The dim future of Britain


New member
Quit being an *** and get this straight once and for all:

Were or not for taquiyya, I doubt any of us would hold the position we hold. Said it before, saying it again: every Mohammedan who has succumbed to "sudden jihad syndrome" and committed murder has had his or her share of shocked citizens just like you who would have SWORN that the murderers were "one of the peaceful ones."

That none of them can be fully trusted is NOT OUR FAULT.

Can you name any identifiable group of people who can be "completely trusted"?

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Mohammad commanded the conversion, conquest or death of all non-Muslims. You find it unfathomable that modern people can actually believe that but more than you suspect do believe it. It is happening throughout Europe and in your own country. You can keep pretending it isn't happening, but it is happening and you can neither stop it nor defend yourself from it.

It isn't happening and Britain is not being taken over. You're a paranoid putz who simply has no clue whatsoever.


Well-known member
Can you name any identifiable group of people who can be "completely trusted"?

Of course not because no individual can be completely trusted because we all sin. That's beside the point because most people don't hold to an ideology or theology that condones or promises rewards for murder.

Correction: two groups do...Leftists and Mohammedans.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Of course not because no individual can be completely trusted because we all sin. That's beside the point because most people don't hold to an ideology or theology that condones or promises rewards for murder.

Correction: two groups do...Leftists and Mohammedans.

Oh wow, and now with the "leftists" garbage again. You're almost a parody of yourself...

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Liar. Try to speak publicly on what Mohammed said must be done with unbelievers.

Try it yourself. I'm sure you'd draw in quite the crowd...else, people have the right to free speech over here provided they're not inciting violence or extremism. There's many a Christian preacher on the high streets here who are free to 'witness' without getting carted away.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Respectfully disagreeing with you there brother. They are being incrementally subjugated.

Two men were just arrested for burning the Quran online. Can you imagine a British patriot being arrested for burning a copy of Mein Kampf in protest of the Blitz? Neither can I.

A report I saw last week said a man was reported to the police for tweeting something factual and un-PC about the attacks. The police responded by saying they would investigate him.

During the attacks, unarmed police ran into a pub and told everybody to get down on the floor and hide. One patron uttered and expletive about Mohammedans. Another patron scolded that man for speaking poorly of Mohammedans even as Mohammedans were committing mass murder right outside their door.

They absolutely are being subjugated, bit by bit. That's what it is amounting to.

Wasn't there a case in America a few years ago where a pastor intended to burn a Quran in public and it didn't exactly go down too well? He was an idiot as are these morons who pulled this stunt to do nothing more than incite hatred. If you think that equates to 1984 then you're almost as much of an idiot yourself.


Well-known member


Well-known member
Wasn't there a case in America a few years ago where a pastor intended to burn a Quran in public and it didn't exactly go down too well?

Prefab PC social outrage carries far more weight here than it should, which should be nil.

In your country, you'll go to prison.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Prefab PC social outrage carries far more weight here than it should, which should be nil.

In your country, you'll go to prison.

Do you think inciting violence and hatred is responsible? Should people be free to say absolutely anything in your opinion no matter how irresponsible or potentially damaging it can be? Otherwise, your PC garbage is just that. aCW pulls this type of stunt a few times, usually in a bid for some sort of loopy martyr status as if his thread will become censored...

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
My prediction is that the antichrist will appease all soon with false peace after islamic attacks grow worse and worse. We (believers) wont be here to see it.

Is this referring to the 'rapture'? Wouldn't it be a bit of a clue that something was going on if all 'Christian believers' were whisked off before this supposed antichrist appeared? Just on TOL for a start...



New member
Of course not because no individual can be completely trusted because we all sin.

In case you missed it, you just admitted to holding Muslims to a standard that you don't believe any group can meet. Think about that for a moment.

That's beside the point because most people don't hold to an ideology or theology that condones or promises rewards for murder.

Correction: two groups do...Leftists and Mohammedans.

Ah, so Christians don't ever allow killing?


Well-known member
In case you missed it, you just admitted to holding Muslims to a standard that you don't believe any group can meet. Think about that for a moment.

You left out the point that no other ideology (except leftism) promotes mass murder as the way to paradise, as Mohammedanism does. THAT is why Islam, wherever and whenever in power or seeking power, is exceptionally notorious for repression, murder, rape, maiming and enslavement worldwide.

Yet all of you are oddly okay with that, given your offense at these facts merely being commented on. You are evil, the lot of you.


New member
You left out the point that no other ideology (except leftism) promotes mass murder as the way to paradise, as Mohammedanism does. THAT is why Islam, wherever and whenever in power or seeking power, is exceptionally notorious for repression, murder, rape, maiming and enslavement worldwide.

Yet all of you are oddly okay with that, given your offense at these facts merely being commented on. You are evil, the lot of you.

The reason that we seem "oddly okay" with that to you is that all of your facts are wrong.