No, Israel is the wife of GOD (the Father)
and the church Jesus started is the Betrothed Bride.
The Bible makes this abundantly clear.
The question then becomes, "Who is the Betrothed Bride?"
Here's a hint: It's not the Body of Christ.
Here we go again???

The Body of Christ and Bride of Christ are both idioms where Christ is the Head of the Church and the Saints souls that are in it are his body.....the Bride are the saints souls of the church.
Saying it doesn't make it so.
If one looks at the ancient Marriage protocol, one will find that Jesus has filled every part of that ritual with the exception of the Bema Seat Judgements and the Marriage supper. It is amazing that God has gone to such lengths to make believers out of us all...I do not think that I could believe in Jesus Christ has it not been for the OT (all of it). The prophecies that have come true just cannot be explained any other way except they are extraterrestrial in origin being outside of time itself.
None of this means that the Body of Christ and the bride of Christ are the same thing.
Christ is not going to marry His body.
God will marry Christ's body with His bride (figuratively speaking).
Christ is the head of His body, as Paul states.
He is the literal King of Israel. A nation is not a body.
The Bible makes a distinction between the nation of Israel as a singular political entity, and the Body of Christ as a living organism with many members.