The Late Great Urantia Revelation

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New member
These people that say things like "Jesus was a great teacher," or "Jesus was a man that reached higher consciousness ...but he isn't God and he didn't make an atonement on the cross.." Jesus said he is God and he was crucified to atone for the sins of humanity. If those things aren't true, how is he a good teacher? I don't get these people.


These people that say things like "Jesus was a great teacher," or "Jesus was a man that reached higher consciousness ...but he isn't God and he didn't make an atonement on the cross.." Jesus said he is God and he was crucified to atone for the sins of humanity. If those things aren't true, how is he a good teacher? I don't get these people.

I agree, Jesus of Nazareth, the author and finisher of our faith, is the Son of God, he existed with the Father in eternity, before this world was, as a personality reality. He is the creator of our world, he incarnate in the flesh, lived according to the will of his heavenly Father, he was not only a revelation of that Father but also a demonstration of what man himself can do if he makes the whole-souled surrender to the doing of the will of God.

There isn't just one way of interpreting the cross, Jesus had told his enemies that that he would prove his authority by allowing them to (pointing to his body) "tear down this temple, and in 3 days I will raise it up again." They did kill him and he did resurrect himself. He then appeared to a number of believers before returning to his rightful place in heaven.

For me the cross was an act of Love, it serves different purposes. Jesus lived life to the fullest in faith, even passing through death. We have a God who knows what it is like to die the mortal death as well as live the mortal life, he did it superbly.


New member
Agreed on the points you mentioned. But the cross was an atonement for sin. It was prophesied as such in the OT, taught by Jesus, and preached by the apostles. If we say the parts of the Bible that teach the cross as atonement are not true, then we would just arbitrarily be believing other parts to be true. If all the passages about the atonement are false, then the Bible has too many fallacies to take any of it seriously.


Agreed on the points you mentioned. But the cross was an atonement for sin. It was prophesied as such in the OT, taught by Jesus, and preached by the apostles. If we say the parts of the Bible that teach the cross as atonement are not true, then we would just arbitrarily be believing other parts to be true. If all the passages about the atonement are false, then the Bible has too many fallacies to take any of it seriously.

What exactly does "atonement" mean to you? To me he did "give his life" in that he selflessly did so much to reveal God, his love lead to repentance and salvation.

God is changeless, he has always been forgiving without God the Son being tortured and killed? Jesus forgave sin and said faith saves people, he taught and preached that in his original gospel.


New member
What exactly does "atonement" mean to you?

God is changeless, he has always been forgiving without God the Son being tortured and killed? Jesus forgave sin and said faith saves people, he taught and preached that in his original gospel.

Jesus is the lamb slain from the foundation of the world.


New member
I understand that reference, but what does it mean to you?

It means God is outside time. He is everlasting. From out vantage point, Jesus was crucified after Adam, Abraham, Moses etc were already dead. But Jesus was already slain from the foundation of the world. From our vantage point, it is 2014 and someday the world will end and Satan thrown into the lake of fire, etc. But from God's vantage point, it's already done. It's hard to comprehend, but God is outside of time.


It means God is outside time. He is everlasting. From out vantage point, Jesus was crucified after Adam, Abraham, Moses etc were already dead. But Jesus was already slain from the foundation of the world. From our vantage point, it is 2014 and someday the world will end and Satan thrown into the lake of fire, etc. But from God's vantage point, it's already done. It's hard to comprehend, but God is outside of time.

That's interesting, I understand what you are saying. Thanks

Right Divider

Body part
Numbers 31:17-18King James Version (KJV)
"Now therefore kill every male among the little ones, and kill every woman that hath known man by lying with him.

But all the women children, that have not known a man by lying with him, keep alive for yourselves."
I don't believe God told anyone to do this.
You underestimate the evil that God was purging by this instruction.

God knows better what is required than you do.


You underestimate the evil that God was purging by this instruction.

God knows better what is required than you do.

I don't believe this area of the Jews story. I do not now nor have I ever believed that God directed the Hebrews to act in this manner, rather I think when the Hebrew author was writing or rewriting the history of the Israelites they tried to justify their own atrocities by ascribing them to God.

It is possible that before Jesus came they truly believed God was responsible for everything that happened.
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God has always been forgiving to the sincere at heart.

Isaiah 43

"You have not bought any fragrant calamus for me, or lavished on me the fat of your sacrifices. But you have burdened me with your sins and wearied me with your offenses.
I, even I, am he who blots out your transgressions, for my own sake, and remembers your sins no more."


