Such as when he wrongly said transubstantiation is Medieval philosophy, this isn't even an ignorance of Roman or Papal Catholicism problem, it's a general ignorance problem, since it's the Medieval attempt to use Aristotelian philosophy to more precisely describe the consecration of the bread and wine, the Real Presence not being something invented and innovated in the Middle Ages, but something the FIRST Church believed and taught, and it's an unbroken chain of belief and teaching ever since then.
So he's straw manning the Real Presence. obv he's very open about being ignorant of this topic in the video. So perhaps it's just imprudent for him to have even published the video. He even admits this, numerous times in the video. I agree with him. He shouldn't have published it, but, he does obv have any opportunity to issue a correction.
Part of the problem is the video he's attempting to rebut or respond to, somehow claimed that the reason Roman or Papal Catholics believe the Real Presence, is because of the 16th century Council of Trent. That couldn't be more wrong either, we believe it is Apostolic, the only licit authority the Pope has is to declare infallibly what is Apostolic and deeply true, so thinking the Council establishes a matter, is like thinking the cart's before the horse. The first job is to establish what is Apostolic, and that obv precedes the establishing of something as Apostolic. First it's Apostolic, then and only then can it be established as Apostolic.
Until Trent there was never any dispute about the Real Presence, that's why we don't hear about it being dogmatically defined as Apostolic until the 16th century, before then it was never necessary since it was ALWAYS believed and taught EVERYWHERE by EVERYBODY.