Pot, meet Kettle.
Another stunning cliche....
Pot, meet Kettle.
Christ's one historic Catholic Church authoritatively defined the biblical canon in the 4th century A.D.Who is the someone who decided,how did they determine which was in the new testament?
Apostolicity is only one of the criteria used by the Church in defining the biblical canon.Did they say "well Clement is mentioned in Philippians 4:3 KJV but he wasn't an apostle so we'll leave his letters out"? When they came to the Sheppard of Hermas did they say "well Hermas is mentioned in Romans 16:14 KJV but he's not an apostle either so we'll leave it out"?
Christ's one historic Catholic Church authoritatively defined the biblical canon in the 4th century A.D.
Christ's one historic Catholic Church authoritatively defined the biblical canon in the 4th century A.D.
Apostolicity is only one of the criteria used by the Church in defining the biblical canon.
Because apostolicity is not the ONLY criterion used by the Church in defining the biblical canon.If Clement and Hermas are both endorsed by Paul(an Apostle),,how do men reject them?,,,
Because apostolicity is not the ONLY criterion used by the Church in defining the biblical canon.
Because apostolicity is not the ONLY criterion used by the Church in defining the biblical canon.
Now go ahead and document your wholly unsubstantiated claim from reputable and qualified academic historical sources.The only 'necessity for authority' is so that they can bully, strong arm and kill people and feel no remorse doing it.
lets see if anyone can interpret it and go from there,,,
I can't read that. I do recognize one word, just a 'kai' in the 4th line. It means "and". Big help!!!
hmm,,,and see kai is in the 7th line from the top,or the 2nd line from the bottom ,,,,"did I pass the pop quiz"?
Your comments merely betray a vast basic ignorance of both Christian history in general and of the teachings and practices of the Catholic faith in particular. Here you commit at least four direct factual errors in your posted statements. Try again.You all invented human freedom and put away sovereign election because, in that way, you can have an 'authoritative' leader to open and shut salvation to people. This is why the Reformed tradition was born- to bring back the actual gospel and reverse the Catholic heresy. There is no 'practical need' for a pope, unless it is to control people with religion, which is no doubt what the Roman Church was doing long before it adopted Christianity. No coincidence there
Your comments merely betray a vast basic ignorance of both Christian history in general and of the teachings and practices of the Catholic faith in particular. Here you commit at least four direct factual errors in your posted statements. Try again.
You're an absolute nutbag. Here you've merely proven my point regarding your vast ignorance of ecclesiastical and doctrinal history. See this.Nope, no factual errors at all. Historically, Greek and Roman paganism was built on constructs of rites, free will philosophy, and praying for necessities. They had a god for each one, and it was a requirement of a citizen to obey the religious structure. Their religion and government were literally a single entity. Isn't a bit coincidental that Christianity comes in and, all of a sudden, it follows the same exact paradigm? The only difference is that they replaced gods with patron saints. The early Christians believed in sovereign election. It is what Saint Augustine believed, and it is what both Luther and Calvin reinstated.
You're an absolute nutbag.
Alcazar, huh? So why are you spending time on this? Here is a comparable from Francis Schaeffer:
the flo
You probably don't have the tools to find this fragment in Schaeffer either. But you could go buy 3 of his books and get an idea what he taught, right?