The Late Great Urantia Revelation

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I understand, I believe scripture is mostly human speculation about real events.

"While personal religion precedes the evolution of human morals, it is regretfully recorded that institutional religion has invariably lagged behind the slowly changing mores of the human races. Organized religion has proved to be conservatively tardy. The prophets have usually led the people in religious development; the theologians have usually held them back. Religion, being a matter of inner or personal experience, can never develop very far in advance of the intellectual evolution of the races." UB 55

One can easily see how screwed humans are right here on TOL for your viewing pleasure


One can easily see how screwed humans are right here on TOL for your viewing pleasure

True that! But then imagine them influencing the stories about the doings of God on earth.

Its unsettling but slowly God and his celestial helpers are weaning us away from spiritually unhealthy dependence on the Shaman, his opinions, traditionalism, so called religious authority, and to a place where the individual has his or her own personal relationship with the Living God instead of relics.

This is why the prophets were always hated by the men of religious government in their day. It was only later generations that cherished their truths. This is why we are so bitterly hated on TOL as well as our new revelation.

"Micah denounced “the rulers who judge for reward and the priests who teach for hire and the prophets who divine for money.” He taught of a day of freedom from superstition and priestcraft, saying: “But every man shall sit under his own vine, and no one shall make him afraid, for all people will live, each one according to his understanding of God.”


True that! But then imagine them influencing the stories about the doings of God on earth.

Its unsettling but slowly God and his celestial helpers are weaning us away from spiritually unhealthy dependence on the Shaman, his opinions, traditionalism, so called religious authority, and to a place where the individual has his or her own personal relationship with the Living God instead of relics.

This is why the prophets were always hated by the men of religious government in their day. It was only later generations that cherished their truths. This is why we are so bitterly hated on TOL as well as our new revelation.

"Micah denounced “the rulers who judge for reward and the priests who teach for hire and the prophets who divine for money.” He taught of a day of freedom from superstition and priestcraft, saying: “But every man shall sit under his own vine, and no one shall make him afraid, for all people will live, each one according to his understanding of God.”

Maybe it don't matter how man interprets the Bible but what matters to me is the Bible is inspired by God. Perhaps God wants man to interpret the Bible the way they do. Maybe there are other reason for the Bible.
Like UB, men has channeled through an unknown thing, it or person to write it. I doubt any man is smart enough to write what happened outside our limited view of the universe. Perhaps its some sort of internal universe and not a physical one.


New member
The urantia book is a fabrication of man, and not a very good one. It's certainly not from God, nor is it inspired by God.


Eclectic Theosophist
I think there's some mental problems with you and your ilk FL!
For sure you guys are "spiritually deprived" (of your own accord)
but, beyond that, there has to be some form of mental disturbance
within "cultists" such as yourself?

The solid foundation of reality itself is inherent in existence itself. It is self-evident. Consider this as an ontological observation first. Existence is. Life is. God is. Consciousness is.

In this realization is perfect peace. This ground of being is permanently established, there is no lack in it. The 'First Source and Center' is the central reality from which all creation springs.

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Eclectic Theosophist
If revelations were removed from the 66 book bible, all the mathematical results will turn into not being perfectly divisible by 7 and other numbers. God caused writers, who lived in different places and different times never knowing each other, to write in such a way to make all of the 66 books perfectly divisible by certian numbers at the end results of complete scriptures . Long story but revelations were inspired by God, not men so it can't be translated as not being written by sources outside men.

In other words, if men didn't write them then who did?

Its like you saying UB wasn't written by men but an ______ ...

Can you give proof of the mathematical equation of 7?

Of course all inspiration and revelation is expressed thru men as they speak and write, so human vessels are used, but human vessels are imperfect and sometimes condition/influence/colour/modify the transmission. The UB was given thru a human vessel as well.

addendum: The Apocrypha was not removed from the KJV Bible until 1885, so apparently was considered the 'word of God' for about 274 years, before any inspired authority chose to remove them? ;)



Eclectic Theosophist
The urantia book is a fabrication of man, and not a very good one. It's certainly not from God, nor is it inspired by God.

