Wow! Reading this thread is like reading about
Job and his 4 friends,
all completely clueless as to what is really happening.
(1) Shugart: (Post #1!)
"The Lord Jesus had no special knowledge in regard to when the things would happen so He certainly would not be pointing out any specific generation of men who would see the signs of which He spoke."
"the assumption that the Lord Jesus would know the time when the great tribulation would happen despite the fact that there is absolutely nothing in the Bible which supports that false idea. " |
(2) Shugart: (Post #11)
"The Lord Jesus had no special knowledge in regard to when the things would happen so He certainly would not be pointing out any specific generation of men who would see the signs of which He spoke.
Therefore there is nothing in the Bible which indicates that the Lord Jesus would know that His prophecies would be fulfilled during the time of any specific generation.
I keep waiting for you to answer this and so far you have come up empty handed." |
Mr. Shugart, are you SERIOUS?
And I'm stunned that nobody else knows their Bible enough
to respond effectively against this utter nonsense.
Daqq even notices this,
but he also gets it wrong and is completely ineffective in
smacking Shugart hard enough to cure the foolishness:
Daqq: (Post #18)
Shugart: "Therefore there is nothing in the Bible which indicates that the Lord Jesus would know that His prophecies would be fulfilled during the time of any specific generation."
Actually the portion I have placed in red emphasis is not true either. The Master knew exactly to the day when the consummation of the age would occur, ...But of course Yeshua speaks of his own end of the age, (each in his or her own appointed times which only the Father knows). 
"Now we know that You know all things,
and have no need for anyone to question You;
by this we believe that You came from God."
(John 16:30)
"Jesus knew that the Father had put all things under His own power,..." (John 13:3)
"Jesus therefore, knowing all things that should come upon him,..." (John 18:4)
Collectively, John's Gospel makes clear that Jesus knew all things,
because all things had been placed in His own power and control.
Jesus would never at the very end of His 3 - 5 year ministry have
left all the Apostles under such a belief, if it were a mistaken one,
or a misunderstanding. Jesus would have straightened them out.
Even in Acts when Jesus ascends to heaven, the Disciples ask (who? JESUS!)
about the restoration of Israel. If they had thought at that time
that Jesus didn't know, they wouldn't have asked Him.
Jesus responds
"Its not for YOU to know..." (Acts 1:7)
doesn't say
"I don't know..."
Search the Scriptures, like the Bereans.
The Synoptic passage originating in Mark (13:32) has been mistranslated.
We have written about it before.
Matthew (24:36), copying Mark is not independent,
and translators following the KJV and prior translators have let you down.