The Late Great Urantia Revelation

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Jesus speaks with a Mithraic priest while in Rome.


132:3.1 "Nabon was a Greek Jew and foremost among the leaders of the chief mystery cult in Rome, the Mithraic. While this high priest of Mithraism held many conferences with the Damascus scribe, he was most permanently influenced by their discussion of truth and faith one evening. Nabon had thought to make a convert of Jesus and had even suggested that he return to Palestine as a Mithraic teacher. He little realized that Jesus was preparing him to become one of the early converts to the gospel of the kingdom. Restated in modern phraseology, the substance of Jesus’ teaching was:

132:3.2 Truth cannot be defined with words, only by living. Truth is always more than knowledge. Knowledge pertains to things observed, but truth transcends such purely material levels in that it consorts with wisdom and embraces such imponderables as human experience, even spiritual and living realities. Knowledge originates in science; wisdom, in true philosophy; truth, in the religious experience of spiritual living. Knowledge deals with facts; wisdom, with relationships; truth, with reality values.

132:3.3 Man tends to crystallize science, formulate philosophy, and dogmatize truth because he is mentally lazy in adjusting to the progressive struggles of living, while he is also terribly afraid of the unknown. Natural man is slow to initiate changes in his habits of thinking and in his techniques of living.

132:3.4 Revealed truth, personally discovered truth, is the supreme delight of the human soul; it is the joint creation of the material mind and the indwelling spirit. The eternal salvation of this truth-discerning and beauty-loving soul is assured by that hunger and thirst for goodness which leads this mortal to develop a singleness of purpose to do the Father’s will, to find God and to become like him. There is never conflict between true knowledge and truth. There may be conflict between knowledge and human beliefs, beliefs colored with prejudice, distorted by fear, and dominated by the dread of facing new facts of material discovery or spiritual progress.

132:3.5 But truth can never become man’s possession without the exercise of faith. This is true because man’s thoughts, wisdom, ethics, and ideals will never rise higher than his faith, his sublime hope. And all such true faith is predicated on profound reflection, sincere self-criticism, and uncompromising moral consciousness. Faith is the inspiration of the spiritized creative imagination.

132:3.6 Faith acts to release the superhuman activities of the divine spark, the immortal germ, that lives within the mind of man, and which is the potential of eternal survival. Plants and animals survive in time by the technique of passing on from one generation to another identical particles of themselves. The human soul (personality) of man survives mortal death by identity association with this indwelling spark of divinity, which is immortal, and which functions to perpetuate the human personality upon a continuing and higher level of progressive universe existence. The concealed seed of the human soul is an immortal spirit. The second generation of the soul is the first of a succession of personality manifestations of spiritual and progressing existences, terminating only when this divine entity attains the source of its existence, the personal source of all existence, God, the Universal Father.

132:3.7 Human life continues—survives—because it has a universe function, the task of finding God. The faith-activated soul of man cannot stop short of the attainment of this goal of destiny; and when it does once achieve this divine goal, it can never end because it has become like God—eternal.

132:3.8 Spiritual evolution is an experience of the increasing and voluntary choice of goodness attended by an equal and progressive diminution of the possibility of evil. With the attainment of finality of choice for goodness and of completed capacity for truth appreciation, there comes into existence a perfection of beauty and holiness whose righteousness eternally inhibits the possibility of the emergence of even the concept of potential evil. Such a God-knowing soul casts no shadow of doubting evil when functioning on such a high spirit level of divine goodness.

132:3.9 The presence of the Paradise spirit in the mind of man constitutes the revelation promise and the faith pledge of an eternal existence of divine progression for every soul seeking to achieve identity with this immortal and indwelling spirit fragment of the Universal Father.

132:3.10 Universe progress is characterized by increasing personality freedom because it is associated with the progressive attainment of higher and higher levels of self-understanding and consequent voluntary self-restraint. The attainment of perfection of spiritual self-restraint equals completeness of universe freedom and personal liberty. Faith fosters and maintains man’s soul in the midst of the confusion of his early orientation in such a vast universe, whereas prayer becomes the great unifier of the various inspirations of the creative imagination and the faith urges of a soul trying to identify itself with the spirit ideals of the indwelling and associated divine presence.

