
New member
You lie about me so much, and why do you keep saying MAD to me?

Show where I ever said any of those things you claim I said, false witness.

Because you like the other Mid Acts Dispensationalists you are arguing with are ironically just like them... MAD about the Sabbath...and claim “it’s NOT for me”

just like Satan who also believes but does NOT obey...but claimed His Law and Kingdom was “NOT FOR ME” and Eve “not for me”...and so it if He lied when He said Sabbath was made man...that makes people MAD and claim “but it was dispensed only to Jews” or something despite already in the commandment itself the stranger is to receive it...ONE His Kingdom but those MAD like Satan seek to divide it...

those MAD seek the Promise the Law provides without...well you know...accepting it was dispensed to them...

Acts 6:13-14 Luke clearly writes that Jews attempting to rile up the people and slander Stephen claimed he taught “Jesus changed the customs Moses delivered”...Luke calls those claims a FALSE WITNESS as Stephen was NOT teaching Jesus changed the customs...but here you are claiming He did...just like the false witnessing jews...

God's Truth

New member
Because you like the other Mid Acts Dispensationalists you are arguing with are ironically just like them... MAD about the Sabbath...and claim “it’s NOT for me”

just like Satan who also believes but does NOT obey...but claimed His Law and Kingdom was “NOT FOR ME” and Eve “not for me”...and so it if He lied when He said Sabbath was made man...that makes people MAD and claim “but it was dispensed only to Jews” or something despite already in the commandment itself the stranger is to receive it...ONE His Kingdom but those MAD like Satan seek to divide it...

those MAD seek the Promise the Law provides without...well you know...accepting it was dispensed to them...

Acts 6:13-14 Luke clearly writes that Jews attempting to rile up the people and slander Stephen claimed he taught “Jesus changed the customs Moses delivered”...Luke calls those claims a FALSE WITNESS as Stephen was NOT teaching Jesus changed the customs...but here you are claiming He did...just like the false witnessing jews...

I don't claim the Sabbath is not for me. I claim the Sabbath is a shadow of Jesus and that I rest in him every day.

The MAD people don't believe that.

You know why you don't have God's Truth? It is because you don't value any truth let alone God's.


New member
I gave you scriptures about those shadow being the LAW and you said I used a corrupt Bible.

Now prove that the KJV doesn't say the shadow is about the law.

Here Paul says plainly that the eating and drinking and holydays and new moon and sabbath days ARE SHADOWS.

Colossians 2 :16Let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink, or in respect of an holyday, or of the new moon, or of the sabbath days:

17Which are a shadow of things to come; but the body is of Christ

The shadow of things to come---but THE BODY is of Christ.

Now read these scriptures how the shadow was until Jesus came.

Christ's Eternal Priesthood

Hebrew 8 1Now of the things which we have spoken this is the sum: We have such an high priest, who is set on the right hand of the throne of the Majesty in the heavens; 2A minister of the sanctuary, and of the true tabernacle, which the Lord pitched, and not man. 3For every high priest is ordained to offer gifts and sacrifices: wherefore it is of necessity that this man have somewhat also to offer. 4For if he were on earth, he should not be a priest, seeing that there are priests that offer gifts according to the law: 5Who serve unto the example and shadow of heavenly things, as Moses was admonished of God when he was about to make the tabernacle: for, See, saith he, that thou make all things according to the pattern shewed to thee in the mount. 6But now hath he obtained a more excellent ministry, by how much also he is the mediator of a better covenant, which was established upon better promises.

The New Covenant

7For if that first covenant had been faultless, then should no place have been sought for the second.

8For finding fault with them, he saith, Behold, the days come, saith the Lord, when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah:

So the old covenant with the earthly temple and high priests and sacrifices were A SHADOW.

Now that Jesus came there are no more shadows.


Hebrews 1
Christ's Sacrifice Once for All

1For the law having a shadow of good things to come, and not the very image of the things, can never with those sacrifices which they offered year by year continually make the comers thereunto perfect. 2For then would they not have ceased to be offered? because that the worshippers once purged should have had no more conscience of sins. 3But in those sacrifices there is a remembrance again made of sins every year. 4For it is not possible that the blood of bulls and of goats should take away sins.

5Wherefore when he cometh into the world, he saith, Sacrifice and offering thou wouldest not, but a body hast thou prepared me:

6In burnt offerings and sacrifices for sin thou hast had no pleasure.

