The Hebrew Epistles: Where Do They Fit?

Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
Kindly provide us chapter, verse, that requires us to answer all questions posed, especially those, that have an unteacheable "spirit," such as yourself.

No one forced you to come on this thread.

All you show is that you have no answer to the verses from 1 Corinthians which I quoted.


New member
The Body of Christ did not even exist back then.

"Peter and James and ten other apostles are going to sit on twelve thrones and judge the twelve tribes of Israel. (Matthew 19:27 and 28).

But they fail to understand that when the Lord Jesus returns to the earth that those in the Body will be with Him:

"Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord" (1 Thess.4:17).

We can shift the context from a lesser accounting of the Tribal Transitions, to the "Uniting of the Tribes to the Tribes of Isreal/Children of Isreal". When the Tribes are Accounted in the Gospel, the phrase, "Remnant of Isreal/Children of Isreal", is usually tagged on ..... in the Book of Revelations, it is revealed that Star Wormwood is the "Remnant of Isreal". ............................. When the "Body of Christ is United", the "Tribes and the Remnant of Isreal are United", although they are often accounted together, the Gospel only makes this statement in three specific instances:

1. When the "Tribe of Ephraim/Hebrews Genetic Line" had the title "Head of the Priesthood" ........ and the name of the Lord was removed from the Books of Esther, Ecclesiastes, and the Song of Solomon. (That is because the Hebrews specifically are married to Christ in order to write the Gospel's Law, even though they are not doing that now, the gospel has no language to remove the scribal position from Ephraim (Jesus was given the Crown "King of the Jews" ..... having the title of Head of the Priesthood was a picture of unifying the Body of Christ).
2. When the "12 Apostles a picture of the 12 Tribes, were reconciled to Christ through the Last Supper" .......... and the name of the Lord was removed from the Book of 1John and 3John in the New Testament .......... The Body of Christ was Unified in order to remove the revelation of the Gospel from the Church ............ God would no longer use congregations to produce spiritual truth, God would largely use individuals. The Apostle John which wrote the Book of Revelation in isolation officially began this pattern, with the conclusion of the written gospel. (the Hebrews were the only ones qualified to scribe the New Testament, regardless of some of the apostles and Paul, fulfilling this position temporarily).
3. When God unites the "Tribes to the Remnant of Isreal (Star Wormwood)", so that Star Wormwood can represent the "Unifying of the Body of Christ on Earth". This happens when the "Three and a Half Days", described in the book of Revelation begins.

The Gospel does not remove the name of the lord in Revelation, like it had done in the Old Testament and in the New Testament, instead. What the gospel does is reveal that fact that "Star Wormwood, is the Revelation that is Revealed about the Body of Christ, which can only happen when the Body of Christ is unified" (that is like removing the name of the Lord in the Revelation).

The "Body of Christ" always existed. The existence of the Tribes have existed from the very beginning of Creation, through the parables of the Heavenly Generations of Adam and his sons, concluding with Abraham the modern day Homosapien. The Gospel has accounted the "Body of Christ" from time to time, but the Gospel only in three instances, can we say with infallibility. That the "Body of Christ was Unified", in order to further usher in the fulness of the gospel's program.

(All Human Life is Terminated outside the "Heart of Judah", as well as all human life attributed to any specific Tribe that references Genetic Lines, as they are divided into the language of Separatist Inheritors* ............ We are not seeing a declaration that the Hebrews should be living in the Epistles of the Hebrews ............. We are instead seeing the fact that the Hebrews will become one with Star Wormwood, after the order of Melchisedec their Separatist Inheritance* ................... only the "Heart of Judah" will remain living on the Planet Earth when the "3 Days of Darkness" begins, stated in Rev. 5:5 ........... the Antichrist is leading only a very small portion of people into the New Universe .............. the level of force has not made a humane solution necessary in society as of yet, but we do have less then 33 days remaining now to the elimination of more then 95% of earth's population, we simply need to keep watch as to the next level of cleansing certain people and groups in society that choose to end their lives relatively immediately. If that is infact true their attention needs to be directed towards an individual.)


