The Late Great Urantia Revelation

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Grosnick Marowbe

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Hall of Fame
I've taken the challenge. You just have to pay me for handling garbage - $100 per hour - 10 hour minimum - paid in advance. And, that's a bargain that may go up soon. Put up or shut up. You have nothing except the ub, and that's garbage.

At least "garbage" can be recyclable! On the other hand; The
Uraunchy Book, can't be! Due to the fact that, MOST people
are smart enough to not accept "Fairy Tales." Supposedly,
received from "Cosmic Entities" through an amazing
sleeping woman who was used as a conduit to spread
the "Urantia gospel" to all the inhabitants of planet earth!


New member
If you're following, the proposal was to do a precursory reading of the first 5 papers to know for yourself what is written. Is that asking too much? The intellectual dishonesty, cowardice and obstinance in honoring basic rules in a discussion about a particular text is mind boggling which includes familiarizing oneself with the actual article. Intelligent readers here can see clearly who the trolls and mental midgets are. It's baffling really.


It's not much of a mystery. The trolls and mental midgets are the ones trying to push a comic book, the urantia book, as the truth. What's really disgusting is trying to compare the urantia book to the Holy Bible. The urantia garbage needs to be hauled off and buried somewhere.


New member
At least "garbage" can be recyclable! On the other hand; The
Uraunchy Book, can't be! Due to the fact that, MOST people
are smart enough to not accept "Fairy Tales." Supposedly,
received from "Cosmic Entities" through an amazing
sleeping woman who was used as a conduit to spread
the "Urantia gospel" to all the inhabitants of planet earth!

Some people will believe almost anything, and I feel sorry for those who believe little green men fairy tales like the urantia book.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
The "Uraunchy Book" is a supposed "addition" to the Holy Scriptures!
Accept, it had its beginnings in the "Occult." The 'followers' of the
"Uraunchy Book" even have names for the various "Cosmic Entities"
and their position in the scheme of things! Each of these, "creatures
of the imagination" have their own "Titles!" This, "Cult" is a 20th
Century creation. It has a number of adherents, among the ignorant,
naive, and gullible!

Freelight, and Caino represent this 'Cult' on TOL. They try real hard to
get posters to read and study the Urantia Book in order to have an
"Intellectual" discussion about the "truthfulness" of the Urantia addition
to the Bible! They're like "Cosmic used car salesman!" They really 'push'
posters to read their materials! Don't be tricked into reading their 'false

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
It's not much of a mystery. The trolls and mental midgets are the ones trying to push a comic book, the urantia book, as the truth. What's really disgusting is trying to compare the urantia book to the Holy Bible. The urantia garbage needs to be hauled off and buried somewhere.

Perhaps, it should be buried in another Universe?


Eclectic Theosophist
At least "garbage" can be recyclable! On the other hand; The
Uraunchy Book, can't be! Due to the fact that, MOST people
are smart enough to not accept "Fairy Tales." Supposedly,
received from "Cosmic Entities" through an amazing
sleeping woman who was used as a conduit to spread
the "Urantia gospel" to all the inhabitants of planet earth!

The sleeping subject was a man whose identity was kept hidden.

Is the UB a hoax?

Return here.



Eclectic Theosophist
discussion ethics.......

discussion ethics.......

I've taken the challenge. You just have to pay me for handling garbage - $100 per hour - 10 hour minimum - paid in advance. And, that's a bargain that may go up soon. Put up or shut up. You have nothing except the ub, and that's garbage.

You have NOT taken the challenge neither shown any courage or integrity in respecting the subject by reading the first 5 papers, which would educate you about what you are currently ignorant of. You choose presumption, cowardice, ignorance, arrogance, bigotry over intellectual honesty, open research and the prospect of learning. You disrespect the rules of honest discussion/research, marginalizing and denigrating the material, disqualifying yourself on so many levels.

The perception of 'garbage' is a projection of your own psyche whose attack/defense mechanism must demean something or someone to bolster their own position as being the only true or right one. It's a gesture of fear/insecurity. If you don't want to be seen as a troll or ignoramus, act differently. If you're not interested in learning and discussing the papers go elsewhere.



New member
You have NOT taken the challenge neither shown any courage or integrity in respecting the subject by reading the first 5 papers, which would educate you about what you are currently ignorant of. You choose presumption, cowardice, ignorance, arrogance, bigotry over intellectual honesty, open research and the prospect of learning. You disrespect the rules of honest discussion/research, marginalizing and denigrating the material, disqualifying yourself on so many levels.

The perception of 'garbage' is a projection of your own psyche whose attack/defense mechanism must demean something or someone to bolster their own position as being the only true or right one. It's a gesture of fear/insecurity. If you don't want to be seen as a troll or ignoramus, act differently. If you're not interested in learning and discussing the papers go elsewhere.


You're repeating yourself, so I'll repeat myself:

Originally Posted by journey

I've taken the challenge. You just have to pay me for handling garbage - $100 per hour - 10 hour minimum - paid in advance. And, that's a bargain that may go up soon. Put up or shut up. You have nothing except the ub, and that's garbage.

