The dim future of Britain


New member
Emerson, who started the whole story of no-go areas in Britain, retracted his story, accepted it was not true and apologised, giving money to a suitable charity to try to atone for his wrongful behaviour.

What evidence do you have? A video (can't find it on the thread - where is it?) of one person claiming not to have got on with muslim neighbours, while several British contributors to this thread claim to get on just fine with the Muslim population? Doesn't sound like nearly enough to convince me that my every-day experience in the country you are talking about is wrong.

Keep ignoring the obvious I am sure in the end Britain will no longer exist as it is now. Shortly Britain will be run by Sharia law because idiots ignore what is right in front of their face.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
As the Muslim "no go " zones increase all across Britain ! You have no clue.

Well, Snopes rated this as False, which supports the comments of the British posters in this thread.

Do you have any evidence to the contrary from thousands of km away? Or are you just a puff of hot air?

It's almost funny when these tin hat, far right American alarmists think they're experts on other countries, more so than people who live in them...

As to the article by Emerson:

Emerson continued by insinuating authorities in areas as France and the UK denied the existence of no-go zones in their countries and claimed the entire city of Birmingham, England, was one such example of a no-go zone in which “non-Muslim” residents were not permitted


News to me, considering I was there for a night out not so long back. Birmingham a 'no go area'? What a joke.


New member
It's almost funny when these tin hat, far right American alarmists think they're experts on other countries, more so than people who live in them...

As to the article by Emerson:

Emerson continued by insinuating authorities in areas as France and the UK denied the existence of no-go zones in their countries and claimed the entire city of Birmingham, England, was one such example of a no-go zone in which “non-Muslim” residents were not permitted


News to me, considering I was there for a night out not so long back. Birmingham a 'no go area'? What a joke.

I spent a couple of days there a few weeks ago, visiting the university for a conference. I walked everywhere and saw nothing like a no go area. Birmingham is a lovely, vibrant and fully functioning city.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
I spent a couple of days there a few weeks ago, visiting the university for a conference. I walked everywhere and saw nothing like a no go area. Birmingham is a lovely, vibrant and fully functioning city.

It's not bad for a night out either. :D

So much for this so called 'expert on terror'. That's one embarrassing clanger he won't be forgetting in a hurry...

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
And yet you remain brain dead to the fact that Muslims have no go zones in Britain why is that I wonder ?

What do you 'know' about Britain exactly? If you were stupid enough to take Emerson's comments at face value then nothing is what. Take the tin foil hat off.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Nah, nothing can prove anything to brain dead liberals. Reality means nothing to those committed to living a farce for a life.

The reality is that you know nothing about the UK. You're just another far right, alarmist wingnut with no clue whatsoever, who's *evidence* so far has consisted of an "expert" who gave the very definition of fake news and had to apologise over it, and now YT vids?



patrick jane

The reality is that you know nothing about the UK. You're just another far right, alarmist wingnut with no clue whatsoever, who's *evidence* so far has consisted of an "expert" who gave the very definition of fake news and had to apologise over it, and now YT vids?


Youtube videos cannot be denied


New member
You do understand that there are way more reports and reporting from others of no go zones in Britain than Emerson's right ? v=XLAhC8DqiIA

The first link doesn't work, but the second one does. And it shows your claims to be empty.

It is titled Muslim Mob chases cops from 'No Go' Zones in UK, but is plainly a mis-titled video. The police shown are Metropolitan Police in London, and the only clearly identifiable accents are London ones, with skinheads visible shouting at the police.

This is the Free Palestine demomonstration in London from 2009. The fascist EDL (English Defence League) turned up to cause trouble and the police spent their time being a barrier between the EDL and the protesters (of all faiths).

So instead of being a Muslim no-go area, what this video shows is a right wing anti-immigrant fascist group trying to attack peaceful marchers.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Oh wow, Youtube videos. Well, that proves everything.

But, surely you've seen the video of the rabid, Muslim attack dog and the desperate efforts of the constabulary to coral it.

Sensitive viewers warning: it turns ugly at around 4:02.

Youtube videos cannot be denied
And there's your proof in black and white. :shocked:

The end is nigh. Hide your women and children. :plain:

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Now to me this is all common sense, and necessary to protect our society but, to the American liberal it is bigotry.
No, giving preference for one group of individuals over another group of individuals because the first group goes to your kind of church, well, that is.

It takes courage to name your enemy, even more to take the steps to separate yourself from them, and to rid yourself of their presence.
That's what the Germans said. Not recently, of course.

I am watching the news right now as I write this and the woman anchor just posed the question of "how do we identify our enemy without being called bigots"
Easy answer: by using evidence and reason instead of generalization and demonization.

Like i said before the UK has some big societal decisions to make if your society is to overcome this scourge.
The problem is in the "this" and what actually constitutes it.
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patrick jane

No, giving preference for one group of individuals over another group of individuals because the first group goes to your kind of church, well, that is.

That's what the Germans said. Not recently, of course.

Easy answer: by using evidence and reason instead of generalization and demonization.

The problem is in the this and what actually constitutes it.
You look at life through rose colored glasses

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Whereas some of the fruitcake alarmists on here seem to have jet black tints on theirs, cos what they're seeing sure ain't much and it ain't reality...

And anyway, if anyone is qualified to speak to the dim future of Britain it's AB...:plain: You know, that reads a little differently than it sounded in my head.