The Mark of the Beast - Imminent!

People have hands, and coins have marks, and when buying and selling, marks on coins are on hands.

And it's always hands OR foreheads, NOT hands AND foreheads.

What does a coin have to do with hands or forehead?

Deuteronomy 6:6&8 And these words, which I command thee this day, shall be in thine heart: 8 And thou shalt bind them for a sign upon thine hand, and they shall be as frontlets between thine eyes.

The mark of the beast is spiritual.


What if I told you, they are pushing the mark of the beast as a benefit for society? For example, how shall we deal with climate change? Their solution: The mark of the beast!

What about the fact that families need more time to spend together? Solution: The mark of the beast! Need more time off from work? The mark of the beast!

What about communism? What is the solution to fighting Communism? The mark of the beast! Whatid the mark? Religious Sunday Laws!

The mark of the beast is already here you genius, its the federal reserve banking system that you use to buy and sell that uses the one financial instrument that is forbidden by the Law of God, interest. You didn't see that one coming, did ya? I find modern day believers to be such idiots, not understanding these prophecies and how they relate with current practical times.

Right Divider

Body part
The mark of the beast is already here you genius, its the federal reserve banking system that you use to buy and sell that uses the one financial instrument that is forbidden by the Law of God, interest. You didn't see that one coming, did ya? I find modern day believers to be such idiots, not understanding these prophecies and how they relate with current practical times.
That is completely idiotic. There is no other way to describe it.


That is completely idiotic. There is no other way to describe it.

The Law of God forbids lending it at interest, so why should you think that a system that is completely based on interest would somehow be well approved by God? Lawless men are clueless, which is why they think this is idiotic, because their lawlessness leads them to have no clue to discern between good and evil in simple matters of money and interest. Did you really think the mark of the beast would be an obvious mark that would be literally received on the forehead and right hand? HAHA, you're in for a big surprise.

Right Divider

Body part
The Law of God forbids lending it at interest, so why should you think that a system that is completely based on interest would somehow be well approved by God? Lawless men are clueless, which is why they think this is idiotic, because their lawlessness leads them to have no clue to discern between good and evil in simple matters of money and interest. Did you really think the mark of the beast would be an obvious mark that would be literally received on the forehead and right hand? HAHA, you're in for a big surprise.
Since that is EXACTLY what the Bible says, yes, I do.

Your misunderstand the "lending it at interest" because you do not take context into account. That is very typical.


New member
the mark of the beast will be the chip that "everyone" will have somewhere under the skin . The chip will elimate the need for paper money . Crime will drop Drastically, wall street will money tons of money.Just walk in a store get your item bag it up and walk out. No cashier no human contact . The chip inside you tells scanner that you came in and walk out with a 100.00 item , your online account will be charge for the amount. No one will be able to buy or sell without the chip. They are already in are pets and exotic animals.


New member
the mark of the beast will be the chip that "everyone" will have somewhere under the skin . The chip will elimate the need for paper money . Crime will drop Drastically, wall street will money tons of money.Just walk in a store get your item bag it up and walk out. No cashier no human contact . The chip inside you tells scanner that you came in and walk out with a 100.00 item , your online account will be charge for the amount. No one will be able to buy or sell without the chip. They are already in are pets and exotic animals.
What a grand fantasy, too bad it does not match up with what the Bible states about the beast and the mark.


New member
what realistic way to control the mass .the chip would be perfect. Satan supposed to reign for a 1,000 years then the rapture or are you saying this time we are living in now is the thousand year.And please don't just cut&paste answers , tell me in your own words .


the mark of the beast will be the chip that "everyone" will have somewhere under the skin . The chip will elimate the need for paper money . Crime will drop Drastically, wall street will money tons of money.Just walk in a store get your item bag it up and walk out. No cashier no human contact . The chip inside you tells scanner that you came in and walk out with a 100.00 item , your online account will be charge for the amount. No one will be able to buy or sell without the chip. They are already in are pets and exotic animals.

Oh no, my dog has the mark of the beast in/on her. What should I do? If I throw her out of the house, someone will find her, check the chip, and give her back to me. Doomed, I am doomed to live with the mark of the beast in/on a real beast.

patrick jane

Oh no, my dog has the mark of the beast in/on her. What should I do? If I throw her out of the house, someone will find her, check the chip, and give her back to me. Doomed, I am doomed to live with the mark of the beast in/on a real beast.
All my exotic pets have one. Wall Street will money tons of money.


Since that is EXACTLY what the Bible says, yes, I do.

Your misunderstand the "lending it at interest" because you do not take context into account. That is very typical.

So do you also believe that there will be a literal beast with two horns that will apear, which is the beast the issues that mark? Or will you understand that the beast figuratively symbolizes a kingdom, just as the mark also symbolizes something else, which I just told you. You have fooled yourself into taking this vision literally and expect a literal mark to come, when in reality you already have the mark of the beast, because that nice debit card you are using to buy and sell is based on a sin that is contrary to a command of God.


You seem to have missed something.
The Law of God tells you that you may lend at interest.

Deuteronomy 23:20a
20a Unto a stranger thou mayest lend upon usury;​

This allowance of the Law of God does not contradict the commandment of God to not lend at interest. The Israelites were permitted to lend at interest to the nations (Gentiles), to be ahead of them and rule over them, but they were forbidden to borrow from them and also forbidden to lend to each other at interest.


New member
The Israelites were permitted to lend at interest to the nations (Gentiles) . . . and also forbidden to lend to each other at interest
So the Law permits lending at interest to non-Israelis but forbids lending at interest to Israelis.

Do you believe the division between Israelis and non-Israelis has anything to do with the mark of the beast?

Right Divider

Body part
So do you also believe that there will be a literal beast with two horns that will apear, which is the beast the issues that mark? Or will you understand that the beast figuratively symbolizes a kingdom, just as the mark also symbolizes something else, which I just told you. You have fooled yourself into taking this vision literally and expect a literal mark to come, when in reality you already have the mark of the beast, because that nice debit card you are using to buy and sell is based on a sin that is contrary to a command of God.
Wild speculation based on nothing.

Firstly, I don't need a "nice debit card" to buy or sell. Cash still works just fine.

Secondly, the mark of the beast is yet future. Many things must occur before that happens.


New member
Oh no, my dog has the mark of the beast in/on her. What should I do? If I throw her out of the house, someone will find her, check the chip, and give her back to me. Doomed, I am doomed to live with the mark of the beast in/on a real beast.
That how someone' replies who doesn't have any intelligent answers to what is put to them so they jest and make jokes .So you think there will a real beast going around putting marks on people ...?

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That how someone' replies who doesn't have any intelligent answers to what is put to them so they jest and make jokes .So you think there will a real beast going around putting marks on people ...?

Sent from my SM-J727P using Tapatalk

No, of course not.