OK, I feel personally stronger about sex, and my aim in the thread is more secular, as we all know the religious position.
Thanks for clarifying your position for me without personal attack.
When you say that "...we all know the religious position" I have a difference of opinion on that. People in the faith are often quick to label what they understand is "homosexuality" as an "abomination," they conveniently forget that many other actions (including eating shellfish at Red Lobster after church) are
also labeled "abominations" in the Bible.
The concept of "being gay" is not found in the Bible (save for the relationship between David and Jonathan in the Hebrew Bible).
It actually had to do with either temple rites (prostitution) or else a way to express aggression between males. This is why a statue of a being with a large erection was sometimes found near the gate of ancient cities. It basically said, "Don't step out of line or we will &*%$ you!"
The actual and careful reading of the story of Sodom and Gomorrah is not about homosexuality at all. It is all about the failure of people to welcome and be open to the stranger who comes to visit a town.