The Late Great Urantia Revelation

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This is how Peters confession was recalled later after Jesus left and the gospels were being written for the Church at Rome:

Matthew 16:13-20New American Standard Bible (NASB)

Peter’s Confession of Christ

13 Now when Jesus came into the district of Caesarea Philippi, He was asking His disciples, “Who do people say that the Son of Man is?” 14 And they said, “Some say John the Baptist; and others, [a]Elijah; but still others, Jeremiah, or one of the prophets.” 15 He *said to them, “But who do you say that I am?” 16 Simon Peter answered, “You are [c]the Christ, the Son of the living God.” 17 And Jesus said to him, “Blessed are you, Simon [d]Barjona, because flesh and blood did not reveal this to you, but My Father who is in heaven. 18 I also say to you that you are [e]Peter, and upon this [f]rock I will build My church; and the gates of Hades will not overpower it. 19 I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; and whatever you bind on earth [g]shall have been bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth [h]shall have been loosed in heaven.” 20 Then He warned the disciples that they should tell no one that He was [j]the Christ.

The celestial beings and Midwayers present on earth at the times of Michaels incarnation have been granted permission to present the actual record at this time of ongoing confusion and decay of the church. Jesus has in part returned in the more accurate presentation of his gospel and life's story.


I agree, that's why we can tell that the Bible books weren't written by God.

The doctrine of inerrancy leads people to become intolerant, bigoted and stunted in spiritual and intellectual growth.

The doctrine of inerrancy is of the world.

"And now will they employ both the doctrine of the inspiration of the Scriptures and their misinterpretations thereof in their determined effort to withstand these newer teachings of the gospel of the kingdom. Nathaniel, never forget, the Father does not limit the revelation of truth to any one generation or to any one people. Many earnest seekers after the truth have been, and will continue to be, confused and disheartened by these doctrines of the perfection of the Scriptures."

“But the saddest feature of all is the fact that some of the teachers of the sanctity of this traditionalism know this very truth. They more or less fully understand these limitations of Scripture, but they are moral cowards, intellectually dishonest."
66 books were by God while the rest of 73 or 76 books were not


Having the actual record in hand now of what Jesus actually said and did we can compare the writings of the gospels in order to illuminate confusion.

Peters confession.

As they paused for lunch, Jesus suddenly confronted the twelve with the first question he had ever addressed to them concerning himself. He asked this surprising question, “Who do men say that I am?”

157:3.4 Jesus had spent long months in training these apostles as to the nature and character of the kingdom of heaven, and he well knew the time had come when he must begin to teach them more about his own nature and his personal relationship to the kingdom. And now, as they were seated under the mulberry trees, the Master made ready to hold one of the most momentous sessions of his long association with the chosen apostles.

157:3.5 More than half the apostles participated in answering Jesus' question. They told him that he was regarded as a prophet or as an extraordinary man by all who knew him; that even his enemies greatly feared him, accounting for his powers by the indictment that he was in league with the prince of devils. They told him that some in Judea and Samaria who had not met him personally believed he was John the Baptist risen from the dead. Peter explained that he had been, at sundry times and by various persons, compared with Moses, Elijah, Isaiah, and Jeremiah. When Jesus had listened to this report, he drew himself upon his feet, and looking down upon the twelve sitting about him in a semicircle, with startling emphasis he pointed to them with a sweeping gesture of his hand and asked, “But who say you that I am?” There was a moment of tense silence. The twelve never took their eyes off the Master, and then Simon Peter, springing to his feet, exclaimed: “You are the Deliverer, the Son of the living God.” And the eleven sitting apostles arose to their feet with one accord, thereby indicating that Peter had spoken for all of them.

157:3.6 When Jesus had beckoned them again to be seated, and while still standing before them, he said: “This has been revealed to you by my Father. The hour has come when you should know the truth about me. But for the time being I charge you that you tell this to no man. Let us go hence.”
157:3.7 And so they resumed their journey to Caesarea Philippi arriving late that evening and stopping at the home of Celsus, who was expecting them. The apostles slept little that night; they seemed to sense that a great event in their lives and in the work of the kingdom had transpired.

"Actually said" from an unfamiliar celestial? No thanks


66 books were by God while the rest of 73 or 76 books were not

......"moral cowards, intellectually dishonest."

The Jews were too proud to admit the human Origen of the dooms their ancestors wrote. Today they remain marooned by such pride.


......"moral cowards, intellectually dishonest."

The Jews were too proud to admit the human Origen of the dooms their ancestors wrote. Today they remain marooned by such pride.
The Bible claims it's God's word and you deny God's words and jesus


I was made to stay there so God will keep his promises. Demonic fallen celestials don't keep promises and you can't tell the difference.

The demonic fallen angels were taken into custody while Jesus was on earth and they never had the powers to write books or make people work against their will. Again you make the same claims that the discredited Jews made against Jesus.

You have more faith in the power of Satan than God!


The demonic fallen angels were taken into custody while Jesus was on earth and they never had the powers to write books or make people work against their will. Again you make the same claims that the discredited Jews made against Jesus.

You have more faith in the power of Satan than God!
Too Puritan here.


Straw man! I deny the exaggerated conjecture of humans. GodsvWird is living truth, he doesn't write error filled books.!
You must been talking about translations while I've been talking about the original scriptures the whole time


Too Puritan here.

New truth and revelation is always met with resistance, persecution and even death. The prophets were mistreated and rejected as was the Son himself. Believers in Jesus were mistreated and killed. The latest gift from God is no different.