Its 'truth' will be illumined to those receptive to whatever truth it contains, like any other religious writing or revelation of significance. In other words, truth will speak for itself, within whatever 'context' it is being communicated.



Eclectic Theosophist


Maybe it don't matter how man interprets the Bible but what matters to me is the Bible is inspired by God. Perhaps God wants man to interpret the Bible the way they do. Maybe there are other reason for the Bible.
Like UB, men has channeled through an unknown thing, it or person to write it. I doubt any man is smart enough to write what happened outside our limited view of the universe. Perhaps its some sort of internal universe and not a physical one.

One issue is in order to properly judge or evaluate a text, one must honestly read and consider its content, open to whatever light, truth or wisdom is being communicated,...that is key here in anyone judging the UB, and we must note that such ideas, meanings and values must be considered/interpreted in their given context.

The fundamentals on God, his relationship to the universe and to the individual are given in the first 5 papers, and are of course central to the entire revelation, since one's own relationship to the Creator and Creation itself, is fundamental to existence. All other cosmological descriptions and knowledge are additions to the whole, as the evolution of life on this planet and all other planets in the cosmos who follow along the lines of a progressive evolution.



Well-known member
Its unsettling but slowly God and his celestial helpers are weaning us away from spiritually unhealthy dependence on the Shaman, his opinions, traditionalism, so called religious authority, and to a place where the individual has his or her own personal relationship with the Living God instead of relics.
This is the actual reason behind Jesus' coming to this earth.

For the Son of man is come to seek and to save that which was lost.

What was 'lost' was relationship with God, that Adam and Eve had in the garden. Without Christ there can be no relationship with God.

Then Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Except ye eat the flesh of the Son of man, and drink his blood, ye have no life in you.


Can you give proof of the mathematical equation of 7?

Of course all inspiration and revelation is expressed thru men as they speak and write, so human vessels are used, but human vessels are imperfect and sometimes condition/influence/colour/modify the transmission. The UB was given thru a human vessel as well.

addendum: The Apocrypha was not removed from the KJV Bible until 1885, so apparently was considered the 'word of God' for about 274 years, before any inspired authority chose to remove them? ;)


I got it from ivan panin works

Apocrypha had no patterns of this number system so it was plainly by men. The number thing was recently discovered. Let's say God inspired someone to remove the extra seven books. Maybe once the super computer figures all out, it might change things.


I got it from ivan panin works

Apocrypha had no patterns of this number system so it was plainly by men. The number thing was recently discovered. Let's say God inspired someone to remove the extra seven books. Maybe once the super computer figures all out, it might change things.


9. Natural Philosophy

(479.6) 42:9.1 Religion is not alone dogmatic; natural philosophy equally tends to dogmatize. When a renowned religious teacher reasoned that the number seven was fundamental to nature because there are seven openings in the human head, if he had known more of chemistry, he might have advocated such a belief founded on a true phenomenon of the physical world. There is in all the physical universes of time and space, notwithstanding the universal manifestation of the decimal constitution of energy, the ever-present reminder of the reality of the sevenfold electronic organization of prematter.

(479.7) 42:9.2 The number seven is basic to the central universe and the spiritual system of inherent transmissions of character, but the number ten, the decimal system, is inherent in energy, matter, and the material creation. Nevertheless the atomic world does display a certain periodic characterization which recurs in groups of seven — a birthmark carried by this material world indicative of its far-distant spiritual origin.

(480.1) 42:9.3 This sevenfold persistence of creative constitution is exhibited in the chemical domains as a recurrence of similar physical and chemical properties in segregated periods of seven when the basic elements are arranged in the order of their atomic weights. When the Urantia chemical elements are thus arranged in a row, any given quality or property tends to recur by sevens. This periodic change by sevens recurs diminishingly and with variations throughout the entire chemical table, being most markedly observable in the earlier or lighter atomic groupings. Starting from any one element, after noting some one property, such a quality will change for six consecutive elements, but on reaching the eighth, it tends to reappear, that is, the eighth chemically active element resembles the first, the ninth the second, and so on. Such a fact of the physical world unmistakably points to the sevenfold constitution of ancestral energy and is indicative of the fundamental reality of the sevenfold diversity of the creations of time and space. Man should also note that there are seven colors in the natural spectrum.

