The dim future of Britain


New member
No, I do not believe in open borders or undefined boundaries, I believe a country is defined by it's borders, laws, language, national identity, internal customs, etc., I also believe that the constitution defines it, and it is concrete aside of that document being changed. There is a reason it is difficult to change it as well, it takes a huge consensus, and spoils the attempts of sects to do so by a small majority.

Absolutely. Some of those things change more than others, though. And yes, glad that it is difficult to change.

I would venture to say, if a muslim could work toward making the US reflect Islam but do it within our current constitutional structure without violent insurrection you would be correct but, now we are delving into "what if's". That is not what is happening now is it?

That's in keeping with what I understand of the law. There seem to be plenty of Muslim Americans who don't want violent overthrow of the US.

patrick jane

I just watched this video from Mark Steyn, he's pretty good. He talks about demographics, which never lie. How do you solve a problem like Sharia?



New member
Oh, blow it into the wind GD. You have no clue whatsoever if you think Britain will be subjugated by sharia law. You're just another zealous fruitcake who doesn't have a damned clue what they're talking about.


As the Muslim "no go " zones increase all across Britain ! You have no clue.

The Barbarian

I dare you to say that.

In the last 25 years in Great Britain, about 750 people were harmed by jihadists. In that period about the same number were hit by lightning.

By your reasoning, people in the UK should not go outdoors without a portable Faraday cage.


New member
Must watch video - Europeans are not having kids. Leaders have no kids

The video presents faked data to draw his conclusions. He claims a fertility rate of 3.5 for Muslims, but it is in fact 2.2 and dropping, so really only a little above the simple replacement value.

The academic predictions for the muslim-origin population growth is from 6% now to 8% in 2030, and 25% by 2100. Surveys also show that half of the children born to Muslim immigrants no longer hold to Islam when they are adults, so the number of Muslims will decline even as the immigrant populations grow.

Hardly a time bomb, and certainly nothing like your video recklessly claims.

patrick jane

The video presents faked data to draw his conclusions. He claims a fertility rate of 3.5 for Muslims, but it is in fact 2.2 and dropping, so really only a little above the simple replacement value.

The academic predictions for the muslim-origin population growth is from 6% now to 8% in 2030, and 25% by 2100. Surveys also show that half of the children born to Muslim immigrants no longer hold to Islam when they are adults, so the number of Muslims will decline even as the immigrant populations grow.

Hardly a time bomb, and certainly nothing like your video recklessly claims.
Real Fake News from gc


New member
Real Fake News from gc

Even the Fox News guy who 'broke' the no-go area story released an abject apology and offered charitable donations to the city he misrepresented.

Again, does anyone here have any reason at all to believe there are Muslim no go areas all over Europe? Because those of us who live here are calling you out as unrepentant liars.
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patrick jane

Even the Fox News guy who 'broke' the no-go area story released an abject apology and offered charitable donations to the city he misrepresented.

Again, does anyone here have any reason at all to believe there are Muslim no go areas all over Europe? Because those of us ego live here are calling you out as unrepentant liars.
I don't think the video talks about no-go zones


New member
Well, Snopes rated this as False, which supports the comments of the British posters in this thread.

Do you have any evidence to the contrary from thousands of km away? Or are you just a puff of hot air?

Just the video documentary of a man in Britain who was run out of a Muslim controlled area. You do know Snopes is as reliable as a herpes cure right ?


New member
Just the video documentary of a man in Britain who was run out of a Muslim controlled area. You do know Snopes is as reliable as a herpes cure right ?

Emerson, who started the whole story of no-go areas in Britain, retracted his story, accepted it was not true and apologised, giving money to a suitable charity to try to atone for his wrongful behaviour.

What evidence do you have? A video (can't find it on the thread - where is it?) of one person claiming not to have got on with muslim neighbours, while several British contributors to this thread claim to get on just fine with the Muslim population? Doesn't sound like nearly enough to convince me that my every-day experience in the country you are talking about is wrong.