132:3.11 Nabon was greatly impressed by these words, as he was by each of his talks with Jesus. These truths continued to burn within his heart, and he was of great assistance to the later arriving preachers of Jesus’ gospel."



97:3.1 "The long-drawn-out controversy between the believers in Yahweh and the followers of Baal was a socioeconomic clash of ideologies rather than a difference in religious beliefs.

97:3.2 The inhabitants of Palestine differed in their attitude toward private ownership of land. The southern or wandering Arabian tribes (the Yahwehites) looked upon land as an inalienable—as a gift of Deity to the clan. They held that land could not be sold or mortgaged. "Yahweh spoke, saying, `The land shall not be sold, for the land is mine.'"

97:3.3 The northern and more settled Canaanites (the Baalites) freely bought, sold, and mortgaged their lands. The word Baal means owner. The Baal cult was founded on two major doctrines: First, the validation of property exchange, contracts, and covenants—the right to buy and sell land. Second, Baal was supposed to send rain—he was a god of fertility of the soil. Good crops depended on the favor of Baal. The cult was largely concerned with land, its ownership and fertility.

97:3.4 In general, the Baalites owned houses, lands, and slaves. They were the aristocratic landlords and lived in the cities. Each Baal had a sacred place, a priesthood, and the "holy women," the ritual prostitutes.

97:3.5 Out of this basic difference in the regard for land, there evolved the bitter antagonisms of social, economic, moral, and religious attitudes exhibited by the Canaanites and the Hebrews. This socioeconomic controversy did not become a definite religious issue until the times of Elijah. From the days of this aggressive prophet the issue was fought out on more strictly religious lines—Yahweh vs. Baal—and it ended in the triumph of Yahweh and the subsequent drive toward monotheism.

97:3.6 Elijah shifted the Yahweh-Baal controversy from the land issue to the religious aspect of Hebrew and Canaanite ideologies. When Ahab murdered the Naboths in the intrigue to get possession of their land, Elijah made a moral issue out of the olden land mores and launched his vigorous campaign against the Baalites. This was also a fight of the country folk against domination by the cities. It was chiefly under Elijah that Yahweh became Elohim. The prophet began as an agrarian reformer and ended up by exalting Deity. Baals were many, Yahweh was one—monotheism won over polytheism."


New member
Have your "Cosmic Celestial's" been giving you grief lately? Telling you
to work harder, no doubt?
Joe Jordan was a fellow who used to be investigating UFO sightings and abductions. During the course of his research, Joe realized that there was a spiritual aspect to this. (As Christians, we shouldn't dismiss all the stories... there does seem to be some credibility to some 'abductions') Joe became a Christian and now works with people who suffer from repeated 'alien abductions'. These abductions general stop completely when a person commits their life to Christ.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Joe Jordan was a fellow who used to be investigating UFO sightings and abductions. During the course of his research, Joe realized that there was a spiritual aspect to this. (As Christians, we shouldn't dismiss all the stories... there does seem to be some credibility to some 'abductions') Joe became a Christian and now works with people who suffer from repeated 'alien abductions'. These abductions general stop completely when a person commits their life to Christ.

Then, there could be a "demonic" influence involved?" That's interesting.
I believe there's a possibility of "demonic influence" within the minds of
those who place their faith in, The Urantia Book and Scientology as well.
These two cults have similarities that can't be ignored!

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Joe Jordan was a fellow who used to be investigating UFO sightings and abductions. During the course of his research, Joe realized that there was a spiritual aspect to this. (As Christians, we shouldn't dismiss all the stories... there does seem to be some credibility to some 'abductions') Joe became a Christian and now works with people who suffer from repeated 'alien abductions'. These abductions general stop completely when a person commits their life to Christ.