(480.2) 42:9.4 But not all the suppositions of natural philosophy are valid; for example, the hypothetical ether, which represents an ingenious attempt of man to unify his ignorance of space phenomena. The philosophy of the universe cannot be predicated on the observations of so-called science. If such a metamorphosis could not be seen, a scientist would be inclined to deny the possibility of developing a butterfly out of a caterpillar.

(480.3) 42:9.5 Physical stability associated with biologic elasticity is present in nature only because of the well-nigh infinite wisdom possessed by the Master Architects of creation. Nothing less than transcendental wisdom could ever design units of matter which are at the same time so stable and so efficiently flexible.



New member
Can you give proof of the mathematical equation of 7?

Of course all inspiration and revelation is expressed thru men as they speak and write, so human vessels are used, but human vessels are imperfect and sometimes condition/influence/colour/modify the transmission. The UB was given thru a human vessel as well.

addendum: The Apocrypha was not removed from the KJV Bible until 1885, so apparently was considered the 'word of God' for about 274 years, before any inspired authority chose to remove them? ;)


The Apocrypha was not considered the word of God. Martin Luther said:

"Apocrypha--that is, books which are not regarded as equal to the holy Scriptures, and yet are profitable and good to read."


Eclectic Theosophist
esoteric goodies......

esoteric goodies......

The Apocrypha was not considered the word of God. Martin Luther said:

"Apocrypha--that is, books which are not regarded as equal to the holy Scriptures, and yet are profitable and good to read."

The fact still remains that the original 1611 and other KJ translations before the year 1885 STILL contained the Apocrypha in their bible-collection. Unless the translators/publishers indicate in the their bible that the Apocrypha is not to be 'equaled' to the holy scriptures as so 'inspired', might assume those books are equally as 'inspired' and a part of God's holy word.

I enjoy the Apocrypha and other non-canonical books, Gnostic gospels, Essene gospels too, since you can learn from them reflecting the beliefs and attitudes of the people of that time-period (culture). Throw in the Books of Enoch and Thomas as well ;)



Eclectic Theosophist



9. Natural Philosophy

(479.6) 42:9.1 Religion is not alone dogmatic; natural philosophy equally tends to dogmatize. When a renowned religious teacher reasoned that the number seven was fundamental to nature because there are seven openings in the human head, if he had known more of chemistry, he might have advocated such a belief founded on a true phenomenon of the physical world. There is in all the physical universes of time and space, notwithstanding the universal manifestation of the decimal constitution of energy, the ever-present reminder of the reality of the sevenfold electronic organization of prematter.

(479.7) 42:9.2 The number seven is basic to the central universe and the spiritual system of inherent transmissions of character, but the number ten, the decimal system, is inherent in energy, matter, and the material creation. Nevertheless the atomic world does display a certain periodic characterization which recurs in groups of seven — a birthmark carried by this material world indicative of its far-distant spiritual origin.

(480.1) 42:9.3 This sevenfold persistence of creative constitution is exhibited in the chemical domains as a recurrence of similar physical and chemical properties in segregated periods of seven when the basic elements are arranged in the order of their atomic weights. When the Urantia chemical elements are thus arranged in a row, any given quality or property tends to recur by sevens. This periodic change by sevens recurs diminishingly and with variations throughout the entire chemical table, being most markedly observable in the earlier or lighter atomic groupings. Starting from any one element, after noting some one property, such a quality will change for six consecutive elements, but on reaching the eighth, it tends to reappear, that is, the eighth chemically active element resembles the first, the ninth the second, and so on. Such a fact of the physical world unmistakably points to the sevenfold constitution of ancestral energy and is indicative of the fundamental reality of the sevenfold diversity of the creations of time and space. Man should also note that there are seven colors in the natural spectrum.