You must been talking about translations while I've been talking about the original scriptures the whole time

We don't have the originals so how could you know? With the UB we do have the original history that the Hebrew redactors changed. They also destroyed secular history books mentioned in the Bible.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
New truth and revelation is always met with resistance, persecution and even death. The prophets were mistreated and rejected as was the Son himself. Believers in Jesus were mistreated and killed. The latest gift from God is no different.

You and Freelight have created your own little "UFO Cult" universe on TOL. Yet, you've never had a single convert over the years. Your Occult beliefs are just too hard to swallow. Therefore, posters with reason/discernment don't take either of you seriously. I suppose you guys are satisfied just being a couple of bizarre oddballs.

Ask Mr. Religion

☞☞☞☞Presbyterian (PCA) &#9
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
You and Freelight have created your own little "UFO Cult" universe on TOL. Yet, you've never had a single convert over the years. Your Occult beliefs are just too hard to swallow. Therefore, posters with reason/discernment don't take either of you seriously. I suppose you guys are satisfied just being a couple of bizarre oddballs.
New Age Moonbeams...sigh.



Around the late 1800's, after the Church stopped burning people for questioning their claims, scholarly analysis of the redacted and edited books of the Old Testament began. This explains basically what happened, the motives for it and why the secular history books of the Jews vanished from history:


97:8.1 The custom of looking upon the record of the experiences of the Hebrews as sacred history and upon the transactions of the rest of the world as profane history is responsible for much of the confusion existing in the human mind as to the interpretation of history. And this difficulty arises because there is no secular history of the Jews. After the priests of the Babylonians exile had prepared their new record of God's supposedly miraculous dealings with the Hebrews, the sacred history of Israel as portrayed in the Old Testament, they carefully and completely destroyed the existing records of Hebrew affairs—such books as "The Doings of the Kings of Israel" and "The Doings of the Kings of Judah," together with several other more or less accurate records of Hebrew history.

97:8.2 In order to understand how the devastating pressure and the inescapable coercion of secular history so terrorized the captive and alien-ruled Jews that they attempted the complete rewriting and recasting of their history, we should briefly survey the record of their perplexing national experience. It must be remembered that the Jews failed to evolve an adequate nontheologic philosophy of life. They struggled with their original and Egyptian concept of divine rewards for righteousness coupled with dire punishments for sin. The drama of Job was something of a protest against this erroneous philosophy. The frank pessimism of Ecclesiastes was a worldly wise reaction to these overoptimistic beliefs in Providence.

97:8.3 But five hundred years of the overlordship of alien rulers was too much for even the patient and long-suffering Jews. The prophets and priests began to cry: "How long, O Lord, how long?" As the honest Jew searched the Scriptures, his confusion became worse confounded. An olden seer promised that God would protect and deliver his "chosen people." Amos had threatened that God would abandon Israel unless they re-established their standards of national righteousness. The scribe of Deuteronomy had portrayed the Great Choice—as between the good and the evil, the blessing and the curse. Isaiah the first had preached a beneficent king-deliverer. Jeremiah had proclaimed an era of inner righteousness—the covenant written on the tablets of the heart. The second Isaiah talked about salvation by sacrifice and redemption. Ezekiel proclaimed deliverance through the service of devotion, and Ezra promised prosperity by adherence to the law. But in spite of all this they lingered on in bondage, and deliverance was deferred. Then Daniel presented the drama of the impending "crisis"—the smiting of the great image and the immediate establishment of the everlasting reign of righteousness, the Messianic kingdom.

97:8.4 And all of this false hope led to such a degree of racial disappointment and frustration that the leaders of the Jews were so confused they failed to recognize and accept the mission and ministry of a divine Son of Paradise when he presently came to them in the likeness of mortal flesh—incarnated as the Son of Man.

97:8.5 All modern religions have seriously blundered in the attempt to put a miraculous interpretation on certain epochs of human history. While it is true that God has many times thrust a Father's hand of providential intervention into the stream of human affairs, it is a mistake to regard theologic dogmas and religious superstition as a supernatural sedimentation appearing by miraculous action in this stream of human history. The fact that the "Most Highs rule in the kingdoms of men" does not convert secular history into so-called sacred history.

97:8.6 New Testament authors and later Christian writers further complicated the distortion of Hebrew history by their well-meant attempts to transcendentalize the Jewish prophets. Thus has Hebrew history been disastrously exploited by both Jewish and Christian writers. Secular Hebrew history has been thoroughly dogmatized. It has been converted into a fiction of sacred history and has become inextricably bound up with the moral concepts and religious teachings of the so-called Christian nations.

97:8.7 A brief recital of the high points in Hebrew history will illustrate how the facts of the record were so altered in Babylon by the Jewish priests as to turn the everyday secular history of their people into a fictitious and sacred history.


New truth and revelation is always met with resistance, persecution and even death. The prophets were mistreated and rejected as was the Son himself. Believers in Jesus were mistreated and killed. The latest gift from God is no different.


We don't have the originals so how could you know? With the UB we do have the original history that the Hebrew redactors changed. They also destroyed secular history books mentioned in the Bible.
We have good copies. You looking for a way out so you can put ub above the Bible.


We have good copies. You looking for a way out so you can put ub above the Bible.

My I phone 6+ is much better than my original Moterolla flip phone. It just is, that fact isn't meant to hurt anyone's feelings. It's an update. The UB is more authoritative by permission from Jesus, it's a gift that comes at a time of his choosing. Man has fixed ideas about how things should be done and that has caused problems for ages. The Jews had ideas about a Messiah, those ideas became a devistateing stumbling block for them. Growth requires an open mind. Jesus made it clear that his followers need to trust in God like an unspoiled child.
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