Good post


Then, there could be a "demonic" influence involved?" That's interesting.
I believe there's a possibility of "demonic influence" within the minds of
those who place their faith in, The Urantia Book and Scientology as well.
These two cults have similarities that can't be ignored!

Hummm, well the Bible does say that God puts lying spirits into people, maybe God put lying spirit into Grosnick?
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New member
Then, there could be a "demonic" influence involved?" That's interesting.
I believe there's a possibility of "demonic influence" within the minds of
those who place their faith in, The Urantia Book and Scientology as well.
These two cults have similarities that can't be ignored!
"I urge anybody interested in “Aliens” or “UFO’s” to watch both these excellent videos. In the first one, you’ll learn about the “Collins Elite”, a secret group that had studied these aliens for many years. They were well aware they were, in fact, demonic beings and used occult techniques to summon them. They literally made a deal with the Devil to militarize any technology they could glean from these demons. In the second video, Joe Jordan (MUFON Director) used to be an atheist until he learned the truth that only Jesus Christ stops ALL alien abductions! Whenever somebody asked Jesus for help, these demons fled! He soon discovered this was the biggest secret in UFOs and was blackballed from all the UFO conferences! They would not let Joe Jordan discuss his now over 400 cases where Jesus stopped alien abductions! "

GM..... This might be a bit 'out there', but there are some who think Satan is going to use 'aliens' in end times prophecy. The numerous alien movies may be preparing people to basically accept and worship demons posing as UFO aliens.


Even though the UB has no aliens or UFO's the Bible does:

"As they were going along and talking, behold, there appeared a chariot of fire and horses of fire which separated the two of them. And Elijah went up by a whirlwind to heaven. Elisha saw it and cried out, "My father, my father, the chariots of Israel and its horsemen!" And he saw Elijah no more".​

Of coarse the same author today wouldn't use horses and chariots because we don't use those anymore, it would be a Honda Prius or more likely an extended cab Dodge 1500 with a huge Hemi, tow bar and dear guard on the front for flying through the sky.

But all kidding aside, the Urantia Revelation actually validates this story but without the horses and chariot. There is an explanation for this and it's even more incredible then once thought.



Hi Caino & everyone.
Caino,what do you mean by an even more incredible explanation in URANTIA about UFOs? Thanks.

Yes, Elijih was translated like Enoch, here is an explanation about what happens.


55:2.1 Natural, physical death is not a mortal inevitability. The majority of advanced evolutionary beings, citizens on worlds existing in the final era of light and life, do not die; they are translated directly from the life in the flesh to the morontia existence.

55:2.2 This experience of translation from the material life to the morontia state—fusion of the immortal soul with the indwelling Adjuster—increases in frequency commensurate with the evolutionary progress of the planet. At first only a few mortals in each age attain translation levels of spiritual progress, but with the onset of the successive ages of the Teacher Sons, more and more Adjuster fusions occur before the termination of the lengthening lives of these progressing mortals; and by the time of the terminal mission of the Teacher Sons, approximately one quarter of these superb mortals are exempt from natural death.

55:2.3 Farther along in the era of light and life the midway creatures or their associates sense the approaching status of probable soul-Adjuster union and signify this to the destiny guardians, who in turn communicate these matters to the finaliter group under whose jurisdiction this mortal may be functioning; then there is issued the summons of the Planetary Sovereign for such a mortal to resign all planetary duties, bid farewell to the world of his origin, and repair to the inner temple of the Planetary Sovereign, there to await morontia transit, the translation flash, from the material domain of evolution to the morontia level of prespirit progression.

55:2.4 When the family, friends, and working group of such a fusion candidate have forgathered in the morontia temple, they are distributed around the central stage whereon the fusion candidates are resting, meantime freely conversing with their assembled friends. A circle of intervening celestial personalities is arranged to protect the material mortals from the action of the energies manifest at the instant of the “life flash” which delivers the ascension candidate from the bonds of material flesh, thereby doing for such an evolutionary mortal everything that natural death does for those who are thereby delivered from the flesh.