(480.2) 42:9.4 But not all the suppositions of natural philosophy are valid; for example, the hypothetical ether, which represents an ingenious attempt of man to unify his ignorance of space phenomena. The philosophy of the universe cannot be predicated on the observations of so-called science. If such a metamorphosis could not be seen, a scientist would be inclined to deny the possibility of developing a butterfly out of a caterpillar.

(480.3) 42:9.5 Physical stability associated with biologic elasticity is present in nature only because of the well-nigh infinite wisdom possessed by the Master Architects of creation. Nothing less than transcendental wisdom could ever design units of matter which are at the same time so stable and so efficiently flexible.

Yes, the number 7 as revealed in the UB, is a divine creative pattern signature, which echoes thru-out creation. We have the 7-fold Spirit, 7 Superuniverses, 7 differentials of the Paradise Trinity in coordinate function, 7 adjutant mind-spirits, 7 colours of the light-spectrum(rainbow), 7 notes in an 'octave', 7 days in a week,....and so on. The numbers 1, 3 & 7 are significant as primary numbers. We note that 'God' is '1', '3' and '7' in Deity constitution and expression 'One', 'Trinity' and a 'Septonate' (7-fold Spirit expression).



Well-known member
This is a clip from the UB from the Jesus papers where Jesus talks privately about the scriptures. I believe what Jesus is saying in this, my heart resonates with this. God within me validates this truth, but naturally a Bible worshiper would not be prepared to accept it:
"Prepared?" :nono: Just incredibly easy to see it as fabrication that it is. It is written, quite literally, by a guy who had an agenda to legitimize his/her own mental musings.
Accordingly, on this night, after the usual period of questions and answers,
No mention of this 'usual' period mentioned in scriptures :plain:
And Abila was a 'gentile' city.

Nathaniel took Jesus away from the others and asked: “Master, could you trust me to know the truth about the Scriptures?
my heart resonates with this. God within me validates this truth
Such isn't questioned. Mormon's appeal to the same emotional intangibles.
I observe that you teach us only a portion of the sacred writings — the best as I view it — and I infer that you reject the teachings of the rabbis to the effect that the words of the law are the very words of God, having been with God in heaven even before the times of Abraham and Moses. What is the truth about the Scriptures?” When Jesus heard the question of his bewildered apostle, he answered:
:nono: Likely not. He taught in the synagogues and read from the scriptures. Someone who doesn't know their Bible could certainly be duped, and you have been.

“Nathaniel, you have rightly judged; I do not regard the Scriptures as do the rabbis. I will talk with you about this matter on condition that you do not relate these things to your brethren, who are not all prepared to receive this teaching.
That's the same thing Joseph Smith used to pass off the golden plates that don't exist either. And you feel
my heart resonates with this. God within me validates this truth
??? Gullible?

The words of the law of Moses and the teachings of the Scriptures were not in existence before Abraham. Only in recent times have the Scriptures been gathered together as we now have them. While they contain the best of the higher thoughts and longings of the Jewish people, they also contain much that is far from being representative of the character and teachings of the Father in heaven;
my heart resonates with this. God within me validates this truth
Yep :up: Gullible! Or is it just exactly what your heart and 'god within" were looking for :think:

(1767.5) 159:4.3 “These writings are the work of men, some of them holy men, others not so holy.
You've been on a vacation for this and haven't learned your lesson.
2 Peter 1:21-22 20But know this first of all, that no prophecy of Scripture is a matter of one's own interpretation, 21for no prophecy was ever made by an act of human will, but men moved by the Holy Spirit spoke from God.

And 2 Timothy 3:15-17 15and that from childhood you have known the sacred writings which are able to give you the wisdom that leads to salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus. 16All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness; 17so that the man of God may be adequate, equipped for every good work.