Well-known member
He symbolized Christ's death in Eden when animals were sacrificed to make Adam and Eve clothes. He is The Lamb of God Who takes away the sin of the world. If you don't believe The Holy Scriptures you shouldn't call yourself a Christian. Christians believe God's Word.


Eclectic Theosophist
true atonement......

true atonement......

These people that say things like "Jesus was a great teacher," or "Jesus was a man that reached higher consciousness ...but he isn't God and he didn't make an atonement on the cross.." Jesus said he is God and he was crucified to atone for the sins of humanity.

You have 2 assumptions above to research. Jesus is a great teacher and abides in God-consciousness as a divine Son. Jesus is not the Universal Father who alone is the most high God, but is a Creator-Son, the creator of this local universe and our world so in this sense Jesus is 'God', being the creator, sovereign Lord and savior of all souls in the worlds of his creation. Jesus is 'God' to us, but we understand this in light of the divine hierarchy. Jesus is Savior not as a blood-sacrifice, but savior of men in every other way as the way, truth and life of God to us by whom we partake of all God has for us. Understanding UB Christology is helpful here.

See: Christ-Michael of Nebadon

We've covered the blood-atonement concept here and elsewhere.

If those things aren't true, how is he a good teacher? I don't get these people.

Jesus teachings stand upon their own merits, whether you believe he is a god or man, or some confusion of the two. As shared is a life of repentance, humility and faith in God that avails.....not merely trusting in shed blood to evoke some magical effect. God honors faith, worship, trust, obedience to his will......doing right. That is atonement. The rest are only rituals, symbols, metaphors to inspire or convey the truth of restoring oneself to God and his eternal laws.



Well-known member
The wages of sin is: DEATH. After death comes judgment. If you have sinned, you will be judged. The only way The Judge will give you a not-guilty verdict is if you're washed in The Blood of The Spotless Lamb: Jesus. Without that, you're as guilty as the rest of humanity. Lost. Without hope. Only Jesus' Blood can cleanse us of un-righteousness. Believing in a 'you-can-be-good-enough-on-your-own' false god (Jebus) such as is taught in Urantia is sheer foolishness. No one is righteous. Not one. Only Jesus' Blood and Righteousness can save us.


New member
The wages of sin is: DEATH. After death comes judgment. If you have sinned, you will be judged. The only way The Judge will give you a not-guilty verdict is if you're washed in The Blood of The Spotless Lamb: Jesus. Without that, you're as guilty as the rest of humanity. Lost. Without hope. Only Jesus' Blood can cleanse us of un-righteousness. Believing in a 'you-can-be-good-enough-on-your-own' false god (Jebus) such as is taught in Urantia is sheer foolishness. No one is righteous. Not one. Only Jesus' Blood and Righteousness can save us.

No it is not the ONLY "WAY"!!! - There is the "WAY" of Christ; Christ IS THE "WAY"!!! - not Jesus!!
You have NO Idea what I just said any more than you have any idea what God ever says about anything!!!

If you breath the AIR of Creation, you SIN by stealing what is God's. You can say you have inherited all things, But none of you have inherited anything unless You now possess the Vengeance that WAS ONCE God's / Christ's!!!

((( 1 Corinthians 15:24 KJV )))!!!! -- Read that!! - What did GOD SAY?? -- Who Now has ALL Rule, Power, AND Authority????

GUESS?? - That's ALL You can do!!!



No it is not the ONLY "WAY"!!! - There is the "WAY" of Christ; Christ IS THE "WAY"!!! - not Jesus!!
You have NO Idea what I just said any more than you have any idea what God ever says about anything!!!

If you breath the AIR of Creation, you SIN by stealing what is God's. You can say you have inherited all things, But none of you have inherited anything unless You now possess the Vengeance that WAS ONCE God's / Christ's!!!

((( 1 Corinthians 15:24 KJV )))!!!! -- Read that!! - What did GOD SAY?? -- Who Now has ALL Rule, Power, AND Authority????

GUESS?? - That's ALL You can do!!!


The gospel of Jesus was very simple to understand, his yoke was light. "he who does the will of my Father in heaven." Simple faith and repentance, a rebirth of spirit.

But after Jesus left they added all kinds of new stuff that Jesus didn't even say. It gets really weird, it's a theory that Jesus, who was God in the flesh, needed to be killed when it's a fact that Jesus denounced those who killed his body. He also asked God to forgive the murderers. The original gospel is what saves.
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