The Mark of the Beast - Imminent!


Well-known member
At this time we can buy and sell seven days a week.

We are not forced to observe Sunday, but many do.

In conservative towns Sunday observance is big.

But folks who think we could enforce everybody to do so - to me that is beyond the realm of fantasy.
The pendulum has swung so far in favour of freedom, there is no immediate prospect of it returning.
You are living in the past.
The Sunday laws are in the process of being abolished in America.

Is that why churches in America are promoting Sunday worship to help with the climate change?

EDIT: My apologies if that post was too harsh, forgive me.

Rather, why are churches in America promoting Sunday worship in harmony with the Pope's ideals, if it's too just the past?


New member
Is that why churches in America are promoting Sunday worship to help with the climate change?
I have no idea why SDA churches in America are now promoting Sunday worship.

In a recent article from Alabama local news, the Huntsville First Seventh-day Adventist church has started a “bit shorter, more informal and more focused” service on Sundays. The Huntsville Adventist church isn’t the only church to initiate this Sunday worship practice. The Atlanta Metropolitan Seventh-day Adventist Church has also started Sunday services as well
. . .
So, is going to Adventist church services on Sunday a bad idea? Many Adventists have searched Ellen White’s writings for an answer to these questions and found that in Testimonies Vol 9 she states:
Sunday can be used for carrying forward various lines of work that will accomplish much for the Lord. On this day open-air meetings and cottage meetings can be held. House-to-house work can be done. Those who write can devote this day to writing their articles. Whenever it is possible, let religious services be held on Sunday. Make these meetings intensely interesting. Sing genuine revival hymns, and speak with power and assurance of the Savior’s love. Speak on temperance and on true religious experience.​
I have no idea why SDA churches in America are now promoting Sunday worship.

In a recent article from Alabama local news, the Huntsville First Seventh-day Adventist church has started a “bit shorter, more informal and more focused” service on Sundays. The Huntsville Adventist church isn’t the only church to initiate this Sunday worship practice. The Atlanta Metropolitan Seventh-day Adventist Church has also started Sunday services as well
. . .
So, is going to Adventist church services on Sunday a bad idea? Many Adventists have searched Ellen White’s writings for an answer to these questions and found that in Testimonies Vol 9 she states:
Sunday can be used for carrying forward various lines of work that will accomplish much for the Lord. On this day open-air meetings and cottage meetings can be held. House-to-house work can be done. Those who write can devote this day to writing their articles. Whenever it is possible, let religious services be held on Sunday. Make these meetings intensely interesting. Sing genuine revival hymns, and speak with power and assurance of the Savior’s love. Speak on temperance and on true religious experience.​

I resent the same post, but edited with an apology.

Believe me, I know. I am not Seventh-Day Adventist. That church has fallen into Apostasy with the rest. Even Seventh Day Adventists will betray those who are keeping the 7th Day Sabbath.

Only 8 souls were saved in the day of Noah. Only 3 in Lot's day.

The remnant is few.


New member
I resent the same post, but edited with an apology.

Believe me, I know. I am not Seventh-Day Adventist. That church has fallen into Apostasy with the rest. Even Seventh Day Adventists will betray those who are keeping the 7th Day Sabbath.

Only 8 souls were saved in the day of Noah. Only 3 in Lot's day.

The remnant is few.

I am not a Seventh-Day Adventist, but I do believe in the commandment to observe the Sabbath.
I do oppose the idea that Sunday laws are the mark of the beast.

The mark of the beast is no more or less than the approval of the government for your beliefs (forehead) and practices (right hand).
One main point made in Revelation is the inability to sell without the mark of the beast, and this is not restricted to a single day of the week.
This means that people will be forced out of business by the government for failing to conform.
The perfect example of this happening are the florists, bakers, and other business owners that are being given the choice of compromising their Christian beliefs about same sex "marriage" or having their businesses taken away from them.


New member
But folks who think we could enforce everybody to do so - to me that is beyond the realm of fantasy.
The pendulum has swung so far in favour of freedom, there is no immediate prospect of it returning.

We don't currently have one world government.
I am not a Seventh-Day Adventist, but I do believe in the commandment to observe the Sabbath.
I do oppose the idea that Sunday laws are the mark of the beast.

The mark of the beast is no more or less than the approval of the government for your beliefs (forehead) and practices (right hand).
One main point made in Revelation is the inability to sell without the mark of the beast, and this is not restricted to a single day of the week.
This means that people will be forced out of business by the government for failing to conform.
The perfect example of this happening are the florists, bakers, and other business owners that are being given the choice of compromising their Christian beliefs about same sex "marriage" or having their businesses taken away from them.

We are not declaring that you will restricted from buying or selling on simply one day. But as the government punishes people who fail to obey the laws of the land, so will we be removed from having the ability to buy or sell unless we keep their SUNday Sabbath.