Your 'writer' is a charlatan and worse than a liar because he fabricated these writings against the very words of God.
(The teachings of these books represent the views and extent of enlightenment of the times in which they had their origin. As a revelation of truth, the last are more dependable than the first. The Scriptures are faulty and altogether human in origin, but mistake not, they do constitute the best collection of religious wisdom and spiritual truth to be found in all the world at this time.

((1767.6) 159:4.4 “Many of these books were not written by the persons whose names they bear, but that in no way detracts from the value of the truths which they contain. If the story of Jonah should not be a fact, even if Jonah had never lived, still would the profound truth of this narrative, the love of God for Nineveh and the so-called heathen, be none the less precious in the eyes of all those who love their fellow men. The Scriptures are sacred because they present the thoughts and acts of men who were searching for God, and who in these writings left on record their highest concepts of righteousness, truth, and holiness. The Scriptures contain much that is true, very much, but in the light of your present teaching, you know that these writings also contain much that is misrepresentative of the Father in heaven, the loving God I have come to reveal to all the worlds
It is painfully obvious that this was written by a charlatan. There I no possible way Jesus spoke these words. None.

((1768.1) 159:4.5 “Nathaniel, never permit yourself for one moment to believe the Scripture records which tell you that the God of love directed your forefathers to go forth in battle to slay all their enemies — men, women, and children. Such records are the words of men, not very holy men, and they are not the word of God. The Scriptures always have, and always will, reflect the intellectual, moral, and spiritual status of those who create them. Have you not noted that the concepts of Yahweh grow in beauty and glory as the prophets make their records from Samuel to Isaiah? And you should remember that the Scriptures are intended for religious instruction and spiritual guidance. They are not the works of either historians or philosophers

(1768.2) 159:4.6 “The thing most deplorable is not merely this erroneous idea of the absolute perfection of the Scripture record and the infallibility of its teachings,
NOT Jesus speaking. Of course it is a man who doesn't like the Old Testament and of course
my heart resonates with this. God within me validates this truth
Romans 1:25 They exchanged the truth about God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator--who is forever praised. Amen.

but rather the confusing misinterpretation of these sacred writings by the tradition-enslaved scribes and Pharisees at Jerusalem. And now will they employ both the doctrine of the inspiration of the Scriptures and their misinterpretations thereof in their determined effort to withstand these newer teachings of the gospel of the kingdom.
Sacred? He just said they were fallible :doh: Of course the guy never put his name on this to avoid ad hominem. He's a confused.

Nathaniel, never forget,
What an amazingly MODERN colloquial :think:

the Father does not limit the revelation of truth to any one generation or to any one people. Many earnest seekers after the truth have been, and will continue to be, confused and disheartened by these doctrines of the perfection of the Scriptures.

(1768.3) 159:4.7 “The authority of truth is the very spirit that indwells its living manifestations, and not the dead words of the less illuminated and supposedly inspired men of another generation. And even if these holy men of old lived inspired and spirit-filled lives, that does not mean that their words were similarly spiritually inspired. Today we make no record of the teachings of this gospel of the kingdom lest, when I have gone, you speedily become divided up into sundry groups of truth contenders as a result of the diversity of your interpretation of my teachings. For this generation it is best that we live these truths while we shun the making of records.
Like the "LATE not-so-great U-rant-a lot paper dross. :doh: This is a double-minded man, unstable in all his ways and whoever reads and follows him is an uneducated drone.

(1768.4) 159:4.8 “Mark you well my words, Nathaniel, nothing which human nature has touched can be regarded as infallible. Through the mind of man divine truth may indeed shine forth, but always of relative purity and partial divinity. The creature may crave infallibility, but only the Creators possess it

(1768.5) 159:4.9 “But the greatest error of the teaching about the Scriptures is the doctrine of their being sealed books of mystery and wisdom which only the wise minds of the nation dare to interpret. The revelations of divine truth are not sealed except by human ignorance, bigotry, and narrow-minded intolerance. The light of the Scriptures is only dimmed by prejudice and darkened by superstition. A false fear of sacredness has prevented religion from being safeguarded by common sense.
Yeah, that's what "Jesus" said, "Us your common sense." :doh:

The fear of the authority of the sacred writings of the past effectively prevents the honest souls of today from accepting the new light of the gospel, the light which these very God-knowing men of another generation so intensely longed to see.
:nono: Not fear, reverence, which you nor this charlatan has. You SHOULD fear adding jots and tittles, but there were OT supposed 'prophets' doing this exact same work and they were around during the NT also and so, here today, we have more. The weird thing is, I've been in mental institutions. We generally do not believe the stories these sincerely deluded people tell.

