More precisely - you could never see a situation where you would make such a choice - to make yourself attached to it. Whether you could or not you don't really know.
And extremity of condition doesn't necessarily invalidate conscious choice. Providing that the person has not gone insane or something, an extremity of condition merely forces one into making difficult decisions - a true test of character.
Well, I know that the thought of any kind of physical intimacy with another man repulses me, and that's not through conscious choice. So what else other than an extremity or severity of condition could change that?
There's no evidence in favor of the idea that homosexuality is genetic, and the very idea contradicts the very basis from which it might be supposed to arise - so the position that it is not genetic/natural very clearly makes more sense.
Well there is evidence in favour of it, even if you don't give it any credence.
I can get myself to enjoy a piece of music that I wouldn't normally listen to by learning to sing/play it. Example: I don't normally care for listening to instrumentals, but I can enjoy them if I learn to play them on the guitar. I can't choose to be involved in any film since it is up to other people who gets to be involved in the film - unless I'm the one creating it. This second one is a strawman.
But are you actually enjoying the
music or is your enjoyment derived from emulating it? To put it another way, could you choose to enjoy listening to an atonal instrumental piece that you wouldn't be able to sing or duplicate?
Where it came to film I meant involved as engaged with characters, plot, narrative etc, so it wasn't a strawman.
I think you misunderstood my statement. When I said you wouldn't know unless informed - I meant that you wouldn't know if some individual was a pedophile unless you were informed. For instance: think of the various priests who have been involved in such scandals. Do you think parents would have left their kids with them if it was obvious that these specific priests were pedophiles?
Well, it happens. You misunderstood my meaning of 'involved' so I guess we're even...
First off, I didn't say pizza with jam - I said just pizza, whatever kind you love. Second off, I said you care who hands it to you for the sake of the analogy alone. Please pay attention.
There was a point as to why I used the analogy of a pizza with jam on it to begin with, that being not possible to enjoy. If I had the choice of having a normal pizza being delivered by a bloke or a beautiful woman then obviously I'd sooner the latter any day of the week.
I never said it is all about choice, I've acknowledged that there are plenty of subconscious elements that come into play in this subject - I merely argue that the conscious plays more of a role than people like you are willing to acknowledge. My generic attraction to woman was not a choice - it was nature/nuture, though my specific taste in women is a reflection of my character and beliefs, which are subject to my choice. If I really wanted to - I could test my heterosexuality, but I view that as immoral and so I won't.
While I acknowledge that there are elements that can influence the psyche - including an affect on sexuality I don't agree that an established sexuality is something that most people at least - can 'choose' to alter. It's not something I could test as it's inherently part of me.
I've also already provided an argument for how one might go from a hetersexual to bi-sexual or even homosexual - by adopting a stance that sex is purely about pleasure and through progressive experimentation break down the psychological restraints surrounding the idea of homosexuality. Once you become comfortable with the ever more deprived acts you open up to the idea.
Most people see sex as pleasurable so the argument that indulgence based on that notion alone can change an attraction/orientation is pretty weak to be honest.
A gay gene would most certainly prevent procreation from happening if it existed, for the obvious reason.
Only if it affected an overall population.