Well-known member
We don't currently have one world government.


One world government will not try to push Sunday worship.

Mr. 666 wil push his own religion, where bowing down to an image of him is all that counts.
And those who do so can buy or sell.
Sunday worship promotes Christ, but Mr 666. is the "lawless" one, the man of sin. Sunday worship is closer to Sabbath worship, which is closer to law keeping. Worshiping an image is "abomination".


Well-known member
" .
So, is going to Adventist church services on Sunday a bad idea? Many Adventists have searched Ellen White’s writings for an answer to these questions and found that in Testimonies Vol 9 she states:
Sunday can be used for carrying forward various lines of work that will accomplish much for the Lord. On this day open-air meetings and cottage meetings can be held. House-to-house work can be done. Those who write can devote this day to writing their articles. Whenever it is possible, let religious services be held on Sunday. Make these meetings intensely interesting. Sing genuine revival hymns, and speak with power and assurance of the Savior’s love. Speak on temperance and on true religious experience."

This is so typical of Adventists, that they have to check what Ellen says before doing anything.

At least the Catholics change, if glacially slow.
The Adventists have Pope Ellen, and being dead, she is changing nothing.
That is what is so frustrating. I hung out with the Adventists for a year. Super nice folks, and identical to all other Sunday churches, except Ellen gets mentioned a dozen times.

The frustration is that one knows one cannot change them. They have taken an oath not to change from her. I thought oaths were forbidden under the NT.
" .
So, is going to Adventist church services on Sunday a bad idea? Many Adventists have searched Ellen White’s writings for an answer to these questions and found that in Testimonies Vol 9 she states:
Sunday can be used for carrying forward various lines of work that will accomplish much for the Lord. On this day open-air meetings and cottage meetings can be held. House-to-house work can be done. Those who write can devote this day to writing their articles. Whenever it is possible, let religious services be held on Sunday. Make these meetings intensely interesting. Sing genuine revival hymns, and speak with power and assurance of the Savior’s love. Speak on temperance and on true religious experience."

This is so typical of Adventists, that they have to check what Ellen says before doing anything.

At least the Catholics change, if glacially slow.
The Adventists have Pope Ellen, and being dead, she is changing nothing.
That is what is so frustrating. I hung out with the Adventists for a year. Super nice folks, and identical to all other Sunday churches, except Ellen gets mentioned a dozen times.

The frustration is that one knows one cannot change them. They have taken an oath not to change from her. I thought oaths were forbidden under the NT.

Keeping Sunday as the Sabbath, in even an Adventist Church, is wrong to do. She was not talking about Sabbath services, as many take her out of context to mean. There is nothing wrong with, as she said, house to house work being done. Work that which would normally not be done on the Sabbath, can be done on Sunday (as well as any other day of the week, mind you).

Also, what are you talking about?

One world government will not try to push Sunday worship.

Mr. 666 wil push his own religion, where bowing down to an image of him is all that counts.
And those who do so can buy or sell.
Sunday worship promotes Christ, but Mr 666. is the "lawless" one, the man of sin. Sunday worship is closer to Sabbath worship, which is closer to law keeping. Worshiping an image is "abomination".

You can't promote Christ using something He hates. That's called Babylon, which means to mix. Truth and error mixed together do not promote Christ. That promotes Satan. Satan himself comes in as an angel of light.


Well-known member
You can't promote Christ using something He hates. That's called Babylon, which means to mix. Truth and error mixed together do not promote Christ. That promotes Satan. Satan himself comes in as an angel of light.

Who are you aiming this at? The Adventists for proposing meeting on a Sunday, or something I said?


Well-known member
Keeping Sunday as the Sabbath, in even an Adventist Church, is wrong to do. She was not talking about Sabbath services, as many take her out of context to mean. There is nothing wrong with, as she said, house to house work being done. Work that which would normally not be done on the Sabbath, can be done on Sunday (as well as any other day of the week, mind you).

Also, what are you talking about?

Do you mean the problems with SDA doctrine?
Do you mean the problems with SDA doctrine?

Ellen White did not promote Sunday Sabbath. She promoted getting work done, doing writing for articles, discussing work for articles, doing house to house work, etc. That's the same work that can be done other days of the week. Notice, that she doesn't say you are forbidden to cook, forbidden to clean, etc. on Sunday. Those things are forbidden on the Sabbath, not on Sunday. Notice she doesn't say your thoughts must all be kept towards God, and that you can partake of no hobby on Sunday. Those are things which apply towards the Sabbath. She is merely stating that there is nothing wrong with partaking of certain things on Sundays, and can easily be used to do the work of the Gospel.


Well-known member
You said Sunday worship promotes Christ. My response was to you.

I never said anything like Sunday worship promotes Christ. If I did, then find it and quote me.
I never said Sunday worship does not promote Christ. I don't even remember addressing the issue. :)