bad. And your kid ends up with two divorces and a miserable life and an abortion and a problem with alchohol and on Judgment Day not only did you reject Jesus Christ but you find out that you were a terrible parent and your kid's miserable life was mostly your fault because you set him up to fail. Just because he watched ABC and CBS. Isn't that something how all that happens?


The Dark Knight
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You're not a complet Troglodyte. I'm artsy and you don't hate me. Or "G" for that matter. And I went to public school because my dad couldn't afford private school. Except for the first four years of schooling I had. Pre-school through second grade. I believe that those years and being raised in church from the age of about two or three are what shaped my early beliefs and helped me to survive public school. I evangelized while there, also. However, I was affected by many bad influences in different areas of life. But mostly from my stepmother [there's a reason she's no longer my stepmother]. I still have personal problems, but I know the difference between right and wrong. My closest friends [the ones I spend time with outside of church and work] are Christians and we all believe the same basic things [the things that actually matter].


New member
Originally posted by Knight

Is Freak actually advocating the government school system that promotes evil-ution, atheism, abortion, homosexuality, relative morality and more????????????
I'm not advocating. I'm merely pointing out the reality that homeschooling isn't an option when there is a single parent who has to work to support their family. There may be exceptions but most single parent homes are incapable of providing homeschooling. Furthermore...most parents in the inner city (with the all problems in the inner city) are incapable (due to familial dysfunctions) of homseschooling. What do you do then, Knight? Do you not allow the children to go to school? For many children in the inner city school is a refuge from home, as home life is dangerous.


New member
Originally posted by Jefferson

As the daughter of a repentent former public school teacher, I know that Mr. Enyart is right on target. My dad taught for 27 years in "good" schools, and yet he would never consider sending his own children to those same schools.


New member
I realize that there are some bad aspects of public schools (my first high school biology class was held in what used to be a broom closet and there was a lot of drug dealing), but I'd still rather have teachers, who are educated in the subjects that they teach, be the ones who teach kids.


New member
Originally posted by Greywolf

I realize that there are some bad aspects of public schools (my first high school biology class was held in what used to be a broom closet and there was a lot of drug dealing), but I'd still rather have teachers, who are educated in the subjects that they teach, be the ones who teach kids.
Greywolf, even though my dad is a certified teacher, he does not believe that makes him any more qualified to teach children than someone who is not qualified. If you can read, you are perfectly capable of home-schooling.


Resident Atheist
Originally posted by Christine
Greywolf, even though my dad is a certified teacher, he does not believe that makes him any more qualified to teach children than someone who is not qualified.
So your father believes his training was a waste of time? That's a sad thing. :(

If you can read, you are perfectly capable of home-schooling.
I disagree. There are other factors besides basic literacy that make people suitable, or not, for homeschool instruction. As a former home-school support group leader and activist, I've known scores of parents who were not qualified to homeschool their children, as evidenced by their children's miserable academic performance and poor basic literacy skills.

In addition to literacy you must have each child's best interest at heart. You must know how your child learns and be able to model learning for them so they can take best advantage of a homeschooling situation.

Too many uneducated people think that good homeschooling consists of plopping the kids at the kitchen table with a prepared self-study curriculum while the adult wanders off to busy themselves elsewhere. Most children will not learn well that way, though a few will. True education involves much more than pre-packaged curriculum.

Finally, some homeschoolers are merely rebelling against the educational establishment and using their children as pawns in a game in which the children will be the losers. :thumb:


New member
Greywolf, even though my dad is a certified teacher, he does not believe that makes him any more qualified to teach children than someone who is not qualified. If you can read, you are perfectly capable of home-schooling.

I disagree. If anyone who can read can teach, then why do we still teach kids who can read? I'm a pretty good reader and I still attend school. Granted, it is possible for people to teach themselves things, I don't disagree with that, but I don't think that it is a good idea for people who have just learned a concept to try to turn around and teach it. There is a difference between knowing something and understanding it. I think that people who have a formal education in a subject (i.e. teachers) have a better understanding of the subject, which is important when trying to teach something, than someone who read a few books and magazine articles. There are a few teachers who don't really understand the subject they teach, and I'm sure that there are some parents who are perfectly capable of teaching their kids, but I think that it is a safer bet to go with the teachers.


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3rd Best Quote of the Show:

Gahndi was just flat out evil. ...His teachings on Jesus Christ were blasphemous. He was the kind of guy who was a control freak. And he said, "Do what I want you to do or I'll hurt myself. Do what I tell you to do or I'll kill myself. I'll starve myself to death and it will be your fault." That's a control freak. That's a manipulator. It's everything negative. ...And he's in Hell right now.
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