Moses as a person.......
Moses as a person.......
If you want to believe the trash that "guru" Murdock writes then you have a very poor understanding of history.
D.M. Murdock (Acharya S) is far from a 'guru', and provides ample historical documentation from a variety of disciplines to investigate her subjects, and appears to be improving with her latest works. While its a given she comes from a mythicist/astro-theological/non-theistic world-view, the documentation for correlations in her thesis hold, while any can certainly challenge those parellels or her scholarship if they like. Look at the data as a whole, and draw your own conclusions.
Her lastest book 'Did Moses Exist' is getting rave reviews
Here (hear the video interviews on this page). I haven't read this particular book myself. I'm open to see the evidence or lack thereof
for any historical figure, and continue research. What if Moses didn't exist as is potrayed in the OT record, but is a
mythical figure of sorts, a personality borrowed from earlier prophetic hero types and comingled with another hero-figure, - we can stretch that to researching Jesus on these grounds as we've done on other threads. In the meantime I'm well aware that the UB assumes these figures were/are actual historical personalities in its narrative, and presents them as such.
Yahweh, God of the Hebrews (Paper 96)
However, being open to research all possibilities and relationships concerning religious traditions, culture and philosophy is commendable, since we ought to research all things to discover their meaning and value, whether aspects of the story are mythological, since 'parables' teach in symbolic language and all is related subjectively in the realm of 'religious experience'.
This goes for the story of Jesus and Lucifer since so much lore and legend exists around these personalities. The UB expounds in much depth the
'Lucifer Rebellion', - and the psychological elements involved, the philosophical context.