7Then said I, Lo, I come (in the volume of the book it is written of me,) to do thy will, O God.

8Above when he said, Sacrifice and offering and burnt offerings and offering for sin thou wouldest not, neither hadst pleasure therein; which are offered by the law; 9Then said he, Lo, I come to do thy will, O God. He taketh away the first, that he may establish the second. 10By the which will we are sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all.

11And every priest standeth daily ministering and offering oftentimes the same sacrifices, which can never take away sins: 12But this man, after he had offered one sacrifice for sins for ever, sat down on the right hand of God; 13From henceforth expecting till his enemies be made his footstool. 14For by one offering he hath perfected for ever them that are sanctified. 15Whereof the Holy Ghost also is a witness to us: for after that he had said before,

16This is the covenant that I will make with them after those days, saith the Lord, I will put my laws into their hearts, and in their minds will I write them;

17And their sins and iniquities will I remember no more.

18Now where remission of these is, there is no more offering for sin.


Indeed...and is to come AGAIN...

just because you repeat it so often to program yourself or type it in red does NOT make it accurate...

Even though it is “the good that came” was written AFTER Jesus had come it remains written in PRESENT TENSE as more good is to come...STILL to the FUTURE like the future times of trouble Yahushua asked prayers be said that the Sabbath be kept...

Notice even Heb 8:5 is NOT written “who SERVED the copy and shadow of heavenly things” or “who HAD SERVED the copy and shadow of heavenly things”

even verse 4 “...since there ARE priests who OFFER the gifts according to the Law...” that is why it is PRESENT...a gift...LOL...

and NOT PAST tense “since there WERE priests who HAD OFFERED the gifts according to the Law...” gifts are in PRESENT...

Heb 9:11 confirms you are correct...partially...”But Christ came as High Priest” see? YOU ARE CORRECT...

but READ ON what did He come to administer for us? “OF THE GOOD THINGS TO COME” with the greater and more perfect tabernacle not made with hands, that is, not of this creation.”

Did you notice the red part?

Now notice PLEASE Heb 10:1 “For the Law HAVING a shadow of the good things to COME” and NOT ”For the Law having HAD a shadow of the good things WHICH CAME”

So good things are STILL COMING...HALLELUYAH

like tabernacling with Him in heaven as the world lies desolate for 1000 our temporary Sukkot booths while our permanent home here on earth is cleansed and prepared...

Oh and also please notice that there is a word written in Col 2:17 which is written in ITALICS the word: IS

17”which are a shadow of things to come but the body (soma = body not substance) IS of Christ.”

Colossians 2:16-17 can be properly understood only if the KJV italicized word "is" in verse 17 is left out, as it should be. The message of these verses is: don't let men judge you as doing wrong when you observe the holy days, new moons and sabbaths; let the body of Christ (the Church) do the judging.

A study on this if you care:

Another one here for those that do:

Oh and one last thing...

please notice Heb 10:5 ALSO ADDS:

“...sacrifice and offering You did not desire, but a body You have prepared for me

From Psalms 40:6-8

“...sacrifice and offering You did not desire, MY EARS YOU HAVE OPENED...”


By ending Heb 10:7 here “to do your will O God.”

And leaving out the rest of Psalms 40:8 “And Your Law [is] within my heart”...

So let’s be less creative with our own idolatries and begin to focus our study on what is actually written.

Right Divider

Body part
I gave you scriptures about those shadow being the LAW and you said I used a corrupt Bible.

Now prove that the KJV doesn't say the shadow is about the law.
A) When you quote from the NIV, you use a CORRUPT "Bible".
B) They (the sabbaths, holy days, etc) ARE (present tense when Paul wrote it) a shadow of things TO COME (future tense when Paul wrote it).

That you cannot understand the scripture is par for the course.

Here Paul says plainly that the eating and drinking and holydays and new moon and sabbath days ARE SHADOWS.
Of things TO COME!! That means IN THE FUTURE.


New member
I don't claim the Sabbath is not for me. I claim the Sabbath is a shadow of Jesus and that I rest in him every day.

The MAD people don't believe that.

You know why you don't have God's Truth? It is because you don't value any truth let alone God's.