(1769.1) 159:4.10 “But the saddest feature of all is the fact that some of the teachers of the sanctity of this traditionalism know this very truth.
:nono: Quite the opposite.

They more or less fully understand these limitations of Scripture, but they are moral cowards, intellectually dishonest. They know the truth regarding the sacred writings, but they prefer to withhold such disturbing facts from the people. And thus do they pervert and distort the Scriptures, making them the guide to slavish details of the daily life and an authority in things nonspiritual instead of appealing to the sacred writings as the repository of the moral wisdom, religious inspiration, and the spiritual teaching of the God-knowing men of other generations.”
I have NO doubt you'd have written these very same words, yourself. You have to 'be' ignorant to want to 'follow' ignorant.
(1769.2) 159:4.11 Nathaniel was enlightened, and shocked, by the Master’s pronouncement. He long pondered this talk in the depths of his soul, but he told no man concerning this conference until after Jesus’ ascension; and even then he feared to impart the full story of the Master’s instruction.
Wow, 'shocked.' :think:

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
"Prepared?" :nono: Just incredibly easy to see it as fabrication that it is. It is written, quite literally, by a guy who had an agenda to legitimize his/her own mental musings.

No mention of this 'usual' period mentioned in scriptures :plain:
And Abila was a 'gentile' city.

Such isn't questioned. Mormon's appeal to the same emotional intangibles.

:nono: Likely not. He taught in the synagogues and read from the scriptures. Someone who doesn't know their Bible could certainly be duped, and you have been.

That's the same thing Joseph Smith used to pass off the golden plates that don't exist either. And you feel
??? Gullible?

Yep :up: Gullible! Or is it just exactly what your heart and 'god within" were looking for :think:

You've been on a vacation for this and haven't learned your lesson.
2 Peter 1:21-22 20But know this first of all, that no prophecy of Scripture is a matter of one's own interpretation, 21for no prophecy was ever made by an act of human will, but men moved by the Holy Spirit spoke from God.

And 2 Timothy 3:15-17 15and that from childhood you have known the sacred writings which are able to give you the wisdom that leads to salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus. 16All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness; 17so that the man of God may be adequate, equipped for every good work.

Your 'writer' is a charlatan and worse than a liar because he fabricated these writings against the very words of God.


It is painfully obvious that this was written by a charlatan. There I no possible way Jesus spoke these words. None.


NOT Jesus speaking. Of course it is a man who doesn't like the Old Testament and of course
Romans 1:25 They exchanged the truth about God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator--who is forever praised. Amen.

Sacred? He just said they were fallible :doh: Of course the guy never put his name on this to avoid ad hominem. He's a confused.

What an amazingly MODERN colloquial :think:

Like the "LATE not-so-great U-rant-a lot paper dross. :doh: This is a double-minded man, unstable in all his ways and whoever reads and follows him is an uneducated drone.

Yeah, that's what "Jesus" said, "Us your common sense." :doh:

:nono: Not fear, reverence, which you nor this charlatan has. You SHOULD fear adding jots and tittles, but there were OT supposed 'prophets' doing this exact same work and they were around during the NT also and so, here today, we have more. The weird thing is, I've been in mental institutions. We generally do not believe the stories these sincerely deluded people tell.

:nono: Quite the opposite.

I have NO doubt you'd have written these very same words, yourself. You have to 'be' ignorant to want to 'follow' ignorant.

Wow, 'shocked.' :think:

Isn't it time for Caino and Freelight to be banned again?
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