55:2.5 Many fusion candidates may be assembled in the spacious temple at the same time. And what a beautiful occasion when mortals thus forgather to witness the ascension of their loved ones in spiritual flames, and what a contrast to those earlier ages when mortals must commit their dead to the embrace of the terrestrial elements! The scenes of weeping and wailing characteristic of earlier epochs of human evolution are now replaced by ecstatic joy and the sublimest enthusiasm as these God-knowing mortals bid their loved ones a transient farewell as they are removed from their material associations by the spiritual fires of consuming grandeur and ascending glory. On worlds settled in light and life, “funerals” are occasions of supreme joy, profound satisfaction, and inexpressible hope.

55:2.6 The soul of these progressing mortals are increasingly filled with faith, hope, and assurance. The spirit permeating those gathered around the translation shrine resembles that of the joyful friends and relatives who might assemble at a graduating exercise for one of their group, or who might come together to witness the conferring of some great honor upon one of their number. And it would be decidedly helpful if less advanced mortals could only learn to view natural death with something of this same cheerfulness and lightheartedness.

55:2.7 Mortal observers can see nothing of their translated associates subsequent to the fusion flash. Such translated soul proceed by Adjuster transit direct to the resurrection hall of the appropriate morontia-training world. These transactions concerned with the translation of living human beings to the morontia world are supervised by an archangel who was assigned to such a world on the day when it was first settled in light and life.

55:2.8 By the time a world attains the fourth stage of light and life, more than half the mortals leave the planet by translation from among the living. Such diminishment of death continues on and on, but I know of no system whose inhabited worlds, even though long settled in life, are entirely free from natural death as the technique of escape from the bonds of flesh. And until such a high state of planetary evolution is uniformly attained, the morontia-training worlds of the local universe must continue in service as educational and cultural spheres for the evolving morontia progressors. The elimination of death is theoretically possible, but it has not yet occurred according to my observation. Perhaps such a status may be attained during the faraway stretches of the succeeding epochs of the seventh stage of settled planetary life.

55:2.9 The translated souls of the flowering ages of the settled spheres do not pass through the mansion worlds. Neither do they sojourn, as students, on the morontia worlds of the system or constellation. They do not pass through any of the earlier phases of morontia life. They are the only ascending mortals who so nearly escape the morontia transition from material existence to semispirit status. The initial experience of such Son-seized mortals in the ascension career is in the services of the progression worlds of the universe headquarters. And from these study worlds of Salvington they go back as teachers to the very worlds they passed by, subsequently going on inward to Paradise by the established route of mortal ascension.

55:2.10 Could you but visit a planet in an advanced stage of development, you would quickly grasp the reasons for providing for the differential reception of ascending mortals on the mansion and higher morontia worlds. You would readily understand that beings passing on from such highly evolved spheres are prepared to resume their Paradise ascent far in advance of the average mortal arriving from a disordered and backward world like Urantia.

55:2.11 No matter from what level of planetary attainment human beings may ascend to the morontia worlds, the seven mansion spheres afford them ample opportunity to gain in experience as teacher-students all of everything which they failed to pass through because of the advanced status of their native planets.

55:2.12 The universe is unfailing in the application of these equalizing techniques designed to insure that no ascender shall be deprived of aught which is essential to his ascension experience.


Happy birthday Jesus


122:8.1 "All that night Mary was restless so that neither of them slept much. By the break of day the pangs of childbirth were well in evidence, and at noon, August 21, 7 B.C., with the help and kind ministrations of women fellow travelers, Mary was delivered of a male child. Jesus of Nazareth was born into the world, was wrapped in the clothes which Mary had brought along for such a possible contingency, and laid in a near-by manger.

122:8.2 In just the same manner as all babies before that day and since have come into the world, the promised child was born; and on the eighth day, according to the Jewish practice, he was circumcised and formally named Joshua (Jesus).

