The Late Great Urantia Revelation

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Eclectic Theosophist


"Knowledge is the sphere of the material or fact-discerning mind. Truth is the domain of the spiritually endowed intellect that is conscious of knowing God. Knowledge is demonstrable; truth is experienced. Knowledge is a possession of the mind; truth an experience of the soul, the progressing self. Knowledge is a function of the nonspiritual level; truth is a phase of the mind-spirit level of the universes. The eye of the material mind perceives a world of factual knowledge; the eye of the spiritualized intellect discerns a world of true values. These two views, synchronized and harmonized, reveal the world of reality, wherein wisdom interprets the phenomena of the universe in terms of progressive personal experience."


Knowledge and truth on their own levels of being inter-associate on the whole to bring forth the interpretations and translations most congruent to emerging reality.

(333.7) 30:1.99 God, as a superperson, eventuates; God, as a person, creates; God, as a preperson, fragments; and such an Adjuster fragment of himself evolves the spirit soul upon the material and mortal mind in accordance with the freewill choosing of the personality which has been bestowed upon such a mortal creature by the parental act of God as a Father."

The subject of 'personality' is one of the profound revelations in its various aspects within the papers, while the 'thought-adjuster' is a 'pre-personal' fragment of 'God' indwelling the evolving soul, which can 'fuse' with the ascending mortal to make that soul immortal, when the soul wholly chooses the divine will and meets the requirements of eternal survival.



New member
Most Christians don't view the ub as knowledge or revelation of anything - just fiction material that contradicts God's Word. God's Word is the standard and authority, certainly NOT the ub.


Well-known member
Most Christians don't view the ub as knowledge or revelation of anything - just fiction material that contradicts God's Word. God's Word is the standard and authority, certainly NOT the ub.

UB Bi-Bulled into dualities veil of dreams, and the fiction dart is a humorous and Oxymoronic weapon, yet you most likely sport an ID with a legal name which has you playing a role in a fiction you swear is reality, not a good position to throw those darts from.

You would better be advised to read the never ending story which exposes the loop of pure waters which is the Alchemy of lights that starts the activation of every cell in the body, which it craves yet is denied access from parasitic barriers implanted in that grey matter.



Knowledge and truth on their own levels of being inter-associate on the whole to bring forth the interpretations and translations most congruent to emerging reality.

The subject of 'personality' is one of the profound revelations in its various aspects within the papers, while the 'thought-adjuster' is a 'pre-personal' fragment of 'God' indwelling the evolving soul, which can 'fuse' with the ascending mortal to make that soul immortal, when the soul wholly chooses the divine will and meets the requirements of eternal survival.



Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
UB Bi-Bulled into dualities veil of dreams, and the fiction dart is a humorous and Oxymoronic weapon, yet you most likely sport an ID with a legal name which has you playing a role in a fiction you swear is reality, not a good position to throw those darts from.

You would better be advised to read the never ending story which exposes the loop of pure waters which is the Alchemy of lights that starts the activation of every cell in the body, which it craves yet is denied access from parasitic barriers implanted in that grey matter.

I'll bet you and "Letsargue" would get along real well!


UB Bi-Bulled into dualities veil of dreams, and the fiction dart is a humorous and Oxymoronic weapon, yet you most likely sport an ID with a legal name which has you playing a role in a fiction you swear is reality, not a good position to throw those darts from.

You would better be advised to read the never ending story which exposes the loop of pure waters which is the Alchemy of lights that starts the activation of every cell in the body, which it craves yet is denied access from parasitic barriers implanted in that grey matter.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
This thread is where all the "NUTSOS" post! I find it rather entertaining!
If Caino, Freelight, and Zeke were't here, I'll bet they'd be in some boring
mental institution sharing their fantasies with one another?


(1766.5) 159:3.9 "In preaching the gospel of the kingdom, you are simply teaching friendship with God. And this fellowship will appeal alike to men and women in that both will find that which most truly satisfies their characteristic longings and ideals. Tell my children that I am not only tender of their feelings and patient with their frailties, but that I am also ruthless with sin and intolerant of iniquity. I am indeed meek and humble in the presence of my Father, but I am equally and relentlessly inexorable where there is deliberate evil-doing and sinful rebellion against the will of my Father in heaven."

Caino, have you ever encountered visitors from, "Metaluna?"

Mark SeaSigh

This thread is where all the "NUTSOS" post!

Yep; LOL!







Jennifer Aniston acted in Both of these Movies.

I don't see "Mac and Me" in the Wikipedia (1/23/2015) article of her; for some reason...

I'm going to find that, and watch it; Right Now!!!

( )




I'm a "TOLRoller."


Well-known member
Tick, tick, tick, yo time is running out on all legal names, that marker will be called in because you are debt in this paper based fiction that will implode using you as the powder to explode it, laugh he he ha ha will be on you.


(1490.7) 134:6.4 Another world war will teach the so-called sovereign nations to form some sort of federation, thus creating the machinery for preventing small wars, wars between the lesser nations. But global wars will go on until the government of mankind is created. Global sovereignty will prevent global wars — nothing else can.


This thread is where all the "NUTSOS" post! I find it rather entertaining!
If Caino, Freelight, and Zeke were't here, I'll bet they'd be in some boring
mental institution sharing their fantasies with one another?

