The Mark of the Beast - Imminent!


No, it has to do with commandments.

Deuteronomy 6:6&8 And these words, which I command thee this day, shall be in thine heart: 8 And thou shalt bind them for a sign upon thine hand, and they shall be as frontlets between thine eyes.
Revelation 13:16 KJV says "or," not "and;" otherwise I could agree with you, but Deuteronomy clearly says "upon thine hand, and," not "or."
The video gives no proof. Its really just propaganda. This is classic Seventh Day Adventist angst that the Pope is bad, and that Sunday worship will be enforced.

The Pope is not bad, he is just boring, and living in the past, like the Adventists who have Ellen White as their pope. I like the Adventists, but this worry over Sunday and the Pope is so yesterday.

No proof?

Did not Pope Francis put into his climate change encyclical that Sunday is needed to stop climate issues?

Are not Catholics calling for the same thing?

Was there not a conference just held in 2017 whose theme was "A Sabbath for the Earth and the Poor: The Challenge of Pope Francis"?

Did not Catholics in Poland NOT ONLY pray the rosary on their border, bu just decide to phase out Sunday shopping for the "Day of the Lord"?

Are not Sunday Laws being uplifted to fight against communism?

Is not Chick-Fil-A being promoted as Sabbath keepers in the public eye?

What exactly are you looking for? Governor Jerry Brown declaring that we need religion to fight climate change?

VATICAN CITY – California Gov. Jerry Brown says dealing with climate change will take not just scientific but religious commitment.
Brown spoke Saturday at a Vatican symposium on the environment, where he said faith must join technical, scientific and political approaches to limiting environmental devastation.
Revelation 13:16 KJV says "or," not "and;" otherwise I could agree with you, but Deuteronomy clearly says "upon thine hand, and," not "or."

278 verses in Revelation are found almost word for word in other parts of the Bible. These are references to these other passages in the Bible. Those who have it enforced in their mind are those who are deceived into accepting the mark of the beast. Those who are forced by hand take the mark, not because they are deceived, but because they are forced into it.


Well-known member
No proof?

Did not Pope Francis put into his climate change encyclical that Sunday is needed to stop climate issues?

Are not Catholics calling for the same thing?

Was there not a conference just held in 2017 whose theme was "A Sabbath for the Earth and the Poor: The Challenge of Pope Francis"?

Did not Catholics in Poland NOT ONLY pray the rosary on their border, bu just decide to phase out Sunday shopping for the "Day of the Lord"?

Are not Sunday Laws being uplifted to fight against communism?

Is not Chick-Fil-A being promoted as Sabbath keepers in the public eye?

What exactly are you looking for? Governor Jerry Brown declaring that we need religion to fight climate change?

The Pope cannot even get his followers to not use birth control. The guy has been powerless for centuries, and shows no sign of going back. The Catholics time of power is past.

All the things you mention are vague fears. The Pope has done nothing real. I flip channels every time he comes on, he is so irrelevant.


278 verses in Revelation are found almost word for word in other parts of the Bible. These are references to these other passages in the Bible. Those who have it enforced in their mind are those who are deceived into accepting the mark of the beast. Those who are forced by hand take the mark, not because they are deceived, but because they are forced into it.
If you wanted to buy something, you're going to need Nero's coins. If you wanted to sell something, the buyer is going to offer you Nero's coins. Revelation 13:17 KJV
The Pope cannot even get his followers to not use birth control. The guy has been powerless for centuries, and shows no sign of going back. The Catholics time of power is past.

All the things you mention are vague fears. The Pope has done nothing real. I flip channels every time he comes on, he is so irrelevant.

So irrelevant that in response to his encyclical about climate change, more than 170 nations signed onto the Paris Climate Agreement?


Well-known member
278 verses in Revelation are found almost word for word in other parts of the Bible. These are references to these other passages in the Bible. Those who have it enforced in their mind are those who are deceived into accepting the mark of the beast. Those who are forced by hand take the mark, not because they are deceived, but because they are forced into it.

There are six permutations of the mark of the beast.
1) name on forehead
2) number on forehead
3) mark (symbol) on forehead
4) name on hand
5) number on hand
6) mark on hand

Thus Mr 666 will set up a cast system with 6 casts. Those with mark on hand are blue collar workers, those on forehead are white collar. And some symbols will show higher rank and privileges.

Remember you heard it here first :)


Well-known member
If you wanted to buy something, you're going to need Nero's coins. If you wanted to sell something, the buyer is going to offer you Nero's coins. Revelation 13:17 KJV

There are a million permutations of 666. Forget Nero. It will be something modern, only recognisable in hindsight - not worth speculating about now.


Well-known member
Has no teeth? Why is it that some are willing to consider it a crime to deny climate change? Why is it being pushed so fervently, and ferociously, if it has no teeth?

Pushed by who? Anyone with teeth?

We live in the age of freedom. Nobody is going to make you keep Sunday - the world would hate that. Nobody is going to force you to accept climate change - we live with freedom of speech and thought.


Well-known member
The only power the Pope has are a few Swiss guards who can come and poke you with their pikes.
The only power the Pope has are a few Swiss guards who can come and poke you with their pikes.

My friend, we could do this all day, but I'd prefer not to.

The Pope has far more power than you say, especially over the nations that are bowing to him and his agenda. I pray that in the time to come, you will understand the truth.