The Late Great Urantia Revelation

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New member
Well, at least you have a reason for sounding "odd" after all, you
shared that you had been committed to a mental institution! That,
explains a lot!

My Father is not Satan, - and My ~heavenly Mother IS NOT My Own Wife having a child by Satan!! And You are the Child of Both of Yours -- Satan, Your father, and Your wife. And Satan did not Marry your Wife. It's Out of Wedlock as is All Spiritual B-words!!! That's How God Says IT!!!!!
((((( READ IT !!! ))))) That IS WRITTEN!!!!! I done showed it to You!!!!



New member
That last sentence caught my eyes. What's that agian? What does UB contain reguarding to the Second Coming. We know the early puritans believed the second coming happened during the destruction of Jerusalem near AD 70.

That's exactly what GOD SAYS in His Scriptures Over and Over Again!! -- Just Read it.

God has already come when He said He would - and HOW!! -- ( By Way of the CROSS )! - If you join Jesus On the CROSS in the Gospel taught you. Christ comes and receives You unto Himself, just like He said He would. AND where He is, there is Where You are ALSO.
SOO, HOW Do these other Lying so called Christians say they are (( IN CHRIST )) If he Hasn't Receive them in Heaven!!!

One cannot be in Christ and wait for Him at the Same time!!!

Christ HAS COME!! -- Anyone!! - Prove He hasn't by the Word of GOD!!



Well-known member
The simplicity of Jesus gospel appears to elude some here, since its about repenting and believing in the goodnews of the kingdom. Paul later came and innovated his own gospel message putting his own spin on things.

I can equally share many other sources from spirit-sources and spiritualists where the blood-atonement doctrine is rejected on moral, logical and rational grounds. Repentance and return to God and his eternal laws has always been the way. Jesus revealed and lived the will of God, teaching the principle of faith, calling man to enter into that faith-trust of sonship, where by spiritual rebirth and knowledge the Fatherhood of God and Brotherhood of man is realized. In this communion man recognizes his sonship with God. This is the primary truth taught in the UB and expounded by Jesus in Part 4.

Teaching on the kingdom of heaven is summarised here.

For newbies to the thread, we've covered so much already here, this being a very lengthy thread. Unfortunately you may have to bear thru alot of trolling, but can profit by those here who have the knowledge and wherewithal to inform and engage the subject. Let your inner light be your guide.


Most likely Paul was teaching the Gnostic Christ that wasn't anything new to spiritualist, plus the Roman sect most likely altered his epistles to fit the historic plot. So poor ole Paul get beat like a step child for things no one really knows for sure that he even wrote, or believed.

Wonder why that is, seeing many of the sayings of this Jesus didn't even originate from his supposed literal mouth either so why make Paul the only whipping boy?.


New member
Most likely Paul was teaching the Gnostic Christ that wasn't anything new to spiritualist, plus the Roman sect most likely altered his epistles to fit the historic plot. So poor ole Paul get beat like a step child for things no one really knows for sure that he even wrote, or believed.

Wonder why that is, seeing many of the sayings of this Jesus didn't even originate from his supposed literal mouth either so why make Paul the only whipping boy?.

Paul was after the Old Law, and Jesus could only teach the Old Law by that Law!!
They did teach different things because different things were present with both teachings at their TIME!!
Paul was Killed for the same reason Jesus Was, only it took them twice to fully Kill PAUL!! -- Plus, Paul Knew both were going to Happen. OR Paul wasn't PAUL, the 13th Apostle of Christ to THE Fools!!



That last sentence caught my eyes. What's that agian? What does UB contain reguarding to the Second Coming. We know the early puritans believed the second coming happened during the destruction of Jerusalem near AD 70.

The UB isn't the second coming literally.

When Jesus returns it will be for a visit as his rightful place as Lord, God and ruler is where he resides now.

The "kingdom" is spiritual, it's the rule of God in the heart of the individual, collectively the neighborhood, the city and eventually the world.

The idea of a kingdom became confused by the Israelites to mean a "material kingdom" with a physical king in David's seat.

The apostles held these erroneous ideas about a Jewish Messiah who would fight a destructive battle against evil and establish earthly rule like earthly governments do now. After Jesus left these old ideas contaminated Christian theology.


Well-known member
Paul was Killed for the same reason Jesus Was, only it took them twice to fully Kill PAUL!! -- Plus, Paul Knew both were going to Happen. OR Paul wasn't PAUL, the 13th Apostle of Christ to THE Fools!!