You are just like Eve who was told NOT to eat of a set apart tree...yet she decided ALL trees the same...that “NOT this tree” rule was NOT FOR HER

Your actions and fruit reveal the seventh day Sabbath set apart and made Holy by your Creator is “NOT FOR YOU”...cuz you MAD? Just like...claiming EVERY day is Holy...did you make them holy? You think you are God? So did Satan...

And naming yourself God’s Truth does not make it want olives from fig trunk...figs from a grape vine...your own creative defilement from within and NOT Yah’s holy commandment...better for you not to have heard and then return to your own 2 Peter 2:21-22

keep are no longer clean

God's Truth

New member
A) When you quote from the NIV, you use a CORRUPT "Bible".
B) They (the sabbaths, holy days, etc) ARE (present tense when Paul wrote it) a shadow of things TO COME (future tense when Paul wrote it).

That you cannot understand the scripture is par for the course.

Of things TO COME!! That means IN THE FUTURE.

I gave you KJV scriptures.. You still deny the truth that THE LAW is a shadow of Jesus.


New member
I gave you KJV scriptures.. You still deny the truth that THE LAW is a shadow of Jesus.

Excuse me...those shadows are of good things to come...still to come

please do not refer to Our Lord and Savior as a thing...or a plurality of a thing

He is a person...has a name...and history present and future...

hopefully in your life too...

I mean how would you like being called a thing? Or things?

bet you don’t call king Jimmy a thing...or things

bet he wouldn’t like it either if you did...over looking what he did and represented by calling him a thing...

God's Truth

New member
Indeed...and is to come AGAIN...

When Jesus comes again, he will be coming for those who are saved, and it will be too late for anyone not saved.

just because you repeat it so often to program yourself or type it in red does NOT make it accurate...

I typed in out in the KJV for RD.

Even though it is “the good that came” was written AFTER Jesus had come it remains written in PRESENT TENSE as more good is to come...STILL to the FUTURE like the future times of trouble Yahushua asked prayers be said that the Sabbath be kept...

There were Jews that rejected Jesus and they continued to do the animal sacrifices.

Nowhere does the scriptures say to pray the Sabbath be kept.

You are just repeating what an ear tickler said to you.

Notice even Heb 8:5 is NOT written “who SERVED the copy and shadow of heavenly things” or “who HAD SERVED the copy and shadow of heavenly things”

The temple and the high priests and what they did were a shadow of HEAVENLY THINGS.

even verse 4 “...since there ARE priests who OFFER the gifts according to the Law...” that is why it is PRESENT...a gift...LOL...

There were Jews that rejected Jesus and they kept doing the old law sacrifices.

and NOT PAST tense “since there WERE priests who HAD OFFERED the gifts according to the Law...” gifts are in PRESENT...

Again, the Jews who rejected Jesus were still doing the worthless shadow things.

Heb 9:11 confirms you are correct...partially...”But Christ came as High Priest” see? YOU ARE CORRECT...

There is nothing partial.
but READ ON what did He come to administer for us? “OF THE GOOD THINGS TO COME” with the greater and more perfect tabernacle not made with hands, that is, not of this creation.”

Did you notice the red part?

It was about Jesus and Jesus accomplished it.

Jesus is the temple; Jesus is the High Priest; Jesus is the Sacrificial Lamb.

No more observing and obeying shadows.

Jesus is the light that came.

Now notice PLEASE Heb 10:1 “For the Law HAVING a shadow of the good things to COME” and NOT ”For the Law having HAD a shadow of the good things WHICH CAME”

Good grief' Jesus is the one who did all those things when he came.

So good things are STILL COMING...HALLELUYAH

Jesus is coming as a thief in the night---all have to already be a child of the light BEFORE he comes again, or you will suffer wrath, eternal condemnation.

like tabernacling with Him in heaven as the world lies desolate for 1000 our temporary Sukkot booths while our permanent home here on earth is cleansed and prepared...

Observing special days is worthless when it comes to salvation.

Oh and also please notice that there is a word written in Col 2:17 which is written in ITALICS the word: IS

17”which are a shadow of things to come but the body (soma = body not substance) IS of Christ.”

Colossians 2:16-17 can be properly understood only if the KJV italicized word "is" in verse 17 is left out, as it should be. The message of these verses is: don't let men judge you as doing wrong when you observe the holy days, new moons and sabbaths; let the body of Christ (the Church) do the judging.

