The New Testament is Jewish


Wrong! Paul did not take a vow because he had no vow to pay. The suggestion was given by James the head of the Nazarenes in Jerusalem. The suggestion was for Paul to camouflage himself as a religious Jew paying a vow in the Temple so that the Jews could see that and only wonder that Paul had reconsidered his decision. But since God is not to mock, Jews from the East recognized Paul in the Temple and arrested him on the charge that he was mocking the Law and the Temple. The end result is that Paul appealed to Caesar, went to Rome and was never seen again in Jerusalem. He died in Rome without having ever seen Caesar whom he appealed to. Why? Because as I have said above, God is not to mock.
It was a false accusation Ben Masada. Paul kept the Law. You can read the book of Acts and see this.



You are right that Jewish can mean that one (not, I am) of the tribe of Judah.

I don't know myself to be of the tribe of Judah. But Jewish can mean one is of the tribe of Judah.

I see you edited your post.

Ben Masada

New member
I see you have the same spirit as your forefathers.

I believe the Bible and Jesus said that those who handed him over to Pilate had the greater sin

The jews handed him over to be crucified and made sure that the job was done.

They had murderous hearts and were full of wickedness. There is no excuse for what they did to the holy son of God.

Stop defending them, I just hope they repented before they died!

And please, stop slandering the Jews because it is already smelling Antisemitism. Think logically for a change because not a single Jew wrote a single page of the NT. The whole NT was written by Hellenists former disciples
of Paul. Therefore, there was nothing more important to them than to take the blame from the Romans and attribute it to the Jews. Although this lie was applied more by the Fathers of the Church in the 4th Century when Emperor Constantine had his vision of the cross and wanted to make of Christianity the official religion of the Empire and to some Roman groups, the accusation that they had killed the god of Christianity was on the way of a final decision. That's when the Fathers of the Church solved the problem by replacing the Romans with the Jews in the death of Jesus. It means that the Church had been consolidated on Antisemitism.


Here is a hint you gave:

"As a Jew I know of the Torah. It is Jewish. The TaNaKh is Jewish. It is the Hebrew Bible. The New Testament is Jewish."

And since I did what you said to do here:

"Here is something you can study.

Judah the southern kingdom. Judah the tribe. The definition of a Jew. Judaism. Israel."

So you went from believing the Father has a Son who died and was resurrected to a belief that rejects the same...
Not at all. Judaism accepts Yeshua as the Messiah foretold in the Jewish Scriptures, God's Son.

Ben Masada

New member
It was a false accusation Ben Masada. Paul kept the Law. You can read the book of Acts and see this.

Really! Read Romans 7:1-7. He declared that the Law had been abolished in the death of Jesus as a widow that gets rid of the law of marriage with the death of her husband. Then, Paul said that he and his disciples had been released from the Law. And he meant the Law of the Decalogue mind you, if you focus on Romans 7:7. Now, for Acts 21:21 it was not a false accusation because Paul did not say a word in his own defense. It means it was true and he would not give a damn to what he did. That's why he accepted the shameful suggestion of James to join 4 other Jews who had a vow as if he Paul had one too. But he paid for his hypocrisy.


Really! Read Romans 7:1-7. He declared that the Law had been abolished in the death of Jesus as a widow that gets rid of the law of marriage with the death of her husband. Then, Paul said that he and his disciples had been released from the Law. And he meant the Law of the Decalogue mind you, if you focus on Romans 7:7. Now, for Acts 21:21 it was not a false accusation because Paul did not say a word in his own defense. It means it was true and he would not give a damn to what he did. That's why he accepted the shameful suggestion of James to join 4 other Jews who had a vow as if he Paul had one too. But he paid for his hypocrisy.

Again, you should read the book of Acts. When Paul says no one can be saved (or, justified) by the Law he is not saying to disobey God or His Law. He is saying you can only be saved in Jesus, which is true. You are not bound to the Law. This does not mean you do not continue keeping the Law. It simply means you are saved.

Consider also, in addition to Acts 21, Acts 25:7-8 NASB - 7 After Paul arrived, the Jews who had come down from Jerusalem stood around him, bringing many and serious charges against him which they could not prove, 8 while Paul said in his own defense, "I have committed no offense either against the Law of the Jews or against the temple or against Caesar."