No human sacrifice was needed to become enlightened to the immortal inner conscience. Paul, Jesus, Fred, Barny, etc...doesn't matter, you matter.


New member
The UB isn't the second coming literally.

When Jesus returns it will be for a visit as his rightful place as Lord, God and ruler is where he resides now.

The "kingdom" is spiritual, it's the rule of God in the heart of the individual, collectively the neighborhood, the city and eventually the world.

The idea of a kingdom became confused by the Israelites to mean a "material kingdom" with a physical king in David's seat.

The apostles held these erroneous ideas about a Jewish Messiah who would fight a destructive battle against evil and establish earthly rule like earthly governments do now. After Jesus left these old ideas contaminated Christian theology.

Please read this carefully!!

( 1 Corinthians 15:24 KJV ) -- 24- "( Then cometh the end ), when He "SHALL HAVE" delivered up the Kingdom to God, even the Father; ( when He shall have "Put Down" ALL Rule and all Authority and Power )". --//---
When did that happen? -- Who Now has ((( "ALL SPIRITUAL" )) Rule, AND Power, AND Authority??

( Revelation 12:1-2 KJV ) -- 12:1- "((( And there appeared a great wonder in Heaven ))); a ( Woman ) clothed with the sun, and the ( moon under Her feet ), and upon Her head a crown of ( twelve stars ): 2- And she being with child cried, ((( Travailing in birth, and pained to be delivered )))". --&-- ( Ephesians 1:22-23 KJV ) -- 22- "And hath put all things (( under "His" feet )) , and gave Him to be the ( "HEAD" over all things to the Church ), 23- ( Which is His Body ), the fulness of Him that filleth all in all". --//---
Who, or What "IS" That, if Not the Bride / Wife of Christ - "AFTER" Being RECEIVED By Christ at His COMING?? - Is that NOT The Church, the Body of Christ, after being received at Christ's Coming?? -- That cannot BE Anything Else!!!

SORRY!! for putting so much crap so far on Your Thread!!

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The UB isn't the second coming literally.

When Jesus returns it will be for a visit as his rightful place as Lord, God and ruler is where he resides now.

The "kingdom" is spiritual, it's the rule of God in the heart of the individual, collectively the neighborhood, the city and eventually the world.

The idea of a kingdom became confused by the Israelites to mean a "material kingdom" with a physical king in David's seat.

The apostles held these erroneous ideas about a Jewish Messiah who would fight a destructive battle against evil and establish earthly rule like earthly governments do now. After Jesus left these old ideas contaminated Christian theology.

We have learned that many on TOL believe Jesus is Micheal, the archangel, who might have done battles.


New member
No human sacrifice was needed to become enlightened to the immortal inner conscience. Paul, Jesus, Fred, Barny, etc...doesn't matter, you matter.

I understand that, However, - the Prophesy was Given, and HAD to be Fulfilled BEFORE "Anything" Could End with God who Finally did Put down "ALL Power" to the Body of Christ that was under His feet, Being God's "FOOT STOOL", - ( There are a few things written About that ). - Who Now Has All Spiritual Power; - No Carnal power; - ( Satan has ALL Carnal Power on earth, NOT HEAVEN )! - The Body of Christ "IS" A "HER" NOW, and Christ "IS" the HEAD of His Body, His Wife; the Spiritual of the Sayings of Christ already spoken, not by the Church!!



We have learned that many on TOL believe Jesus is Micheal, the archangel, who might have done battles.

Ideological battles, Lucifer rebelled against belief in the unseen Father, the Father of the Son. Lucifer knew his creator, who is now Christ Michael, but he lived by faith in the unseen Father. "There was war in heaven, Michael and his angels fought the dragon and his angels." It was a battle of "truth" not guns and knives. the children of God, high and low were allowed to decide who to remain loyal to just like man is given the choice.

Just before Jesus began his public ministry the final meeting between Jesus and the arch rebels occurred on Mt. Hermon.

All the rebels were taken into custody and began the adjudication process. Those who did not repent will be terminated.


Well-known member
One cannot be in Christ and wait for Him at the Same time!!!
Paul (the apostle) said believers are in Christ, seated with Christ, yet are to await His glorious appearing.

Why do you have a problem with that?


New member
We have learned that many on TOL believe Jesus is Micheal, the archangel, who might have done battles.

God doesn't say or teach that!!!!!! Therefore That Is A LIE!!!

Paul -- WAS Both- Michael AND Gabriel at TIMES, People Just don't understand what's going ON With Christ the TRUTH!!!