And Grosnick post here more than we do :rotfl::rotfl::rotfl::rotfl::rotfl::rotfl::rotfl:



Eclectic Theosophist


Most Christians don't view the ub as knowledge or revelation of anything - just fiction material that contradicts God's Word. God's Word is the standard and authority, certainly NOT the ub.

You haven't read the UB (not even the first 5 papers given to you as a challenge earlier) so cant speak for or against its authenticity. Readers of the thread can see this. So all you've got is "because I say so", and "it makes me feel good re-affirming my trust that only the Bible is 'Gods word'". You cannot prove that only the bible is God's word. Being a sock-puppet for your own religious cult (belief-system) doesnt add anything to the dialogue here, until you learn the material that your misrepresenting and are able to have an intelligent informed dialogue. Until then its just ignorance.

You cant even prove whats historical, religious-fiction or mythology in a good number of bible stories, so can hardly start waving a golden finger at the UB for adding to biblical accounts bringing more information and corrections, expanding thereupon and adding new revelations where needed.

UB Index (text and audio)



Well-known member
Found ANOTHER Article About the UB...

Found ANOTHER Article About the UB...

The following was quoted from Bill Kochman, who wrote THIS ARTICLE:

You see, now you are beginning to understand why the Urantia Book is so demonic and dangerous. In fact, I would even call it the Devil's 'Solution Book'. You see, if we believe what is written in its pages, it acts as a soothing balm which takes away all of the ugliness and the uncomfortable feeling that is associated with Christ's Sacrifice. It tells us that this is not why Jesus died on the Cross. It tells us that His Act of Love was not really necessary for our Salvation. It tells us that our God is not the primitive God of the Old Testament who was constantly ordering the Israelites to kill people and offer animal sacrifices. It informs us that the 'real' God in fact finds belief in the Crucifixion of His Son as Atonement for our sins disgusting, repulsive and barbaric. The Urantia Book offers a new, peaceful, more civilized 'God' for a new age.

In short, the Urantia Book resolves all of the main problems that some people have with the Bible, and provides us with a much more comfortable and acceptable faith without all of the violence and blood, and without the necessity of the bloody Sacrifice of Jesus Christ. Many people find this a lot more appealing. This is the true power of the Urantia Book. This is why so many people like it and believe in it. By just accepting what it teaches, we are rid of the guilt and the hard questions. It also makes it so much easier to share our faith with other people, because we no longer have to deal with animal and human sacrifices, and the messy Crucifixion. The Urantia Book sounds so good, but beware, because it is a damnable and dangerous heresy exactly as the Apostle Peter wrote!

It was a very enlightening article. I found no disagreement with what he wrote.


Eclectic Theosophist


The following was quoted from Bill Kochman, who wrote THIS ARTICLE:

You see, now you are beginning to understand why the Urantia Book is so demonic and dangerous. In fact, I would even call it the Devil's 'Solution Book'. You see, if we believe what is written in its pages, it acts as a soothing balm which takes away all of the ugliness and the uncomfortable feeling that is associated with Christ's Sacrifice. It tells us that this is not why Jesus died on the Cross. It tells us that His Act of Love was not really necessary for our Salvation. It tells us that our God is not the primitive God of the Old Testament who was constantly ordering the Israelites to kill people and offer animal sacrifices. It informs us that the 'real' God in fact finds belief in the Crucifixion of His Son as Atonement for our sins disgusting, repulsive and barbaric. The Urantia Book offers a new, peaceful, more civilized 'God' for a new age.

In short, the Urantia Book resolves all of the main problems that some people have with the Bible, and provides us with a much more comfortable and acceptable faith without all of the violence and blood, and without the necessity of the bloody Sacrifice of Jesus Christ. Many people find this a lot more appealing. This is the true power of the Urantia Book. This is why so many people like it and believe in it. By just accepting what it teaches, we are rid of the guilt and the hard questions. It also makes it so much easier to share our faith with other people, because we no longer have to deal with animal and human sacrifices, and the messy Crucifixion. The Urantia Book sounds so good, but beware, because it is a damnable and dangerous heresy exactly as the Apostle Peter wrote!

It was a very enlightening article. I found no disagreement with what he wrote.

We've already covered the blood-atonement theory here (several dialogues linked back).

With Bill's articles I see the usual special pleading from a traditional evangelical perspective and polemic. He spouts the typical demonizing and disparaging against satanic deception. He maintains a few misconceptions, one concerning the UB's teaching on Jesus being the archangel Michael, assuming it holds the same view of JWs and SDAs that these are the same person. In the UB they are not.

Jesus is a Creator-Son, of the Order of Michael, being a 'Michael' he is recognized as 'Michael of Nebadon'....the Creator-Son of our local universe. He is traditionally also known as 'Christ-Michael' on this planet, an appellation noting his being identification as the 'messiah' as well as being our Creator-Son. Various archangels serve Creator-Sons, and some biblical passages may refer to an 'archangel of Michael'. So we are clear, Jesus is not an archangel, and is called 'Michael' because he is a Creator-Son, who are also called Michaels. There is assmed to be at least 700,000 Creator Sons in existence...these are 'personalized' as Michaels.

As to our traditional concept of Michael being one of the archangels, this would be interesting research, if there is an actual archangel by this name or the name was confused between Creator-Sons and lower ranking angels in the hierarchy.

See: here.

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