TOL Subscriber
Note to all Anti-Semitic Zionist heretics and shills: Biblical Judaism is extinct. All apparent modern "Judaism" is Kabbalah, which is Talmudic Gnosticism.


TOL Subscriber
Please read the Jewish Scriptures, including the New Testament.

Just stop. You're an antichrist heretic who is neither Jewish nor Christian. Biblical Judaism is extinct, and you deny Christ while thinking you have faith.

You're a deceived Zionist, Kabbalist, Talmudist, and anti-Semite.


Well-known member
And please, stop slandering the Jews because it is already smelling Antisemitism. Think logically for a change because not a single Jew wrote a single page of the NT. The whole NT was written by Hellenists former disciples
of Paul. Therefore, there was nothing more important to them than to take the blame from the Romans and attribute it to the Jews. Although this lie was applied more by the Fathers of the Church in the 4th Century when Emperor Constantine had his vision of the cross and wanted to make of Christianity the official religion of the Empire and to some Roman groups, the accusation that they had killed the god of Christianity was on the way of a final decision. That's when the Fathers of the Church solved the problem by replacing the Romans with the Jews in the death of Jesus. It means that the Church had been consolidated on Antisemitism.
I'm not slandering the jews Ben, it's clear that in the Bible the Jewish leaders of that time crucified Jesus through the Romans, Jesus even said this himself.

You slander the name of holy son of God Jesus Christ by the things that you say about him.

May God forgive you


Well-known member
Yes, we are. Israel is the people of God. Also, you should know that Jews are against idolatry. You are showing yourself to be against the things of God. Be against what God hates instead. Be for God and His commands revealed in the Torah, the scriptures, God's word, the Bible. Salvation is only in God. Salvation is only in Jesus. May God be your Savior. And may Jesus be your Savior.

No the jews are not Gods people Rom 9:8 !


New member
Not at all. Judaism accepts Yeshua as the Messiah
not even in the first century were believers accepted as even Saul persecuted and put to death those who taught of One rising from the dead...he even approved of Stephen's stoning as the poor man was speaking of the rejection by Israel and that tribe of their messiah. Now if Stephen had not been killed or later Paul and all the other apostles by that tribe, you could say that the "chosen" chose Him...but instead they killed poor Stephen because he taught they rejected their messiah...

Now along comes you and makes poor Stephen a liar...

foretold in the Jewish Scriptures

What type of scripture? You really do remind me of those that claim "da joos" own the banks, run the media, started every war, but this one really is unbelievable...Moses wasn't even of that tribe and he wrote what God told him to... are you inferring that God himself is of Judah?

Ben Masada

New member
I'm not slandering the jews Ben, it's clear that in the Bible the Jewish leaders of that time crucified Jesus through the Romans, Jesus even said this himself.

You slander the name of holy son of God Jesus Christ by the things that you say about him.

May God forgive you

I rather pay homage to Jesus in a much more healthy way that you and many other Christians. You don't take Jesus as a Jew but as a Christian. If the dead could hear what's happening on earth, Jesus would turn in the grave. God Himself declared that His holy Son is Israel if you read Exodus 4:22,23. "Israel is My Son", said the Lord. Here you have God Himself saying who is His Son. In the NT you have Paul claiming that Jesus was the son of God. (Acts 9:20) Now, you take your pick and choose whom you want to believe in.

Ben Masada

New member
Again, you should read the book of Acts. When Paul says no one can be saved (or, justified) by the Law he is not saying to disobey God or His Law. He is saying you can only be saved in Jesus, which is true. You are not bound to the Law. This does not mean you do not continue keeping the Law. It simply means you are saved.

Consider also, in addition to Acts 21, Acts 25:7-8 NASB - 7 After Paul arrived, the Jews who had come down from Jerusalem stood around him, bringing many and serious charges against him which they could not prove, 8 while Paul said in his own defense, "I have committed no offense either against the Law of the Jews or against the temple or against Caesar."

I agree with you and I am well aware that if we continue keeping the Law, we are saved from all evil or troubles
in life.