New member
Kindly provide us chapter, verse, that requires us to answer all questions posed, especially those, that have an unteacheable "spirit," such as yourself.

(The Differential between the 3 Days of Matt. 12:40 and the, 3 and a Half Days of Rev. 11:9 ............. in which "every eye will see the Body of Benjamin" for 12 Hours according to Rev. 1:7 ............... is not a description as the Antichrist being a picture of the "Tribes plus Remnant of Isreal" unity of the Body of Christ. This is a description of the "Tribe of Benjamin" that is revealed as the "Temple Stones" or UFOs. ................. The Gospel does not remove Benjamin until the 3 Days of Darkness, because all the Separatist Inheritors* judgments are not completed until that time .................. we will reach the "Marriage by Fire" level, in less then 33 days .................... whatever else we've said is true, a portion of the people are deceased continually because they are incapable of killing the Antichrist, that is the extent of mankind's sin against the Antichrist at this level. I decided to enclose this response in parenthesis, for public safety because, I'm sure the Antichrist is not finished euthanizing the problem ........... plus he probably has some things planned in putting this problem down a tiny bit more before all things are revealed, and every eye shall see, even that great eye satellite above the earth, shall also begin to see, soon)

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
"Unto the church of God which is at Corinth, to them that are sanctified in Christ Jesus, called to be saints, with all that in every place call upon the name of Jesus Christ our Lord, both their's and our's" (1 Cor.1:2).​

As a side note, I changed the bold to the more important part that people insist doesn't exist. :kookoo:

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
And the letter to the Hebrews is exactly where it belongs. In the Holy Bible, useful for instruction and correction, but after Paul's gospel.

Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
As a side note, I changed the bold to the more important part that people insist doesn't exist.

Here is what Cornelius Stam, the founder of the Berean Bible Society, wrote about that:

"There are other evidences that the kingdom saints of Paul's day became members of the Body of Christ. In I Corinthians 1:2, Paul addresses his letter to the Corinthian church, 'with all that in every place call upon the name of Jesus Christ our Lord, both theirs [those in every place] and ours [those with Paul].' And he says to 'all' these believers 'in every place': 'For by one Spirit are we all baptized into one Body, whether we be Jews or Gentiles' (I Cor. 12:13). How can this be made to exclude the Judean believers?" (Cornelius Stam, Commentary on Galatians [Stevens Point, WI: Worzalla Publishing Co., 1998], 198).​

What didn't you deal with the other part of what is found in 1 Corinthians 1:2?


New member
Here is what Cornelius Stam, the founder of the Berean Bible Society, wrote about that:

"There are other evidences that the kingdom saints of Paul's day became members of the Body of Christ. In I Corinthians 1:2, Paul addresses his letter to the Corinthian church, 'with all that in every place call upon the name of Jesus Christ our Lord, both theirs [those in every place] and ours [those with Paul].' And he says to 'all' these believers 'in every place': 'For by one Spirit are we all baptized into one Body, whether we be Jews or Gentiles' (I Cor. 12:13). How can this be made to exclude the Judean believers?" (Cornelius Stam, Commentary on Galatians [Stevens Point, WI: Worzalla Publishing Co., 1998], 198).​

What didn't you deal with the other part of what is found in 1 Corinthians 1:2?

Not that those three men [O'Hair; Baker; Stam] were ever off; right?

Since when is any Mid-Acts conclusion based on passages that may or may not be referring to a same issue?

Said practice has always been the hole in any argument against Mid-Acts - even within Mid-Acts writers and teachers, when they are off.

Awareness of this not only being its very safeguard, but the means by which Mid-Acts has been able to continue to refine its understandings soundly.

Where Baker, O'Hair, and Stam followed that, there was further, sound refinement.