Those scriptures rebuke you but you keep looking to your ear ticklers.

Oh and one last thing...

please notice Heb 10:5 ALSO ADDS:

“...sacrifice and offering You did not desire, but a body You have prepared for me

From Psalms 40:6-8

“...sacrifice and offering You did not desire, MY EARS YOU HAVE OPENED...”


By ending Heb 10:7 here “to do your will O God.”

And leaving out the rest of Psalms 40:8 “And Your Law [is] within my heart”...

So let’s be less creative with our own idolatries and begin to focus our study on what is actually written.

You should get rid of your idolatry of the Sabbath, and other things you idolize.
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God's Truth

New member
You are just like Eve who was told NOT to eat of a set apart tree...yet she decided ALL trees the same...that “NOT this tree” rule was NOT FOR HER

You don't even repeat the truth about Adam and Eve. You have an imagination and make up things.

Your actions and fruit reveal the seventh day Sabbath set apart and made Holy by your Creator is “NOT FOR YOU”...cuz you MAD? Just like...claiming EVERY day is Holy...did you make them holy? You think you are God? So did Satan...

You are the one like Satan who used scripture incorrectly.
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God's Truth

New member
Excuse me...those shadows are of good things to come...still to come

please do not refer to Our Lord and Savior as a thing...or a plurality of a thing

He is a person...has a name...and history present and future...

hopefully in your life too...

I mean how would you like being called a thing? Or things?

bet you don’t call king Jimmy a thing...or things

bet he wouldn’t like it either if you did...over looking what he did and represented by calling him a thing...

You are a slanderer and false witness.
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Wick Stick

Well-known member
It is good to take care of your family and if you have to work every day then it is good.
No, that's NOT good. If you HAVE to work every day to make ends meet, that's called POVERTY. It might be honorable to make that sort of sacrifice, but good? No... working yourself into an early grave is definitely NOT good. say I make the law of no effect.
The point is scarcely debatable. It says "rest" and you say "you don't gotta." Look, your very next sentence was...

The old laws with the rules and regulations are gone.
You view this "old law" wrong. It isn't a stick to beat people with.

You GET to rest. God has given us the GIFT of a rest day. Jesus said, "the Sabbath was made for man."

Since you don't have to work that much don't judge those that do.
Judge them? I pity them. If you feel that you HAVE to work 7 days a week to make it, I feel sorry for you. God isn't going to punish you, and neither will I. You're punishing yourself plenty already.

Also, any chance you could be a little NICER? There really isn't any call for the mean-spiritedness and accusations that come through in your posts.


Wick Stick

Well-known member
now it's down to an AM power hour...then footballs or something...
AM power hour doesn't sound like rest. It sounds like Service. Service is kind of the opposite of rest, don't you think?

Footballs sounds like rest. Well... unless you're playing, but I'm well past that point in my life. for the body of Christ...well only they are to judge the KEEPING of it...not the not keeping of it...

I mean why would non believing fellow Colossians care if they were NOT keeping kosher? or Jews for that matter...
The only condemnation left is self-condemnation. If one CHOOSES to condemn their self to working through the weekend, then their punishment is working through the weekend.

Basically, if you choose to sit in the mud, don't blame me when you get dirty. I didn't do that to you.


God's Truth

New member
No, that's NOT good. If you HAVE to work every day to make ends meet, that's called POVERTY. It might be honorable to make that sort of sacrifice, but good? No... working yourself into an early grave is definitely NOT good.

The point is scarcely debatable. It says "rest" and you say "you don't gotta." Look, your very next sentence was...

You view this "old law" wrong. It isn't a stick to beat people with.

You GET to rest. God has given us the GIFT of a rest day. Jesus said, "the Sabbath was made for man."

Judge them? I pity them. If you feel that you HAVE to work 7 days a week to make it, I feel sorry for you. God isn't going to punish you, and neither will I. You're punishing yourself plenty already.

Also, any chance you could be a little NICER? There really isn't any call for the mean-spiritedness and accusations that come through in your posts.


You are the one who is mean spirited.

It is good when a person takes care of their family; and It is good too that they find jobs. You want to feed someone's family and pay some bills for them so that they can get rid of a job they do on the weekend? I have a family for you.