New member
Paul (the apostle) said believers are in Christ, seated with Christ, yet are to await His glorious appearing.

Why do you have a problem with that?

((( AND! ))) Peter at the Beginning of the CHURCH, (( SAID )) - That the ((((( "PROMISE" !!!!!))))) is unto YOU!!!! - The "Promise" of Abraham!! - That through THEIR SEED "ALSO" - ALL Nations of the Earth Will be Blessed, ((( And The Church turned their Backs on that Total Command ))!!! -- THUS!!!! -- ((( Romans 3:10-13 )))!!!!
That's WHAT GOD SAID!!!! (((( "ALSO" ))))!!!!



Well-known member
Now Paul, don't be unreasonable.

You said believers can't be in Christ and wait for Him at the same time.

The apostle Paul said that is exactly the case.

Are you going to admit your error?


God doesn't say or teach that!!!!!! Therefore That Is A LIE!!!

Paul -- WAS Both- Michael AND Gabriel at TIMES, People Just don't understand what's going ON With Christ the TRUTH!!!


I look at angels as messengers. Bible states every person has angels of some sort. From my observations in plain view, even though you want to call me a stupid non-Christian unbeliever child of Satan as you have over 10 years, I view in simple human common sense, that angels might be some sort of connection between God and humans.

I still find it hard to believe angels in human form as fiction claims it.

I have read thier proof texts on Jesus being the archangel but there's only like 2 support texts so it's not a very strong text proofs. Hasn't proved anything to me yet and maybe never.


New member
Now Paul, don't be unreasonable.

You said believers can't be in Christ and wait for Him at the same time.

The apostle Paul said that is exactly the case.

Are you going to admit your error?

( Do the Spiritual Math ) - It's a LAW!!

There Is NO Christian on earth today!!! - nor Can BE!!!!! - The Gospel was taken off the Earth near AD70!!

None of You even Care what GOD Says about anything except what YOU Want things to BE!!!!

You cannot become a Christian by the Teachings of any Non-Christian, Even If what He says is the "physical bible truth"!! - The Spirit of GOD Cannot come out of A Fool's Mouth, Nor Is the Hands of a fool, the Hands of the "Body of Christ"!!!! -- ((( That equals ZERO )))!!!

Just take Nothing - or leave it, there is NO Difference NOW in YOUR World!!

The Great Falling Away???? - Means Nothing to fools!!! You save yourselves in your Ig'norant minds!!!

BUT There "IS" A "WAY", The Lord's "WAY", But None of YOU have IT!!!!
I'M Just waiting for You'all's END!!!



( Do the Spiritual Math ) - It's a LAW!!

There Is NO Christian on earth today!!! - nor Can BE!!!!! - The Gospel was taken off the Earth near AD70!!

None of You even Care what GOD Says about anything except what YOU Want things to BE!!!!

You cannot become a Christian by the Teachings of any Non-Christian, Even If what He says is the "physical bible truth"!! - The Spirit of GOD Cannot come out of A Fool's Mouth, Nor Is the Hands of a fool, the Hands of the "Body of Christ"!!!! -- ((( That equals ZERO )))!!!

Just take Nothing - or leave it, there is NO Difference NOW in YOUR World!!

The Great Falling Away???? - Means Nothing to fools!!! You save yourselves in your Ig'norant minds!!!

BUT There "IS" A "WAY", The Lord's "WAY", But None of YOU have IT!!!!
I'M Just waiting for You'all's END!!!


Do you care what God said about anything?

Are you including or excluding yourself in "none"


New member
I look at angels as messengers. Bible states every person has angels of some sort. From my observations in plain view, even though you want to call me a stupid non-Christian unbeliever child of Satan as you have over 10 years, I view in simple human common sense, that angels might be some sort of connection between God and humans.

I still find it hard to believe angels in human form as fiction claims it.

I have read thier proof texts on Jesus being the archangel but there's only like 2 support texts so it's not a very strong text proofs. Hasn't proved anything to me yet and maybe never.

Everyone IS either an angel of Satan, OR an Angel of Christ! - in SPIRIT, not the Flesh!!!!!

Michael IS the Words of Battle, and Gabriel is the Words of Information; - Paul WAS BOTH!!! Paul and Christ are the SAME ONE!!!! -- 13th?? - 1 More than the great "12" Number!!???

Angels are, - just ALL the "Ministers of God", nothing more. Not the Flesh, but the "Words" of God spoken from the (( Mind of Christ )), Only the Christian HAS!!!

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