Originally posted by JustAChristian
Rightly has the songwriter written saying, "There are none so blind as he who will not see."
JustAChristian :angel:
A flat denial is no 'argument' for a refutation.
I gave an adequate scriptural basis for my thinking.
There is alot more you could add but space or time not permitting.
I have no problems with people refuting or 'arguing ' a case against what ive said.
But let it be in the same spirit and by the same means in which it was given.
For there is no profit to ANY in doing otherwise.
If you consider that I am ignorant of the truth or blind.
Then show me where and how.
But assertions of it is NOT enough.
To continue the 'argument' of water being the natural birth:
True you must be born into this world before you can the next.
But it does not take into consideration HOW we are BORNagain.
You cannot be BORNagain without a FAITH in God.
Nor can you be BORNagain JUST by the Spirit.
For the Holy Spirit does not work alone but ALWAYS in conformity with and to the the Word.
and so He came in the shape of a dove and RESTED upon the WORD made flesh.
It is the WORD that is PREACHED that God's 'foolishness' has chosen to save them that believe.
You have NO foundation for ANY faith in God unless you understand the MESSAGE!
You might believe in a God and even that Christ Died and was the Son of God.
But unless you UNDERSTAND the message as unto you and APPLICABLE to you also.
Not only of the LAW which convicts you of sin.
For if you are not convicted of sin why do you need a savior?
But who convicts of sin?
The Holy Spirit!
But HOW does He ?
By the preaching FIRST of the LAW!
it is no use tellign people they must 'just beleiev in Jesus'
WHY should they?
But when a man gets the convicion not only of his sin.
But also of hsi total inabilaty to save himself......
also by the preaching of the WORD.
Then the preacher or they who are witnessing to them LEADS them to Christ.
and in the testomoany of the truth and the preaching of the cross then the eyes are opened to the ANSWER for sin.
and in UNDERSTANDING thety respond in faith and trecive the asnwer.
If it was the Holy Spirit ONLY on what then can He work!?
If not the WORD?
God SPOKE first in divers ways and in sundry places by the prophets.
But in theses last days has spoken by His Son who is the WORD.
It folows then that God ALWAYS SPEAKS by His WORD!
and what do we see?
But the WORD was FILLED with the HOLY SPIRIT and THEN He began to do the WORKS of God.
and what did He say?
MY WORDS are not my own words but the FATHER who is IN me He DOETH the WORKS.
Therefore it is the WORD AND THE SPIRIT by which we are BORNagain.
For without FAITH it is impossible to please God.
and "FAITH (in God) comes by hearing the Word of God"
That THE KINGDOM OF GOD is like unto a SOWER who went to SOW.
and so the WORD is SOWN in the heart and mind.
that we are BORN not of "corruptable seed "which is of the FIRST Adam.
But of that INCORRUPTABLE SEED which is Christ who is the LAST Adam.
Therefore we cannot be BORNagain unless the SEED of the WORD has been PLANTED!
fOR "EVERY SEED bringeth forth after its own kind"
and Jesus, speaking of Himself spoke of a "SEED falling into the ground and DYING"
Now if then the seed DIES how then can it bring forth life?
Was not "the exceeding mighty power that raised up Christ from the dead.." The HOLY SPIRIT?
and is it not "TOWARDS US WHO BELEIVE"?
then the WORD that is SOWN and BURIED in the heart and mind.
and even as the WORD was buried and raised into LIFE by the HOLY SPIRIT so to then is the WORD that is SOWN in our our own hearts and minds QUICKENED to our understanding and reproduces itself in us and progresively "brineth forth after its own kind"
It is conclusive then that the 'WATER' here spoken of is the WORD of GOD without which we cannot have faith to be saved nor KNOW the truth.
For God is not willihg tnhat any should persih but that alls hould come to a knowledge of the truth.
and the commision of the church is to go and preach and "SOW abundantly"!