New member
When Jesus comes again, he will be coming for those who are saved, and it will be too late for anyone not saved.
right a good thing to come...His return to take us so that "where I am you may be also"

I typed in out in the KJV for RD.
without reading it...a gift indeed

There were Jews that rejected Jesus and they continued to do the animal sacrifices.
is why it was written in present tense even after He ascended back to heaven...Hebrews was written before 70 AD but some say later...

Nowhere does the scriptures say to pray the Sabbath be kept.
well it is part of the 10 and He prayed that we would be ONE as Father and Son know the Ones around the time Sabbath was there ya go...also in Matt 24:20 but covered that just think future times of trouble happen on one day...cuz during a Roman siege they would re-open the gates after the Sabbath or before...but closing them ONLY on the Sabbath...LOL

You are just repeating what an ear tickler said to you.
nope written right there "Pray your flight be not on the Sabbath"
why because that is not resting...but running far away...with your stuff

The temple and the high priests and what they did were a shadow of HEAVENLY THINGS.
so you did NOT notice Heb 8:5 was NOT written in PAST TENSE?

written in past tense like this “who SERVED the copy and shadow of heavenly things” or “who HAD SERVED the copy and shadow of heavenly things"

There were Jews that rejected Jesus and they kept doing the old law sacrifices.
EXACTLY is WHY it was written in PRESENT TENSE

Again, the Jews who rejected Jesus were still doing the worthless shadow things.
right as were the disciples, celebrating Pentecost, Passover, Fall festival...oh yeah seventh day Sabbaths too...

There is nothing partial.
nope you were only right about the He had come...why? He had come to administer for us “OF THE GOOD THINGS TO COME” with the greater and more perfect tabernacle not made with hands, that is, not of this creation.” catch that?

It was about Jesus and Jesus accomplished it.
yup and now so are we...STILL cuz good things are still coming...

Jesus is the temple;
not the physical one destroyed in 70 AD

Jesus is the High Priest; Jesus is the Sacrificial Lamb.
but not good things to come...or a Sabbath day...or days of rest

what is the sense of being a High Priest when there is NOTHING LEFT TO DO?

No more observing and obeying shadows.

Jesus is the light that came.
for you yes...because of your rebellion against Him His Ways with your "NOT FOR ME" MADness

Good grief' Jesus is the one who did all those things when he came.
right but this was written after He came and the Law still HAS a shadow of good things to come Heb 10:1...neat eh?

Jesus is coming as a thief in the night---all have to already be a child of the light BEFORE he comes again, or you will suffer wrath, eternal condemnation.
oh wonder for you there is NO MORE GOOD TO COME...

Observing special days is worthless when it comes to salvation.
to earn it yes of course...but then...would you say that about OBEYING the rest of the 10 commandments or doing His Will...LIVING AS HE DID? I mean is NOT STEALING worthless when it comes to salvation? OR not KILLING? Or NOT fornicating? or LYING? well you demonstrate that...

Those scriptures rebuke you but you keep looking to your ear ticklers.
show your work...

You should get rid of your idolatry of the Sabbath, and other things you idolize.
Just following Him His ways as best I can since He did so much for me...and asked this in return...if we love Him...LIVE AS HE LIVED

but NOT are MAD...refuse what He gave and want EVERY DAY to be Holy...and to eat whatever you want...also NOT like He did...

God's Truth

New member
right a good thing to come...His return to take us so that "where I am you may be also"

without reading it...a gift indeed

is why it was written in present tense even after He ascended back to heaven...Hebrews was written before 70 AD but some say later...

well it is part of the 10 and He prayed that we would be ONE as Father and Son know the Ones around the time Sabbath was there ya go...also in Matt 24:20 but covered that just think future times of trouble happen on one day...cuz during a Roman siege they would re-open the gates after the Sabbath or before...but closing them ONLY on the Sabbath...LOL

nope written right there "Pray your flight be not on the Sabbath"
why because that is not resting...but running far away...with your stuff

so you did NOT notice Heb 8:5 was NOT written in PAST TENSE?

written in past tense like this “who SERVED the copy and shadow of heavenly things” or “who HAD SERVED the copy and shadow of heavenly things"

EXACTLY is WHY it was written in PRESENT TENSE

right as were the disciples, celebrating Pentecost, Passover, Fall festival...oh yeah seventh day Sabbaths too...

