Why not research the info. provided and find out for yourself ? You've been given the info. Also discussed with journey earlier,...see
Lets recap:
Note that wiki's article on 'UFO Religion'
here has no mention of the UB. In wiki's 'List of UFO religions'
here....the 'Urantia Movement' is listed there, due to extraterrestrial communications, since the papers were indited by celestial beings. Still however, no UFO's were involved in the transmission. A deeper research into the total spectrum of what could be associated as a 'UFO religion' would be helpful to see the diversity within such a group, which may even challenge some groups being included, such as the Urantia Movement itself.
An actual reading of the UB would be a remedy for much of your 'critique-anxiety', since that would afford you firsthand experience of the text itself,
as to what its actually communicating, which would resolve any ignorance or misunderstanding. Now wouldn't that be a rational/logical approach to learning? Otherwise,...this is just a hamster-wheel here, and I could be engaging a more insightful discussion with those really interested in exploring the text and the concepts/possibilities it presents. Remember, this is a discussion forum.
Use it to your benefit. (this means investing in the space and time to research the resources given to you, to enlighten and expand consciousness).
I'll afford you this much for only a season, but if I see no improvement or efforts towards 'dialogue', then I'll have to cut our communications for awhile. I've even been for respectful dialogue here, and have mostly held my ground in such for the most part. I have no ill-will as my desire is only towards exploring new dimensions and taking that journey with others.
Dialogue is a mutual engagement,...be creative and courteous with it. Trust and respect must be earned. Are you capable of taking the challenge? If not, you can leave and stop trolling this thread. Its that simple, unless you cant resist trolling or have an obsession with the UB (readers can guess on that). Your response and posts will speak for themselves. I will give you credit if this was a sincere question, and happy to add my thoughts in response (of course often with corresponding resource material).