You're already seen as a troll and ignoramus.


Eclectic Theosophist
Some people will believe almost anything, and I feel sorry for those who believe little green men fairy tales like the urantia book.


Idiocy is not admirable when one can have knowledge. The UB has nothing to do with little green men. The only mental midgets out there are those making assumptions and failing to educate themselves.



More About Parables

"The apostles were parable-minded, so much so that the whole of the next evening was devoted to the further discussion of parables. Jesus introduced the evening’s conference by saying: “My beloved, you must always make a difference in teaching so as to suit your presentation of truth to the minds and hearts before you. When you stand before a multitude of varying intellects and temperaments, you cannot speak different words for each class of hearers, but you can tell a story to convey your teaching; and each group, even each individual, will be able to make his own interpretation of your parable in accordance with his own intellectual and spiritual endowments. You are to let your light shine but do so with wisdom and discretion. No man, when he lights a lamp, covers it up with a vessel or puts it under the bed; he puts his lamp on a stand where all can behold the light. Let me tell you that nothing is hid in the kingdom of heaven which shall not be made manifest; neither are there any secrets which shall not ultimately be made known. Eventually, all these things shall come to light. Think not only of the multitudes and how they hear the truth; take heed also to yourselves how you hear. Remember that I have many times told you: To him who has shall be given more, while from him who has not shall be taken away even that which he thinks he has.”

The continued discussion of parables and further instruction as to their interpretation may be summarized and expressed in modern phraseology as follows:

Jesus advised against the use of either fables or allegories in teaching the truths of the gospel. He did recommend the free use of parables, especially nature parables. He emphasized the value of utilizing the analogy existing between the natural and the spiritual worlds as a means of teaching truth. He frequently alluded to the natural as “the unreal and fleeting shadow of spirit realities.”

Jesus narrated three or four parables from the Hebrew scriptures, calling attention to the fact that this method of teaching was not wholly new. However, it became almost a new method of teaching as he employed it from this time onward.

In teaching the apostles the value of parables, Jesus called attention to the following points:

The parable provides for a simultaneous appeal to vastly different levels of mind and spirit. The parable stimulates the imagination, challenges the discrimination, and provokes critical thinking; it promotes sympathy without arousing antagonism.

The parable proceeds from the things which are known to the discernment of the unknown. The parable utilizes the material and natural as a means of introducing the spiritual and the supermaterial.

Parables favor the making of impartial moral decisions. The parable evades much prejudice and puts new truth gracefully into the mind and does all this with the arousal of a minimum of the self-defense of personal resentment.

To reject the truth contained in parabolical analogy requires conscious intellectual action which is directly in contempt of one’s honest judgment and fair decision. The parable conduces to the forcing of thought through the sense of hearing.

The use of the parable form of teaching enables the teacher to present new and even startling truths while at the same time he largely avoids all controversy and outward clashing with tradition and established authority.

The parable also possesses the advantage of stimulating the memory of the truth taught when the same familiar scenes are subsequently encountered.​

In this way Jesus sought to acquaint his followers with many of the reasons underlying his practice of increasingly using parables in his public teaching." UB 1955



I had to put the immature, religious in name only, people back in the troll box. Not only are they poor defenders of the Christian faith, but they know nothing about our faith, so after a while it's like dealing with Ferguson protestors.




Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
The UB was originally published in 1955! Sort of reminds
us of another book published five year's earlier, titled;
"Dianetics" written by none other than, L.Ron Hubbard.

Both "beliefs" Scientology and The Urantia Book share a
couple of things in common. One, they are both Cults,
and two, they are both, 'fictionalized' accounts of our
existence! Both are "pure" Science Fiction" type
theories. And, both can basically, be traced back to their
"imaginative" authors! So, we have two, totally fictionalized
fabrications to choose from! Scientology and The Urantia

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
More About Parables

"The apostles were parable-minded, so much so that the whole of the next evening was devoted to the further discussion of parables. Jesus introduced the evening’s conference by saying: “My beloved, you must always make a difference in teaching so as to suit your presentation of truth to the minds and hearts before you. When you stand before a multitude of varying intellects and temperaments, you cannot speak different words for each class of hearers, but you can tell a story to convey your teaching; and each group, even each individual, will be able to make his own interpretation of your parable in accordance with his own intellectual and spiritual endowments. You are to let your light shine but do so with wisdom and discretion. No man, when he lights a lamp, covers it up with a vessel or puts it under the bed; he puts his lamp on a stand where all can behold the light. Let me tell you that nothing is hid in the kingdom of heaven which shall not be made manifest; neither are there any secrets which shall not ultimately be made known. Eventually, all these things shall come to light. Think not only of the multitudes and how they hear the truth; take heed also to yourselves how you hear. Remember that I have many times told you: To him who has shall be given more, while from him who has not shall be taken away even that which he thinks he has.”

Wasn't the first draft of the Urantia Book written on the back
of a, "Kellogg cereal box?"
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