nope you were only right about the He had come...why? He had come to administer for us “OF THE GOOD THINGS TO COME” with the greater and more perfect tabernacle not made with hands, that is, not of this creation.” catch that?

yup and now so are we...STILL cuz good things are still coming...

not the physical one destroyed in 70 AD

but not good things to come...or a Sabbath day...or days of rest

what is the sense of being a High Priest when there is NOTHING LEFT TO DO?

for you yes...because of your rebellion against Him His Ways with your "NOT FOR ME" MADness

right but this was written after He came and the Law still HAS a shadow of good things to come Heb 10:1...neat eh?

oh wonder for you there is NO MORE GOOD TO COME...

to earn it yes of course...but then...would you say that about OBEYING the rest of the 10 commandments or doing His Will...LIVING AS HE DID? I mean is NOT STEALING worthless when it comes to salvation? OR not KILLING? Or NOT fornicating? or LYING? well you demonstrate that...

show your work...

Just following Him His ways as best I can since He did so much for me...and asked this in return...if we love Him...LIVE AS HE LIVED

but NOT are MAD...refuse what He gave and want EVERY DAY to be Holy...and to eat whatever you want...also NOT like He did...

The shadow was about Jesus. Jesus is the good that came.

No such thing as pray the Sabbath will be kept.


New member
You don't even repeat the truth about Adam and Eve. You have an imagination and make up things.
there was one tree set apart its fruit NOT to be eaten... Eve made it like the rest and ate of it too...

there is one day set apart made Holy...the seventh make it like the rest claiming they are all the same...

there is clean and unclean make it all the same

You are the one like Satan who used scripture incorrectly.

Satan claimed His way was “NOT FOR ME” and made his own claim His way is “NOT FOR ME” and make your own up...


New member
AM power hour doesn't sound like rest.
the tradition is sunday morning as that is when the tomb was discovered empty...He had risen the day before...but yes early church also celebrated first fruits tradition claims He rose on Sunday AM so thus celebrates it with a death mass...sacraments of flesh and blood...later Protestants removed the sacraments and replaced it with “hell fire preaching”...and now it is a show including loud music and fireworks dancing and chants...yup a real production

Its burning out though as more and more are returning to catholic tradition because of its history and “real presence” reformation is all but dead for most...

It sounds like Service. Service is kind of the opposite of rest, don't you think?
yup not much rest study and prayer or fellowship for the poor/needy

Footballs sounds like rest. Well... unless you're playing, but I'm well past that point in my life.
ha yup...exercise is good though...

The only condemnation left is self-condemnation. If one CHOOSES to condemn their self to working through the weekend, then their punishment is working through the weekend.
something like that...just like if one chooses to have an affair or to steal or kill or well you see the all stems from inner defilement we deceive ourselves as Eve did thinking she was not to TOUCH the fruit and when she did and nothing happened questioned the actual prohibition of not to EAT

Basically, if you choose to sit in the mud, don't blame me when you get dirty. I didn't do that to you.

yup...some love the mud...wallow in it...”you cant judge aint my fault...I am should be dirty too” look around...cleanliness is not a goal...the irony sterility is...all these masks masking the mask makers...the corrupted seeking absolute power

Rejecting Him His way has consequences as Paul taught Marcus Antonius Felix righteousness self control and judgement to come Acts 24:25...this frightened even a Roman governor...(Tacitus wrote of Marcus “the power of a king but the mind of a slave”)...

and even today most rebel with Marxist zeal “Law and Order its hierarchy patriarchy and accountability?...hell no!...not dispensed to me...and so LAW AND ORDER NOT FOR ME”


New member
The shadow was about Jesus. Jesus is the good that came.
you keep programming yourself... no more good for make void the good He did by rejecting the good that is still to come...

No such thing as pray the Sabbath will be kept.
Matt 24:20 as if the gates were closed during a siege ONLY on the Sabbath...I showed historical evidence that their flight was allowed for over 4 years...

but since every day is Sabbath for would keep the gates closed every day...LOL nobody could flee...

After His Sabbath rest in the tomb and refreshment (resurrection) from the tomb...Yahushua remained with them for 40 days...that is 5 Sundays...NOTHING is written of a NEW day of rest or worship or a NEW way...certainly NOT an EVERY day is Holy now...or now Jesus ate Ham...
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