Where they failed to - and for all those host of both legitimate and illegitimate reasons such things are subject to - they too remained held back from what the eyes of the understanding of some today have been made privy to - thanks to the giant achievements of those three men in those, so many areas where they so brightly shined in like few in recorded church history to this very day.

More O'Hair, and then Stam, even less Baker. Though Stam had been very, very strong in his reliance on Scripture, O'Hair had been even more Scripture oriented than Stam. And Baker had been too heavily "Academia" in his approach.

Thus, the error that is Jerry's cherry picking through theirs and other's writings.

What we learn from O'Hair, Stam, and Baker - if we are astute - is that these issues have always been solved for via distinctions between the two agencies respective characteristics - not - through a few passages someone might assert a thing through, and therefore, case supposedly closed.

How does one prove the issue of the place of Water Baptism, for example?

Through way more than a few passages - through a whole slew of distinctions between things.

Every hole in your every argument, Jerry; regardless of what might be the argument you would make yourself a nuisance by once more - every hole in your every argument, fails that principle miserably - consistently so.

Fact is, yours - and any Mid-Actsers - failure in these kinds of inconsistencies is the plain old Acts 2 Dispensationalist's inconsistency; his failure to distinguish between things as to their many, distinct characteristics.

Fact is, you are an incompetent in these kinds of things - in that, for you; if its not your assertion; if it is not in an external book somewhere, if it is not in some supposed best translation somewhere; if it is not in some Greek multiple choice of definitions, pick the one that best makes your case; then it is by default; neither sound, nor the assertion of Scripture.
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New member
"We gratefully acknowledge the help of others in the preparation of this volume. Of these, three have submitted doctrinal criticisms: Pastor Charles F. Baker of Milwaukee and Pastor Donald Elifson of Chicago; both well qualified to deal with dispensational matters, and Pastor J. C. O'Hair of Chicago, who has probably contributed more to the recovery of dispensational truth than any man
living today. We do not, of course, imply that these brethren, necessarily endorse every detail of this volume as it now appears, but their criticisms have been prayerfully considered and many of their suggestions have been adopted.

Though we have sought to make this book as comprehensive as possible, it is not presumed to be exhaustive for, as we say, the field of dispensational study is as great as the Bible itself. Should there still be some time remaining before the Lord returns to catch His own away, the Spirit will enlighten the hearts and minds of others to see what we have missed and other writers will doubtless
improve upon what has here been written."

C.R. Stam, Preface, page 10, Things That Differ, 1951, 1959, 1982, 1985.

Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
Not that those three men [O'Hair; Baker; Stam] were ever off; right?

At least they had the courage to defend their views.

All you do is to run and hide from the verses from 1 Corinthians which I quoted which prove that your ideas are in error. In fact, not even one person from the Neo-MAD camp has even attempted to answer what I said about those verses.

You and your group have a yellow stripe running down the middle of your back.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
No one forced you to come on this thread.

All you show is that you have no answer to the verses from 1 Corinthians which I quoted.

What a mess...The drone asserts, previously:

"Notice that none of those who teach that have attempted to defend their ideas on this thread. Their silence speaks volumes.."-Jerry S

So, I challenge his argument, where he asserts that we must answer him, asking him to provide chapter, and verse, that requires that we answer drones, such as himself, and what do we get. from our hero, who is always right? More spin, punt, grunts, asserts, ...

"All you show is that you have no answer to the verses from 1 Corinthians which I quoted."-JS

I'll give you another shot, drone. Chapter, verse, that requires an "answer."

I thought so. he can't produce it. And the drone is going to "argue," from the bible?

