No Kidding Sherlock!!
I find it amusing that get so wrapped up in the details of baptism that we have created whole doctrines to support whatever particular claim. We cite volumes upon volumes of scripture. We argue ceaslessly.
Originally posted by biblicalanser4u
Just want to add that your doing a fine job. Keep it up.
God Bless
Originally posted by Jerry Shugart
You seem to have overlooked the spiritual aspects of Christian living.When we are BAPTIZED into His Body by the SPIRIT,we are "translated into the Kingdom of His dear Son"(Col.1:13),and this is a spiritual kingdom in heaven.Therefore,"our citizenship is in heaven"(Phil.3:20).
God "hath raised us up together,and made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus"(Eph.2:6).
"If ye,then,be risen with Christ,seek those things which are above,where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God.Set your affectionson things above,not on things of the earth"(Col.3:1-2).
You have set your affections on "things of the earth",like WATER BAPTISMS.You are full of MORAL teachings,to the exclusion SPIRITUAL TEACHINGS.
You remind me of the Pharisees who set their affections on keeping the law,but at the same time they crucified their own Messiah.They could understand things of this world,but they were blind as bats when it came to seeing spiritual things.
Anyone that thinks that the "one baptism" included in the "unity of the Spirit" is a "water baptism" to the exclusion of the Spirit baptism into Christ is NOT understanding the things of the Spiril.
The church is the kingdom of Christ (matthew 16:18-20).
Originally posted by c.moore
Quote by c.moore
Jesus said;
M't:28:19: the name
Notice, that Jesus is speaking, and He commands these three names, not paul or any apostle , Jesus said: Father AND meaning something included or added to the Father name which is the SON, AND meaning again included in the baptism the person the HOLY SPIRIT. This is a commandment Jesus said to baptize in these names melody.
Let God Bless you
Originally posted by c.moore
I am still waiting for An answer JustAchristain?????????????
Originally posted by c.moore
Quote by JustAchristian
Symbolism needs to be understood in order to give proper biblical interpretation. Water is symbolized as a grave in Romans 6. We are buried in the grave of water. A grave consist of a hole, dirt and covering up.
Quote by c.moore
Are you saying that the water baptism is really a symbol of the spiritual baptism??????
Quote JustAchristian
In the latter part of Gal. 3:27, Paul states that in baptism we "put on Christ." Again we come to symbolism.
Quote c.moore
Are you saying that water baptism is a symbol AGAIN??????????????????????
Quote JustAchristian
Baptism is the point at which a person is united with Christ into His death and resurrection into "newness of life" (Rom 6:3)
There is only ONE recognized baptism. "One Lord, one faith, one baptism," (Eph 4:5)
There is not a spiritual baptism and a water baptism.
The baptism recognized is the one instituted by Christ himself, which He said was in order to "fulfill ALL righteousness" (Mt 3:15).
Quote c.moore
You said; that you didn´t say this in one of your post, but here is the proof again.
I don`t know if your lieing ,or if your confused.
I hope this is not the reason why you don`t understand about the truth of water baptism.
Please check out what you posted, because so how it look like you was calling me a liar, but I don`t let this bother me because I can humble myself even though I know I am right, and correct about something. If you can`t didvide rightly your posts, then I think you will have A hard time dividing the bible.
I just want to be a help and A blessing to you,
I guess because it`s just Jesus in me, but check this out JustAchristian!
Quote by JustAchristian
I have never contended that there was never two baptisms. In fact, there is three baptisms : Water, Holy Spirit and fire. Am I getting too deep for you c.moore? What we need to always do is in fact, rightly divide the word of God. John came baptizing in the Jordan (water baptism). Jesus baptized with the Holy Spirit (On the day of Pentecost over the Apostles, and at the house of Cornelius. This fulfulled the promise that all flesh (Jew and Gentile) would be baptrized with the Holy Spirit. All flesh does not mean all people, for there are numerous examples of Christians that did not experience the HolySpirit baptism in the Bible.
Quote by cmoore
What`s up with that JustAchristian?
You write about my spelling and say it so bad, but you can see the log in your eyes about you contraditions.
I am still waiting again for an answer JustAchristian.![]()
let God bless you
Originally posted by missedmarks
Regardless of what you believe, the key is what actually causes salvation.
Is it the work done in baptism,
Or the work God does through baptism.
Now if there is anything God has said in scripture, that would tell me He would withold the benefits of baptism from anyone who conducted the rite incorectly, I would be interested to see it.
I think we have become so focused (on this issue and many others) on what we are doing here on earth. We have tried to take the glory away from what God has done in heaven.