Originally posted by CoCrucified
Absolutely correct, and that's why this is such a vital element to our salvation. If there is any lack of faith, we cannot please God.
"But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him."
Heb 11:6 (NKJV)
Not sure what you meen by this.
Pehaps to claryfy something.
To be SAVED ie "BORNagain"
Is only the BEGINning of our SALVATION.
In that even as we are BORN into this world are are NOW a part AND CITEZEN of it.
So too are we BORNagain of the "WATER(WORD) and the Spirit into the kingdom of God and are NOW also a citezen of it.
Then we ARE SAVED.
You cannot even SEE the kingdom of God without being BORNagain let alone entering it.
But having been BORN of the Word and ther Spirit.
We ARE "the sons of God"
and therefore SAVED.
BUT that is not ALL there is to our SALVATION.
God has but laid the FOUNDATION to the building.
What we build on it is another matter.(see PAUL)
BAPTISM therefore has NOTHING to do with being SAVED that is of GRACE and not of (ANY) work.
But is PART of our SALAVATION.
For in that the children of ISREAL were ALREADY saved by the time they came to jordan.
Now it was thier WILLING obedience as SAVED to the WILL of God and their willing CONFORMITY to the DEATH of the old life that had gone before.
Jesus "in whom WAS life" nevertheless WILLINGLY submitted Himself to the WILL of God the FATHER "even the death of the cross"
and so to fullfill ALL rightousness was baptised.
ALL rightousness is both that which is of the LAW and that which is "not of the law"
Therefore we who claim to be His should also be WILLING to CONFORM our BODIES to that DEATH which GOD has ALREADY wrought in Christ and by faith we have accepted and belived in our hearts through faith. and now do conform our BODIES by faith to that PERFECT will of God.
and in the fullfillment of rightousness.
NOT for the establishment of our OWN as some claim though with subtlety.
For we by so doing do OPENLY CONFESS both the RIGHTOUSNESS of the LAW which we have believed in our hearts and the RIGHTOUSNESS which is by the FAITH in Him who died.
and as we openly confess GOD before men God so God openly confesses us before men in that we are blessed with that gift of God the Holy Spirit.
Not for our glory but Gods and the declaraion of HIS righousness and the resurection of His Son.
For by so doing we lay that foundation in BAPTISM of that "PRESENTATION of our bodies as a living sacrafice holy and acceptabel unto God which is our reasonable service"
So it IS vital if we would WALK perfectly before God and seek to do His will.
More it is a scource of continjued strenght and a witness to the devil and all principalaties and powers in heavenly places that from that moment on we are dead to sin and alive unto God and the ONLY purpose we ahve on this earth si to do the will of God.
Our SALAVATION then STARTED when we were BORNagain that is when we were delivered from the bondage of Egypt and the Pharoah.Which were a type for the WORLD and the DEVIL.
This cant be undone.
But the FLESH has also to be dealt with and "brought under"
THE DOMINION of the Spirit.
Baptism is also a BEGINNING in that it is or should be the FIRST manifestation of that RIGHTOUSNESS which has ALREADY been counted to us because of our belief in Him.
and what we have believed in our hearts and have confessed with our mouths.
we now give our BODIES to.
So ALL is now on the alter.
But the confusion that abounds here is the devils work.
For even as the children of ISREAL WERE ABOUT TO EMBARK in the systematic destruction of the stronholds of the wicked and to "bind the strongman and take his goods"
is it any wonder tehn the devil would have Gods people going around unsure and uncertain of the truth?
For while they are so his 'cities' and "gates" are safe.
So it is vital to our SALAVATION but NOT to being SAVED.
It is when the gospel is REDUCED to being BORNagain and our SALAVaTION to the deliverence FROM sin is where the confusion starts.
Paul said of some that they were needing to be taught once again of BAPTISM when they should be teachers of it.
Baptism and all the other things he spoke of in the same passage have been made the MAIN things OF THE GOSPEL!
when HE spoke of them as being the MILK of the Word.
That they who were in such a position were in danger!
But were to LEAVE the BASICS and "to GO ONTO PERFECTION"
Not that we forsake SOUND DOCTRIN.
But a house is laid on a foundation THEN "line upon line precept upon precept"
You CANT go on to 'higher maths' without firsdt grasping the elementary addition,multiplication and division.
Without those you cannot do ANYTHING.
but the HIGHTS AND DEPTHS AND BREADTHS are learnt by going on!
A BABY BORN into this world has to GROW in the knowledge and wisdom of it and will PROGRESIVELY be able to FUNCTION and WORK in it.
So too in the kingdom of God.
We are BORN again into the kingdom of God.
and we too must grow in Grace and in the knowldge of GOD ABND AS WE DO SO WE ALSO WILL BE THE MORE ABLE TO FUCNCTION AND WORK IN IT.