Sit, unteacheable one.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
(The Differential between the 3 Days of Matt. 12:40 and the, 3 and a Half Days of Rev. 11:9 ............. in which "every eye will see the Body of Benjamin" for 12 Hours according to Rev. 1:7 ............... is not a description as the Antichrist being a picture of the "Tribes plus Remnant of Isreal" unity of the Body of Christ. This is a description of the "Tribe of Benjamin" that is revealed as the "Temple Stones" or UFOs. ................. The Gospel does not remove Benjamin until the 3 Days of Darkness, because all the Separatist Inheritors* judgments are not completed until that time .................. we will reach the "Marriage by Fire" level, in less then 33 days .................... whatever else we've said is true, a portion of the people are deceased continually because they are incapable of killing the Antichrist, that is the extent of mankind's sin against the Antichrist at this level. I decided to enclose this response in parenthesis, for public safety because, I'm sure the Antichrist is not finished euthanizing the problem ........... plus he probably has some things planned in putting this problem down a tiny bit more before all things are revealed, and every eye shall see, even that great eye satellite above the earth, shall also begin to see, soon)

The above, in response to my challenge below, to Jerry S's "argument:"

"Kindly provide us chapter, verse, that requires us to answer all questions posed, especially those, that have an unteacheable "spirit," such as yourself."-saint John W

Got it. Thanks for checkin' in.


New member
At least they had the courage to defend their views.

All you do is to run and hide from the verses from 1 Corinthians which I quoted which prove that your ideas are in error. In fact, not even one person from the Neo-MAD camp has even attempted to answer what I said about those verses.

You and your group have a yellow stripe running down the middle of your back.

Yep, that must be it; a yellow stripe - with matching Tigers.

Of course, this has nothing to do with the fact proven over several decades now that no matter who you deal with on these issues you are not only set in your two verse distortions, but that your actual agenda is your glorying in it over others.

You recently tried this exact same nonsense on Interplanner. I warned him you would; called your exact ploy, including the fact that even when called on it you would still attempt it anyway.

True to your neurotic form; you could not help but be, true to your neurotic form once more.

In the end, he too had to ask you if you have nothing better to do.

Another notch on this delusional belt of yours; I'm sure.


New member
Here is what Cornelius Stam, the founder of the Berean Bible Society, wrote about that:

"There are other evidences that the kingdom saints of Paul's day became members of the Body of Christ. In I Corinthians 1:2, Paul addresses his letter to the Corinthian church, 'with all that in every place call upon the name of Jesus Christ our Lord, both theirs [those in every place] and ours [those with Paul].' And he says to 'all' these believers 'in every place': 'For by one Spirit are we all baptized into one Body, whether we be Jews or Gentiles' (I Cor. 12:13). How can this be made to exclude the Judean believers?" (Cornelius Stam, Commentary on Galatians [Stevens Point, WI: Worzalla Publishing Co., 1998], 198).


1. Isiah 4:3-4 says all human life is destroyed except for the "Heart of Judah", which is Zion.
2. Lamentations 2:17-18 + 1Kings 11:13 says the Tribe of Ephraim (Hebrews) will mark the "Heart of Judah", because the Hebrews are driven out from all the nations, and gathered as the "Apple of the Eye for Judah", like Ephraim was gathered as the "Chosen Tribe of David to Jerusalem" .... thus marking the "Heart of Judah".
3. Revelations 5:5 says "Judah is the only one Living", during the 153 Days.

Judah is clearly excluded from the "Body of Christ", that is presented through the "Body of Benjamin"(Temple Stones/UFOs) and through Star Wormwood (New Sun that encapsulates the Earth), that is why they remain as those left behind for 153 days. ............................... When does the Gospel declare this in 1 Corinthians?

I CORINTHIANS 1:1 Paul, called [to be] an apostle of Jesus Christ through the will of God, and Sosthenes [our] brother,
I CORINTHIANS 1:2 Unto the church of God which is at Corinth, to them that are sanctified in Christ Jesus, called [to be] saints, with all that in every place call upon the name of Jesus Christ our Lord, both theirs and ours:

1. Jesus that is "theirs", because they are of the Lord = "Body of Benjamin"
2. Jesus that is "ours", because they are of the "Remnant of Isreal" = "Star Wormwood"
3. "Sosthenes our Brother" = "Heart of Judah" excluded from the "Body of Christ", so it can be judged for 153 Days.

