The Late Great Urantia Revelation

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Grosnick Marowbe

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Hall of Fame
That's strange, you are obsessed with killing Jesus, I'm washed by his gospel of repentance and spiritual rebirth that he taught long before he was apprehended and killed.

Jesus said the reason for his death and self-resurrection was to prove his authority to teach his gospel of salvation by faith.

I don't believe the remixed gospel of Pagan Rome.

The Bible says in Hebrews 9:22 "And almost all things are by the law purged with blood; and without shedding of blood is no remission."


Eclectic Theosophist
The ub is not a revelation of anything, nor does it have anything to do with the True and Living God. At best, the ub is a complete FRAUD and CON GAME.


Until you can take the challenge presented to you and prove your claim your contributions here are valueless, based in bigotry and ignorance. You have nothing.


Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
1 John 1:7 " But if we walk in the light, as He is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanseth us from all sin."


The "Ignorant" might buy your 'post' but, you can't trick ANY
True Believer into believing you're a member of the "Body of
Christ!" You're a "Cultist" pure and simple!" You've 'rejected'
the truth and accepted a lie! It's easy to see that! Do you
really think you can persuade a true Christian into, denying
the Word of God "The Bible" and placing ALL their faith in
you, Freelight, and the "Uraunchy Book?"

But it couldn't be me, you are always nasty to so many people on TOL. Who would want to live like that?


1 John 1:7 " But if we walk in the light, as He is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanseth us from all sin."

I believe in the original gospel of Jesus wherin repentance and faith reestablishes a real relationship with a real God.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame

Until you can take the challenge presented to you and prove your claim your contributions here are valueless, based in bigotry and ignorance. You have nothing.


It's YOU that has NOTHING! No forgiveness of sin, no mercy
from God, and no eternal life. If you remain like you are; the
"Bible says, you'll be judged by your works and be cast into
the "The Lake of Fire!" You'll be a "believer" once you're
standing before God at the judgment but, It'll be too late!


Eclectic Theosophist
what is the subject here?

what is the subject here?

JUST what are you Proving??!! -- What if I used the Holy Book of "Moby Dick" to prove that God was in America when Moby Dick was written by Inspiration, - prove that wrong with Your BOOKS!!!!

Maybe the Holy Book of "Tom Sawyer"????



If you're following, the proposal was to do a precursory reading of the first 5 papers to know for yourself what is written. Is that asking too much? The intellectual dishonesty, cowardice and obstinance in honoring basic rules in a discussion about a particular text is mind boggling which includes familiarizing oneself with the actual article. Intelligent readers here can see clearly who the trolls and mental midgets are. It's baffling really.


Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
If you're following, the proposal was to do a precursory reading of the first 5 papers to know for yourself what is written. Is that asking too much? The intellectual dishonesty, cowardice and obstinance in honoring basic rules in a discussion about a particular text is mind boggling which includes familiarizing oneself with the actual article. Intelligent readers here can see clearly who the trolls and mental midgets are. It's baffling really.




The Bible says in Hebrews 9:22 "And almost all things are by the law purged with blood; and without shedding of blood is no remission."

Yes, it does say that, but Jesus didn't teach purging with blood. Jesus didn't sacrifice animals or endorse the primitive bloody system in the temple. Jesus taught real personal spiritual transformation and faith in God. That is what I believe, I don't believe in killing the landowners Son as a sacrifice so that the landowner could finally forgive.


You're the one who keeps getting himself banned!

I get banned because the moderators have a personal grudge against me mainly because the truth I speak makes people angry so they silence me. And then you are a baby and cry and whine to the mods because you can't deal with it yourself. Did you know there are thousands of other forums on the internet where people aren't so bigoted, childish and nasty?

But Knight is a good man, a real man!


Eclectic Theosophist
It's YOU that has NOTHING! No forgiveness of sin, no mercy
from God, and no eternal life.

I can avail myself of such as any God is love. Truth is something higher than any dogma or religious doctrine, any intellectual concept. God is the very essence and potential of my being.

If you remain like you are; the
"Bible says, you'll be judged by your works and be cast into
the "The Lake of Fire!" You'll be a "believer" once you're
standing before God at the judgment but, It'll be too late!

I'm fine as I am. I don't fear an imaginary lake of fire. God's justice and mercy are perfectly administered to bring forth the divine and human potential of all. If you afforded yourself the benefit of higher teachings you'd see that. The papers explain and expound upon the souls journey and destination in great detail.



New member
The Bible says in Hebrews 9:22 "And almost all things are by the law purged with blood; and without shedding of blood is no remission."

That was to the Jews who were still trying to keep the LAW GENIUS!!

Where did you SAY Jesus Powered out His BLOOD???? --- Somewhere else than JUST ON THE (( "GROUND" ))????? - Now let's see you Make Up something else to Prove anyone ( Wrong ) Smart "MAN"!!!

Jesus' Blood can't clean anyone unless they are Buried in the Cleaned Earth BY HIM AND Jesus' Blood - Know-it-all!! - Of which you were NOT - by your Own Admission!!!!!

((((( DONE WITH YOU - AND Your Foolishness!!!!! )))))!!!


Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
That was to the Jews who were still trying to keep the LAW GENIUS!!

Where did you SAY Jesus Powered out His BLOOD???? --- Somewhere else than JUST ON THE (( "GROUND" ))????? - Now let's see you Make Up something else to Prove anyone ( Wrong ) Smart "MAN"!!!

Jesus' Blood can't clean anyone unless they are Buried in the Cleaned Earth BY HIM AND Jesus' Blood - Know-it-all!! - Of which you were NOT - by your Own Admission!!!!!

((((( DONE WITH YOU - AND Your Foolishness!!!!! )))))!!!


I tell you what; I'll cut you some slack because, you were
honest enough to admit you've been in a "Mental Institution"
before. So, obviously you have/had mental problems, and
it shows in your postings! I believe posters need to be
a little less critical of posters that appear to be disturbed!

So, rather than involve myself in, "Verbal Fisticuffs" with
you, I'll leave it at that!

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
All men are "Real Men!" However, not ALL beliefs are "Real beliefs!"
The "Uranuchy Book" falls under that description! (False Belief, that is!)


New member

Until you can take the challenge presented to you and prove your claim your contributions here are valueless, based in bigotry and ignorance. You have nothing.


I've taken the challenge. You just have to pay me for handling garbage - $100 per hour - 10 hour minimum - paid in advance. And, that's a bargain that may go up soon. Put up or shut up. You have nothing except the ub, and that's garbage.
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