Now, regarding Paul and his defense that he had never committed an offense against the Law and the Temple, to preach that we have been released from the Law as he said in Rom. 7:6, it was a lying offense because Jesus himself taught that we must listen to "Moses" aka the Law which will stand as long as heaven and earth pass away. (Mat' 5:17-19 and Luke 16:29-31) As the Temple was concerned, it was an offense to camouflage himself as
an observer of the Law when he had no vow to pay. Hypocrisy is an act of offense to a holy place.


New member
Really! Read Romans 7:1-7. He declared that the Law had been abolished in the death of Jesus as a widow that gets rid of the law of marriage with the death of her husband.
ummm typical poor reading of this verse...the law is not abolished what is abolished is the woman's being tied to it...much like we are dead to the consequences of the law being is not dead but we are to it's consequences for breaking it...but now we are alive in Him...she is not without law she is free from it specifically the part that says were she to take another man while her husband was alive she would be an adulteress but her husband is dead not the law...she is free from it not of it...were she to marry again she could NOT marry yet again as the law still REMAINED to point out that would be adultery...

you really need to stop your lies and slandering ways...

Then, Paul said that he and his disciples had been released from the Law. And he meant the Law of the Decalogue mind you, if you focus on Romans 7:7.
again...being freed from the law is not being freed of it!...any good Israelite knew he was already saved is why he sacrificed...thank offering and peace passover...a thank offering memorial for when His wrath passed over because of his faith then obedience...

Now, for Acts 21:21 it was not a false accusation because Paul did not say a word in his own defense.
neither did Yahshua...doesn't mean the charges were means Paul was there willing to do as James and the elders requested he do to prove that he was matter who would accuse him as he wrote "let NO man judge you except the body of Christ" which was James and the fellow believers...sadly a minority or else no one would have been persecuted ya dig?

It means it was true and he would not give a damn to what he did. That's why he accepted the shameful suggestion of James to join 4 other Jews who had a vow as if he Paul had one too. But he paid for his hypocrisy.
he did have to vow to pay to prove he was not hypocritical which would mean living one way (according to law)and teaching another (lawlessness)...

He did plead for himself, his innocence but kept returning to the rejection by Israel of their Messiah...which further enraged them as did his claim He rose from the dead...that really pissed the Sanhedrin off...they didn't believe in any resurrection...


Well-known member
Marhig, It happens that Jesus was a Jew and not a Christian. What I see behind Jesus in the NT is not God but Paul. This was the one who vandalized the gospel of Jesus aka the Tanach by plagiarizing the Jewish Scriptures seeking for Biblical credibility to the Hellenistic NT. If you read Prophet Habakkuk 3:13, "The Lord goes forth to save His People; to save His Anointed One." That's what Messiah is, the Anointed One of the Lord aka Israel the Son of God if you read Exodus 4:22,23. Now, if you don't mind, I would like to ask you for evidences that the Jewish authorities twisted the laws. Unless this is only another anti-Jewish slander because, there is nothing more important to a Jew than God's Law. All the twisting I see of the Law was made by Paul who contradicted Jesus himself who said that we ought to listen to "Moses" aka the Law. (Luke 16:29-31)

Jesus Christ was not a blood jew, Joseph wasn't his natural father, neither did he come from Mary's egg. He was put in her by the Holy Ghost


New member
I rather pay homage to Jesus in a much more healthy way that you and many other Christians. You don't take Jesus as a Jew but as a Christian. If the dead could hear what's happening on earth, Jesus would turn in the grave. God Himself declared that His holy Son is Israel if you read Exodus 4:22,23. "Israel is My Son", said the Lord. Here you have God Himself saying who is His Son. In the NT you have Paul claiming that Jesus was the son of God. (Acts 9:20) Now, you take your pick and choose whom you want to believe in.

Ummm other gospel writers have Him saying "for God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son"..."in whom I am well pleased" you know stuff like that...


New member
As the Temple was concerned, it was an offense to camouflage himself as
an observer of the Law when he had no vow to pay. Hypocrisy is an act of offense to a holy place.

Paul was an observer of the law. Not the obsolete ordinances of the law, but the law of the covenant for Israel.

You violate that covenant with your false testimony about Paul's teachings of the Hebrew scriptures.

You are the hypocrite by proclaiming the law and yet not observing it.