Judah Excluded from the "Body of Christ" for 153 Days at the End of Time
ZEPHANIAH 3:14 Sing, O daughter of Zion; shout, O Israel; be glad and rejoice with all the heart, O daughter of Jerusalem.
ZEPHANIAH 3:15 The LORD hath taken away thy judgments, he hath cast out thine enemy: the king of Israel, [even] the LORD, [is] in the midst of thee: thou shalt not see evil any more.
ZEPHANIAH 3:16 In that day it shall be said to Jerusalem, Fear thou not: [and to] Zion, Let not thine hands be slack.

153 Days, the "Body of Christ" is revealed, first as the "Body of Benjamin" for approximately 12 Hours .... which marks the "Marriage by Fire" ........... then ............. "Star Wormwood" is revealed for 153 days and Judah, MUST NOT BE SLACK (zeph 3:16) ................ God uses Judah as the brother of his heavenly salvation program, "Sosthenes our Brother", the name of Judah's Separatist Inheritance* called "Zion", actually means "another kingdom". Beyond this, "Judah" is ascribed to the largest geographic area of all the peoples in all the nations that apply, the gospel for this reason excludes the Separatist Inheritance* of Judah to one country, because the world falls into considerable "Spiritual Wickedness" at the end of time. The Gospel simply does not allocate or give rewards for the considerable "Spiritual Wickedness" that has befallen the world at the end of time. The language of the gospel divides the "Spiritual Wickedness" accordingly.

Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
True to your neurotic form; you could not help but be, true to your neurotic form once more.

All you do is to try to assassinate my character in the hope that no one will notice that once again you refused to even attempt to address the points which I made in regard to the two verses which I quoted from 1 Corinthians.

Frankly, you acts is getting old and all you are doing is proving my contention that you just run and hide from verses which contradict your silly ideas!

Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
Sit, unteacheable one.

How would you possibly expect anyone to be taught by those in the Neo-MAD camp about the meanings I put on the two verses which I quoted from 1 Corinthians since all you people do is to run and hide from those verses?

Since you obviously have great confidence that I am in error about the meaning of those two verses then you must have a reason for believing that.

Now is a great opportunity to teach me what you think is the truth. Why would you pass up such a great opportunity to share your wisdom?

SaulToPaul 2

Well-known member
Genesis-Malachi: earthly inheritance
Matthew-John: kingdom of heaven introduced, city inheritance
Acts: transition to the dispensation of the grace of God
Romans-Philemon: 13 letters for the dispensation of the gospel, heavenly inheritance
Hebrews-Revelation: 9 letters, trib context, looking forward to kingdom and beyond

Our Bibles are already rightly divided, if we will just accept it.

We are not told to rightly divide our Bibles, but to rightly divide the word of truth which is the gospel of our salvation. It is not found in the Hebrew epistles.

The above fits the millions of timelines and MAD charts we have all seen.


New member
Genesis-Malachi: earthly inheritance
Matthew-John: kingdom of heaven introduced, city inheritance
Acts: transition to the dispensation of the grace of God
Romans-Philemon: 13 letters for the dispensation of the gospel, heavenly inheritance
Hebrews-Revelation: 9 letters, trib context, looking forward to kingdom and beyond

Our Bibles are already rightly divided, if we will just accept it.

We are not told to rightly divide our Bibles, but to rightly divide the word of truth which is the gospel of our salvation. It is not found in the Hebrew epistles.

The above fits the millions of timelines and MAD charts we have all seen.

STP, what do you mean by rightly divide the gospel of our salvation and not our Bibles?

SaulToPaul 2

Well-known member
STP, what do you mean by rightly divide the gospel of our salvation and not our Bibles?

First, to cut it out from among the other gospels found in the Bible, such as the one in the four gospels and Hebrews-Revelation.

Secondly, even though our gospel is found in all 13 letters of Paul, we should consider which ones were written before the mystery of the gospel was revealed.