122:8.3 The next day after the birth of Jesus, Joseph made his enrollment. Meeting a man they had talked with two nights previously at Jericho, Joseph was taken by him to a well-to-do friend who had a room at the inn, and who said he would gladly exchange quarters with the Nazareth couple. That afternoon they moved up to the inn, where they lived for almost three weeks until they found lodgings in the home of a distant relative of Joseph.

122:8.4 The second day after the birth of Jesus, Mary sent word to Elizabeth that her child had come and received word in return inviting Joseph up to Jerusalem to talk over all their affairs with Zacharias. The following week Joseph went to Jerusalem to confer with Zacharias. Both Zacharias and Elizabeth had become possessed with the sincere conviction that Jesus was indeed to become the Jewish deliverer, the Messiah, and that their son John was to be his chief of aides, his right-hand man of destiny. And since Mary held these same ideas, it was not difficult to prevail upon Joseph to remain in Bethlehem, the City of David, so that Jesus might grow up to become the successor of David on the throne of all Israel. Accordingly, they remained in Bethlehem more than a year, Joseph meantime working some at his carpenter’s trade.

122:8.5 At the noontide birth of Jesus the seraphim of Urantia, assembled under their directors, did sing anthems of glory over the Bethlehem manger, but these utterances of praise were not heard by human ears. No shepherds nor any other mortal creatures came to pay homage to the babe of Bethlehem until the day of the arrival of certain priests from Ur, who were sent down from Jerusalem by Zacharias.

122:8.6 These priests from Mesopotamia had been told sometime before by a strange religious teacher of their country that he had had a dream in which he was informed that “the light of life” was about to appear on earth as a babe and among the Jews. And thither went these three teachers looking for this “light of life.” After many weeks of futile search in Jerusalem, they were about to return to Ur when Zacharias met them and disclosed his belief that Jesus was the object of their quest and sent them on to Bethlehem, where they found the babe and left their gifts with Mary, his earth mother. The babe was almost three weeks old at the time of their visit.

122:8.7 These wise men saw no star to guide them to Bethlehem. The beautiful legend of the star of Bethlehem originated in this way: Jesus was born August 21 at noon, 7 B.C. On May 29, 7 B.C., there occurred an extraordinary conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn in the constellation of Pisces. And it is a remarkable astronomic fact that similar conjunctions occurred on September 29 and December 5 of the same year. Upon the basis of these extraordinary but wholly natural events the well-meaning zealots of the succeeding generation constructed the appealing legend of the star of Bethlehem and the adoring Magi led thereby to the manger, where they beheld and worshiped the newborn babe. Oriental and near-Oriental minds delight in fairy stories, and they are continually spinning such beautiful myths about the lives of their religious leaders and political heroes. In the absence of printing, when most human knowledge was passed by word of mouth from one generation to another, it was very easy for myths to become traditions and for traditions eventually to become accepted as facts.​


Eclectic Theosophist
ET contacts..........

ET contacts..........

Joe Jordan was a fellow who used to be investigating UFO sightings and abductions. During the course of his research, Joe realized that there was a spiritual aspect to this. (As Christians, we shouldn't dismiss all the stories... there does seem to be some credibility to some 'abductions') Joe became a Christian and now works with people who suffer from repeated 'alien abductions'. These abductions general stop completely when a person commits their life to Christ.


As we've shared, the UB has nothing to do with UFO's, neither is there an official 'church' or 'cult' built around the book, but a primary publisher of the text here. I had a charter thread entitled "ET Theology', covering the spiritual teaching aspects of ET teachings thru physical contact and telepathic contacts. In the meantime, my 'Disclosure Project' thread is still extant,...covering more of the 'exopolitics' aspect of ET interaction,....but we do cover aspects of Ufology there as well, naturally....beginning with the contacts in the 40's and 50's...they were with off-planet people, and NOT demons/devils, etc....and were of a different quality and nature than contacts of later periods, as this appears to be an evolving phenomena.

The UB does share in detail about at least one nearby inhabited planet, and tells of millions of inhabited planets in the Grand Universe....our world being just one among them, who are all part of an evolutionary plan ultimately of a divine purpose, beginning with the Universal Father, the First Source and Center of all reality. The papers speak for themselves on these matters.

While on the subject,....for believers, they must accept that accounts in the Bible of 'God' interacting with man (in whatever form or personality) are 'ET contacts', as well as how the UB was brought thru via mysterious means. In the end, the 'product' of such 'contact' being available is what is subject to investigation, so its truth, meaning and value can be determined upon its study. This goes for any religious or philosophical book, claiming to be of a 'revelatory' nature.


Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
One need only Google: The Urantia Book---UFO Cult and they'll
find out about Freelight and Cainos "Religion." It's basically a
"New-Age UFO Cult." It borrows some verses from the Bible
to make it SEEM legit. They believe that there was this chosen
human conduit who, when he fell asleep would have these
"Celestial beings" speak through him while a secretary wrote
down every precious word. A good guess would be one of two
things: demonic activity or just a plain old "Hoax?"

Either way, it's not a Christian book, it's man made non-sense.
Freelight and Caino try their best to have posters read their
materials and watch their "You-Tube presentations." Nothing
but, propaganda.
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One need only Google: The Urantia Book---UFO Cult and they'll
find out about Freelight and Cainos "Religion." It's basically a
"New-Age UFO Cult." It borrows some verses from the Bible
to make it SEEM legit. They believe that there was this chosen
human conduit who, when he fell asleep would have these
"Celestial beings" speak through him while a secretary wrote
down every precious word. A good guess would be one of two
things: demonic activity or just a plain old "Hoax?"

Either way, it's not a Christian book, it's man made non-sense.
Freelight and Caino try their best to have posters read their
materials and watch their "You-Tube presentations." Nothing
but, propaganda.

You live by Google opinions? Fine, then Google "Bible". At least the UB actually respects and validates MANY things in the Bible that Atheist scoff at and mock.

Many of the characters of the Bible that are written off by scholars and skeptics are solidly defended and expanded upon.


Eclectic Theosophist
good boy!

good boy!

One need only Google: The Urantia Book---UFO Cult and they'll
find out about Freelight and Cainos "Religion." It's basically a
"New-Age UFO Cult." It borrows some verses from the Bible
to make it SEEM legit. They believe that there was this chosen
human conduit who, when he fell asleep would have these
"Celestial beings" speak through him while a secretary wrote
down every precious word. A good guess would be one of two
things: demonic activity or just a plain old "Hoax?"

Either way, it's not a Christian book, it's man made non-sense.
Freelight and Caino try their best to have posters read their
materials and watch their "You-Tube presentations." Nothing
but, propaganda.

You've already been debunked and corrected on these matters here and elsewhere. Continue your little disinformation campaign if you like,'re just exposing your own fears, misplaced apologetics and more.

Sadly, you expose your own insecurities, BUT a plus is you are actually serving to disseminate the UB more and more, with your biased criticisms, so people can open their minds a little and explore other cosmic possibilities and expand their concept of 'God' and the 'Universe'. Keep up the good work :)


Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
You've already been debunked and corrected on these matters here and elsewhere. Continue your little disinformation campaign if you like,'re just exposing your own fears, misplaced apologetics and more.

Sadly, you expose your own insecurities, BUT a plus is you are actually serving to disseminate the UB more and more, with your biased criticisms, so people can open their minds a little and explore other cosmic possibilities and expand their concept of 'God' and the 'Universe'. Keep up the good work :)


Like I said, one need only Google: "The Urantia Book---UFO Cult."
And, they'll find out ALL the information they need to know about
your, New Age UFO Cult. You say I've been debunked, but, have
you or Caino debunked the Internet information about your cult?

It's right there for anybody to see. I didn't write what's in the
Internet about your Cult. Or, do you accuse me of placing all
that information in those Internet sites?
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